Prayer. On-line with God Prayer. On-line with God
Prayer. On-line with God Prayer. On-line with God
Protest the RNC Protest the Republican National Convention On Sunday, August 29, I went with 275 other Capital District residents to the United for Peace and Justice protest of the Republican National Convention. These are the photos that I took. The protest was peaceful. What were we protesting? We were protesting George W. Bush’s war … 4
Inauguration 01-20-05 Inauguration 01-20-05 Five of us went to Washington, DC, to protest the inauguration of George W. Bush. We got our first glimpse of what the facist future will look like as we waited two hours to go through a check point where our bags and persons were searched. The number of police was … 4
Washington – 01-27-07 Washington – January 27, 2007 I asked my friend’s daughter, Anne, to go to the United for Peace and Justice March on Washington. We were too late to get a seat on a bus from Albany, so, we took the 6:00 AM Amtrak to Washington DC. The train was wonderful, we arrived … 4