1. Meeting Agenda 1.I. February 3, 2025 | Agenda/Active Calendar Documents: 25 AGENDA-ACTIVE CALENDAR 0203.PDF 2. Supporting Legislation Legislation that is being introduced for the first time 2.I. February 3, 2025 | Supporting Legislation Documents: 250203 SUPPORTING LEGISLATION.PDF 3. Active Legislation Legislation that was previously introduced and is now being considered by the body 3.I. February 3, 2025 | Active Legislation Documents: 250203 ACTIVE LEGISLATION.PDF 4. Majority Consent (MC) 5. Supporting Document 6. Minutes 7. Written Comment 8. Active Calendar AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALBANY COMMON COUNCIL Monday, February 03, 2025 The Common Council meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (note: when Monday falls on a legal holiday or day of special observance, the Council meeting is ordinarily moved to the following Thursday). This meeting will be held remotely and in the Common Council Chambers in City Hall and live streamed on Facebook. If we experience any technical difficulties on Facebook, the video will be streamed to YouTube. For more information on how to be heard please visit our website. If you wish to speak during the meeting or provide written comments, they must be received by 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting or provided in-person immediately prior to the meeting. Members of the public who wish to provide public comment remotely are asked to submit the public comment request through the public comment form on the Common Council webpage. All comments are memorialized on our Facebook page, website, and are subject to ORDER OF BUSINESS: Roll Call Welcome Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Public Hearings Public Comment Period (30 Minutes) Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings Consideration of Local Laws Communications from the Mayor, Department Heads and other City Officials Consideration of Vetoes Presentation of Petitions and Communications Reports of Standing Committees Reports of Ad Hoc Committees Consideration of Ordinances Consideration of Resolutions Additional Public Comment (30 Minutes) Miscellaneous or Unfinished Business Adjournment (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 1 of 15 Albany Common Council Active Calendar Monday, February 03, 2025 The Active Calendar is meant to indicate items which are anticipated to come up for action at the indicated Common Council meeting. Items on a committee agenda prior to the indicated Council meeting are included subject to committee action and recommendation. New items on the agenda for introduction, but which will not be acted upon on the evening of introduction is not included on the Active Calendar. This Calendar does not preclude the addition of items for action by Majority Consent of the Council. Items added by Majority Consent are those which were not available for the agenda within the required deadline but which cannot wait for the subsequent Council meeting for introduction and/or action. Legislation Prime Sponsor Subject Ordinances Held Keegan AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IX (PROHIBITION 22.72.24 AGAINST CERTAIN FORMS OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION) OF CHAPTER 255 (PEACE AND GOOD ORDER) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO EXPANDING THE DEFINITIONS OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION Pending Discussion at the Public Safety Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 Resolutions Introduced Kimbrough A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING 7.21.25R DEMETRA BROWN AS A MARRIAGE OFFICER Resolutions Introduced Kimbrough A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL CELEBRATING 8.21.25R LUNAR NEW YEAR AND RECOGNIZING ITS CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE Resolutions Introduced Anane A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING 9.21.25R BLACK HISTORY MONTH AND THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF AFRICAN AMERICANS AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO RAISE THE PAN-AFRICAN FLAG ON CITY HALL ANNUALLY IN SOLIDARITY Resolutions Introduced Hoey A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE SIGNIFICANT 10.21.25R ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND THEIR INDUCTION INTO THE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Resolutions Held Hoey A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING 119.102.24R EMILY SOWEK AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY POLICE REVIEW BOARD Pending Discussion at the Public Safety Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 Resolutions Held Love A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING 4.12.25R ROGER AND MARIA MARKOVICS FOR THEIR HOUSING ADVOCACY AND LEGACY (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 2 of 15 Local Laws Held 1 Johnson Local Law C of 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO CREATING A PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION *Referred to Public Safety | Discussed: 6/9/2022* 2 Balarin Local Law G of 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART 4 (HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION), PART 13 (PLANNING BOARD OF CITY OF ALBANY), AND PART 35 (BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REDUCING THE SIZE OF THE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION AND AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO THE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION, CITY PLANNING BOARD, AND BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use | Discussed: 12/21/2022* 3 Romero Local Law I of 2022 A LOCAL LAW CREATING A COMMUNITY COMMISSION TO STUDY THE ENACTMENT OF REPARATIONS REMEDIES RELATED TO THE SALE OF CANNABIS IN THE CITY OF ALBANY *Referred to Joint Finance and Human Rights Committee | Discussed: 5/13/2024* 4 Romero Local Law J of 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING ARTICLE VIIB (ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT INTERACTIONS) OF PART 1 (DEPARTMENT OF POLICE) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSION) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PROHIBITING THE ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT FROM PURCHASING, STOCKPILING, AND USING KINETIC ENERGY MUNITIONS *Referred to Public Safety | Discussed: 9/28/2022* 5 Romero Local Law K of 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING ARTICLE VIIB (ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT INTERACTIONS) OF PART 1 (DEPARTMENT OF POLICE) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSION) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PROHIBITING THE ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT FROM PURCHASING, STOCKPILING, AND USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS *Referred to Public Safety | Discussed: 9/28/2022* 6 Kimbrough Local Law L of 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING ARTICLE VIIB (ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT INTERACTIONS) OF PART 1 (DEPARTMENT OF POLICE) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY WITH REGARD TO THE USE OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS AND KINETIC ENERGY MUNITIONS ON CIVILIAN POPULATIONS *Referred to Public Safety | Discussed: 9/28/2022* 7 Adams Local Law F of 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART 4 (RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY PERMIT AND RENTAL DWELLING REGISTRY) OF CHAPTER 231 (HOUSING) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REQUIRING SUCH PERMITS FOR SHORT-TERM RENTAL DWELLING UNITS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement | Discussed: 4/3/2024* 8 Anane Local Law L of 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART II (GENERAL LEGISLATION) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 337 TO BE ENTITLED “TOBACCO RETAIL LICENSE” *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 3 of 15 9 Farrell Local Law C of 2024 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 133 (BUILDING CONSTRUCTION) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE XV (GREEN BUILDING REQUIREMENTS) THERETO AND PROVIDING FOR A COOL ROOF REQUIREMENT *Passed the Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement Committee | Discussed: 5/1/2024* 10 Flynn Local Law G of 2024 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTIONS 301 AND 403 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO THE DEPUTY MAYOR *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 11 Robinson Local Law I of 2024 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART 36 (COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO DESIGNATING AN END-OF-TERM DATE FOR COMMISSION MEMBERS *Referred to Human Resources & Human Rights* 12 Keegan Local Law J of 2024 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING ARTICLE III (EXECUTIVE BRANCH) OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ALBANY AND VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO THE CREATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND POSITION OF COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING, AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES THEREOF *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* 13 Anane Local Law L of 2024 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING ARTICLE I (EMPLOYEE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT) OF CHAPTER 62 (LABOR) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO BROADENING THE EMPLOYEE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 4 of 15 Ordinances Veto Override 1 Anane Ordinance 27.91.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 375 (CITY OF ALBANY UNIFIED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO INCENTIVIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF AFFORDABLE AND INCLUSIONARY HOUSING *Passed the Common Council on 1/6/2025 | Discussed: 11/19/2024* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 5 of 15 Ordinances Held 1 Farrell Ordinance 16.72.22 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I (BICYCLES AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES) OF CHAPTER 359 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO THE REGULATION OF SKATEBOARDING ON SIDEWALKS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 2 Love Ordinance 19.91.22 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART 21 (COMMON COUNCIL) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY ENACTING A SUMMER RECESS IN LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS *Referred to Council Operations & Ethics* 3 Anane Ordinance 49.121.22 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART 3 (DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS *Referred to Public Safety* 4 Romero Ordinance 15.41.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE V (COMPLETE STREETS) OF CHAPTER 323 (STREETS AND SIDEWALKS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PEDESTRIAN SIGNALIZATION AND PEDESTRIAN INTERVALS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement | Discussed: 6/26/2023* 5 Farrell Ordinance 16.42.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE V (UNNECESSARY AND UNUSUAL NOISES) OF CHAPTER 255 (PEACE AND GOOD ORDER) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement | Discussed: 9/24/2024* 6 Kimbrough Ordinance 26.61.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 48 (EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROTECTIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO EXPANDING THE SCOPE OF MINORITY AND WOMEN- OWNED AND CONTROLLED BUSINESSES *Referred to Human Resources & Human Rights | Discussed: 9/14/2023* 7 Keegan Ordinance 28.62.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 313 (SOLID WASTE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A PERMITTING SYSTEM FOR COMMERCIAL HAULERS OF SOLID WASTE *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment | Discussed: 7/31/2023* 8 Adams Ordinance 33.82.23 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CITY-OWNED PARCELS AT 34 IRVING STREET (TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER 76.40-2-10), 38 IRVING STREET (TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER 76.40-2-9), AND 181 MYRTLE AVENUE (TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER 76.40-2-37) TO CAPITAL ROOTS, INC. *Referred to Finance, Assessment and Taxation | Discussed: 9/18/2023* 9 Adams Ordinance 35.92.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE XIII (PARKING METERS) OF CHAPTER 359 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO RENAMING COLUMBUS DAY TO INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 6 of 15 10 Romero Ordinance 38.101.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE XII (VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC CONTROLS) OF CHAPTER 359 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PEDESTRIAN SAFETY INFRASTRUCTURE *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement | Discussed: 4/3/2024* 11 Flynn Ordinance 4.21.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I (REMOVAL OF GARBAGE) CHAPTER 313 (SOLID WASTE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO THE FINE STRUCTURE FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE SAID ARTICLE *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 12 Adams Ordinance 8.32.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 359 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY ALLOWING MORE EMPLOYEE RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMITS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 13 Johnson Ordinance 11.51.24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF 92 ALEXANDER STREET (TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER 76.64-2-11) TO BENJAMIN MORTON *Referred to Finance, Assessment and Taxation* 14 Romero Ordinance 14.51.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART 10 (BOARD OF CONTRACT AND SUPPLY) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY TO REQUIRE PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENTS IN THE CITY OF ALBANY FOR CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 15 Romero Ordinance 15.51.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 62 (LABOR) OF PART I (ADMINISTRATIVE LEGISLATION) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PROHIBITING UNJUST TERMINATIONS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 16 Flynn Ordinance 17.53.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART 3 (CABARETS) OF CHAPTER 111 (AMUSEMENTS), PART 35 (BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS), AND CHAPTER 375 (UNIFIED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REVISING REQUIREMENTS FOR CABARET AND ACCESSORY ENTERTAINMENT *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use | Discussed: 11/19/2024* 17 Farrell Ordinance 18.61.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART II OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO CREATING A PILOT PROGRAM FOR STREET PERFORMERS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement | Discussed: 9/24/2024* 18 Romero Ordinance 20.62.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 357-74 (“ESTABLISHMENT OF A RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT SYSTEM”) OF CHAPTER 359 (“VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC”) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO MODIFYING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT SYSTEM *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 7 of 15 19 Frederick Ordinance 21.71.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II (TRAFFIC REGULATIONS) OF CHAPTER 359 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO TRUCK PARKING RESTRICTIONS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 20 Keegan *Under Consideration* Ordinance 22.72.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IX (PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN FORMS OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION) OF CHAPTER 255 (PEACE AND GOOD ORDER) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO EXPANDING THE DEFINITIONS OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION *Referred to Public Safety | Discussion: 1/28/2025* 21 Anane Ordinance 23.81.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 375 (UNIFIED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO ADDING SINGLE-, TWO-, AND THREE- UNIT DETATCHED DWELLINGS AS PERMITTED USES IN THE MU-CI ZONING DISTRICT *Passed the Planning, Economic Development & Land Use Committee | Discussed: 10/28/2024* 22 Farrell Ordinance 24.81.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 359 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) AND CHAPTER 251 (PARKS AND RECREATION) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO THE OPERATION OF ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION IN THE CITY OF ALBANY *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement | Discussed: 9/24/2024* 23 Farrell Ordinance 25.82.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE XXI (GENERAL PROVISIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW *Referred to Finance, Assessment and Taxation* 24 Kimbrough Ordinance 26.91.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IIA (HONORARY STREET NAMINGS) OF CHAPTER 323 (STREETS AND SIDEWALKS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO EXPANDING AND CLARIFYING HONORARY STREET NAMINGS BY ELECTED OFFICIALS *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* 25 Flynn Ordinance 29.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IV (UTILITY POLE REGULATIONS) OF CHAPTER 171 (ELECTRICITY) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO ENSURING THE QUICK AND EFFECTIVE REMOVAL OF DOUBLE POLES *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* 26 Frederick Ordinance 30.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $937,500 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $937,500 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DEPARTMENT OF LAW – LEGAL SETTLEMENT) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/29/2024* 27 Frederick Ordinance 31.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $762,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $494,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – WASHINGTON PARK TRAFFIC RECONFIGURATION) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/29/2024* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 8 of 15 28 Frederick Ordinance 32.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $1,000,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $1,000,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING– TRAFFIC SPEED REDUCTION) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/29/2024* 29 Frederick Ordinance 33.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $330,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $330,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/29/2024* 30 Frederick Ordinance 34.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $150,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $150,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – TRAFFIC STUDIES) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/29/2024* 31 Frederick Ordinance 35.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $300,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – ROADWAY STRIPING) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/29/2024* 32 Frederick Ordinance 36.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $1,100,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $1,100,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/29/2024* 33 Frederick Ordinance 37.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $180,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $180,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – TRAFFIC SIGN PRINTER) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/29/2024* 34 Frederick Ordinance 38.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 56.102.23, WHICH AUTHORIZED CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $500,000 AND AUTHORIZED THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $500,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (TRAFFIC ENGINEERING – ELECTRIC VEHICLE INFRASTRUCTURE) BY INCREASING SUCH AUTHORIZATION TO $1,500,000 *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/29/2024* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 9 of 15 35 Frederick Ordinance 39.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $650,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $650,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – STREETLIGHTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 36 Frederick Ordinance 40.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $100,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – GREENHOUSE REPLACEMENT) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 37 Frederick Ordinance 41.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $3,366,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $3,366,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN) *Referred to Finance, Assessment and Taxation | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 38 Frederick Ordinance 42.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $2,747,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,747,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 39 Frederick Ordinance 43.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $1,000,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $1,000,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – PUBLIC BATHROOMS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 40 Frederick Ordinance 44.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $1,178,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $1,178,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – HUDSON RIVER GATEWAYS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 41 Frederick Ordinance 45.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $500,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $500,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – SECURITY FENCE INSTALLATION) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 42 Frederick Ordinance 46.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $250,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $250,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – STREETSCAPE AND PARK FIXTURES) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 10 of 15 43 Frederick Ordinance 47.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $340,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $340,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – EQUIPMENT & FIXTURES) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 44 Frederick Ordinance 48.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $450,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $450,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – CAPITAL HILLS REHABILITATION & IMPROVEMENTS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 45 Frederick Ordinance 49.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $300,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – STORAGE SHEDS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 46 Frederick Ordinance 50.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $1,000,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $1,000,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – ADA COMPLIANCE) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 47 Frederick Ordinance 51.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $600,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $600,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION) *Referred to Finance, Assessment and Taxation | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 48 Frederick Ordinance 52.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $5,000,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $5,000,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (ENGINEERING – STREET RECONSTRUCTION) *Referred to Finance, Assessment and Taxation | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 49 Frederick Ordinance 53.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $3,210,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $3,210,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (DGS – SOLID WASTE VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 50 Frederick Ordinance 54.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $1,500,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $1,500,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING SYSTEM) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 11 of 15 51 Frederick Ordinance 55.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $750,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $750,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (APD – PUBLIC SAFETY IT SYSTEMS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 52 Frederick Ordinance 56.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $500,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $500,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (APD – POLICE STATION INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 53 Frederick Ordinance 57.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $300,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (APD – MOTOR VEHICLES) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 54 Frederick Ordinance 58.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $1,750,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $1,750,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (AFD – FIRE VEHICLES) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 55 Frederick Ordinance 59.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $300,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (AFD – FIRE STATION INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 56 Frederick Ordinance 60.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 66.102.23, WHICH AUTHORIZED CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $10,000,000 AND AUTHORIZED THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $12,000,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (RECREATION – WEST HILL COMMUNITY CENTER) BY INCREASING SUCH MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST TO $20,500,000 AND SUCH AUTHORIZATIONS TO $18,500,000 *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 57 Frederick Ordinance 61.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 67.102.23, WHICH AUTHORIZED CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $5,000,000 AND AUTHORIZED THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $7,400,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (RECREATION – HOFFMAN COMMUNITY CENTER) BY INCREASING SUCH MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST TO $10,150,000 AND SUCH AUTHORIZATIONS TO $7,750,000 *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 12 of 15 58 Frederick Ordinance 62.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $1,220,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $1,220,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (RECREATION – PLAYGROUNDS) *Referred to Finance, Assessment and Taxation | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 59 Frederick Ordinance 63.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $390,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $390,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (RECREATION – SPRAY PADS) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 60 Frederick Ordinance 64.102.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $150,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $150,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (RECREATION – MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT) *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/30/2024* 61 Balarin Ordinance 65.111.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 375 (UNIFIED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNS *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use | Discussion: 1/27/2025* 62 Robinson Ordinance 67.112.24 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF A PORTION OF TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER 65.74-1-36, LOCATED BETWEEN LIVINGSTON AVENUE AND THIRD STREET, TO THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD HISTORY PROJECT OF THE CAPITAL REGION, INC. D/B/A UNDERGROUND RAILROAD EDUCATION CENTER *Referred to Finance, Assessment and Taxation* 63 Anane Ordinance 68.121.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 375 (UNIFIED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PERMITTING ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use* (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 13 of 15 Resolutions Introduced 1 Kimbrough *Under Consideration* Resolution 7.21.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING DEMETRA BROWN AS A MARRIAGE OFFICER 2 Kimbrough *Under Consideration* Resolution 8.21.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL CELEBRATING LUNAR NEW YEAR AND RECOGNIZING ITS CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE 3 Anane *Under Consideration* Resolution 9.21.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING BLACK HISTORY MONTH AND THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF AFRICAN AMERICANS AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO RAISE THE PAN-AFRICAN FLAG ON CITY HALL ANNUALLY IN SOLIDARITY 4 Hoey *Under Consideration* Resolution 10.21.25R A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE SIGNIFICANT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND THEIR INDUCTION INTO THE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 14 of 15 Resolutions Held 1 Hoey Resolution 14.21.22R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL EXPRESSING ITS DESIRE TO CREATE A BIKE/WALKING TRAIL ALONG THE NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY *Referred to Parks, Recreation & Family Services* 2 Clarke Resolution 9.21.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING THE LIFE OF BEVERLY BARDEQUEZ AND RENAMING A PORTION OF RAPP ROAD IN HER HONOR *Passed the General Services, Health & Environment Committee | Discussed: 2/15/2023* 3 Adams Resolution 95.92.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL DECLARING THE SECOND MONDAY IN OCTOBER OF EACH YEAR AS INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' DAY IN ALBANY *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 4 Love Resolution 9.12.24R (MC) A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING INCREASED VIOLENCE IN THE CITY OF ALBANY AND REAFFIRMING THE COUNCIL’S COMMITMENT TO A PERMANENT END TO VIOLENCE IN OUR COMMUNITIES *Referred to Public Safety | Discussed: 2/13/2024* 5 Frederick Resolution 82.81.24R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPROVING A TRANSFER OF BUDGETED FUNDS AND A CHANGE IN THE AUTHORIZED POSITIONS INCLUDED IN THE 2024 CITY BUDGET, WHICH WILL AFFECT A SALARY RATE OR SALARY TOTAL *Passed the Finance, Assessment and Taxation Committee | Discussed: 10/23/2024* 6 Robinson Resolution 86.81.24R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING RICHARD CONTI AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS *Referred to Human Resources & Human Rights* 7 Frederick Resolution 105.92.24R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING STEPHEN MCLAUGHLIN AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW *Referred to Finance, Assessment and Taxation* 8 Hoey *Under Consideration* Resolution 119.102.24R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING EMILY SOWEK AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY POLICE REVIEW BOARD *Referred to Public Safety | Discussion: 1/28/2025* 9 Love *Under Consideration* Resolution 4.12.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING ROGER AND MARIA MARKOVICS FOR THEIR HOUSING ADVOCACY AND LEGACY (Revised 1/24/2025) Page 15 of 15 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALBANY SUPPORT LEGISLATION FEBRUARY 3, 2025 RESOLUTIONS 7.21.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING DEMETRA BROWN AS A MARRIAGE OFFICER 8.21.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL CELEBRATING LUNAR NEW YEAR AND RECOGNIZING ITS CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE 9.21.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING BLACK HISTORY MONTH AND THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF AFRICAN AMERICANS AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO RAISE THE PAN-AFRICAN FLAG ON CITY HALL ANNUALLY IN SOLIDARITY 10.21.25R A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE SIGNIFICANT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND THEIR INDUCTION INTO THE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Council Member Kimbrough introduced the following: RESOLUTION 7.21.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING DEMETRA BROWN AS A MARRIAGE OFFICER WHEREAS, Article 3 of the Domestic Relations Law authorizes the governing body of a City to appoint Marriage Officers, who shall have the authority to solemnize marriages in accordance with applicable provisions of law and within the municipal boundaries of the City; and WHEREAS, Article 3 of the Domestic Relations Law permits the Common Council to set the terms of Marriage Officers at up to four years; and WHEREAS, Demetra Brown is an employee of the City of Albany and the Deputy City Clerk; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Demetra Brown be hereby appointed as Marriage Officer in the City of Albany for a term effective immediately and which shall run until December 31, 2028 or until such above-named Marriage Officer(s) shall no longer be employed by the City of Albany, whichever occurs first; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such Marriage Officer will not receive a salary or wage for their services; however, for each marriage which said Marriage Officer officiates, the City of Albany shall be paid, by or on behalf of the persons married, a marriage solemnization fee of $25. To: Shaniqua Jackson, City Clerk From: Alyssa Kamara, Junior Policy Analyst Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: January 24, 2025 Sponsor: Council Member Kimbrough RESOLUTION NUMBER TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING DEMETRA BROWN AS A MARRIAGE OFFICER GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION This resolution appoints a new marriage officer for the maximum term allowed under the Domestic Relations Law: four years. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW Article 3 of the Domestic Relations Law gives the Common Council the authority to appoint marriage officers within the territorial boundaries of the City of Albany for a term of up to four years. This resolution also provides that such term of office shall cease upon severance from City employment. FISCAL IMPACT(s): N/A Council Member Kimbrough introduced the following: RESOLUTION 8.21.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL CELEBRATING LUNAR NEW YEAR AND RECOGNIZING ITS CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE WHEREAS, Lunar New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, landing this year on January 29, 2025; and WHEREAS, celebrations of Lunar New Year traditionally last fifteen days, ending this year with the Lantern Festival on February 12, 2025; and WHEREAS, Lunar New Year is one of the most important celebrations among East and Southeast Asian cultures, with its origins tracing back 4,000 years ago in China; and WHEREAS, the Asian diaspora has expanded the Lunar New Year celebration into a worldwide event, celebrated by millions of Asian-Americans in the United States; and WHEREAS, preparations for Lunar New Year festivities begin with tying up loose ends in anticipation for a fresh start in the New Year with businesses balancing their books, paying off old debts, and collecting on loans and charges due; and WHEREAS, individuals take time to reflect on misfortunes of the past and examine personal mistakes and failures to address their bad luck and negative attitudes, arriving at an optimistic approach for the future; and WHEREAS, while celebrations of Lunar New Year are diverse, they traditionally include gatherings with friends and family for cultural performances, such as dragon dances and lantern shows, and the exchange of gifts and money to wish others good fortune, health, and prosperity; and WHEREAS, Asian-Americans in Albany have generously shared their culture, allowing Albany to become a more diverse and vibrant city; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Albany Common Council joins in the celebrations of Lunar New Year and recognizes its cultural and historical significance; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Albany Common Council highlights the important social, economic, and cultural contributions that Asian-Americans have made to this city; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that in observance of this Lunar New Year, the Year of the Snake, the Common Council of the City of Albany wishes all who observe this holiday a happy and prosperous year. To: Shaniqua Jackson, City Clerk From: Bryan Jimenez, Legislative Director Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: January 24, 2025 Sponsor: Council Member Kimbrough RESOLUTION 8.21.25R TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL CELEBRATING LUNAR NEW YEAR AND RECOGNIZING ITS CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION This resolution seeks to recognize the cultural and historical significance of Lunar New Year. FISCAL IMPACT None. Council Members Anane, Adams, Balarin, Clarke, Conti, Farrell, Flynn, Frederick, Hoey, Johnson, Keegan, Kimbrough, Love, Robinson, and Zamer, with the Support of Council President Ellis introduced the following: RESOLUTION 9.21.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING BLACK HISTORY MONTH AND THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF AFRICAN AMERICANS AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO RAISE THE PAN-AFRICAN FLAG ON CITY HALL ANNUALLY IN SOLIDARITY WHEREAS, the origin of Black History Month began in 1926, over half a century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States, growing out of “Negro History Week,” the creation of noted historian Dr. Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans; and WHEREAS, many African Americans lived, toiled, and died in obscurity, never achieving the recognition they deserved, and yet paved the way for future generations to succeed; and WHEREAS, the celebration was born of a need to both highlight the important roles that African Americans have played in shaping American history and acknowledge the sacrifices and struggles of African Americans in the ongoing fights for civil rights, equality, justice, and racial justice; and WHEREAS, with the Civil Rights Movement and a growing awareness of Black identity, Black History Month or National African American History Month evolved to an annual celebration encouraging all Americans to educate themselves about the rich history and contributions of African Americans as artists, scientists, educators, business people, thinkers, faith leaders, athletes, and governmental representatives—roles that reflect the diversity and distinction of the United States; and WHEREAS, the Pan-African flag was designed to represent people of the African diaspora with its symbolism—red for both the blood shed by Africans who died in their fight for liberation and the shared blood of the African people, black for Black people, and green for growth and the natural fertility of Africa—and to symbolize Black freedom; and WHEREAS, of its nearly 101,000 residents, 27.9% of the City’s residents are African American; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Albany does hereby adopt this resolution honoring Black History Month and the contributions of African-Americans; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of Albany shall raise the Pan-African flag on City Hall each February in solidarity and in recognition of Black History Month. To: Shaniqua Jackson, City Clerk From: Bryan Jimenez, Legislative Director Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: January 24, 2025 Sponsors: Council Members Adams, Anane, Balarin, Clarke, Farrell, Flynn, Frederick, Hoey, Johnson, Keegan, Kimbrough, Love, Robinson, Romero, and Zamer, with the Support of Council President Ellis RESOLUTION 9.21.25R TITLE A RESOLUTION HONORING BLACK HISTORY MONTH AND THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF AFRICAN AMERICANS AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO RAISE THE PAN- AFRICAN FLAG ON CITY HALL ANNUALLY IN SOLIDARITY GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To honor Black History Month and the contributions of African Americans and to direct the Mayor to raise the Pan-African Flag on City Hall annually in solidarity. FISCAL IMPACT(S) None. Council Member Hoey introduce the following: RESOLUTION 10.21.25R A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE SIGNIFICANT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND THEIR INDUCTION INTO THE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY WHEREAS, on Monday January 6, 2025, 109 students in grade 12 from Albany High School had the prestigious honor of being inducted into the Arista Chapter of the National Honor Society in recognition of their individual academic achievement; and WHEREAS, the inductees and their loved ones gathered for a beautiful ceremony in which the four pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character were celebrated; and WHEREAS, Georgina Asante, Flora Ayoo, Christabelle Serrano and Annabelle Clemens gave short speeches explaining the four pillars of the National Honor Society; and WHEREAS, a candle was lit for all four pillars and each inductee was called to the stage to receive their National Honor Society pin in honor of their official membership; and WHEREAS, the 2024-25 Arista Chapter of the National Honor Society inductees include: Jerome Eugene Zahraa Al Hariri Zainab Al Zeer Hayam Al-Hakim Agnas Mohammad Logain Alsharif Nasim Alzandani Thashenelle Arscott Almelhim Georgina Asante Flora Ayoo Anna Baldes Alice Baron Myles Bearden Ray Blanken Seven Brandt Jazleen Brown Jazzmine Brown Gabriel Bryer Maniyah Cade Serenity Callaway Lady Castro Kelly Cameron Isidora Carrera Declan Chirlin Carchipulla Annabelle Clemens Mia Corazzini Arianna Costello Gabriel Cruz Melany Daquilema Keni Cum Caal Sonja De Piro Max De Rosa Purcell Quiroz Makaila Delaunay Mamady Diane Celia Diefendorf Tyrone Dutton III Abdul Sobur Lucy Edvalson J'Anni Elfridge Mahajabin Ferdaus Fagbenro Gavin Fitzpatrick Maiya Ford Abigail Fowler Liyah Gardy Renee Geraghty Nora Gordon George Gormley John Gormley Karly Grant Gavin Hammer Jadyn Hardy Max Hoey Emma Imura Nancy Ixjotop Yucute Sean Keefe Meskerem Kelle Ela Khan Htoo Myat Kyaw Arianna LaBello Kevin Lema Gavin Angel Martinez- Jacob Levine Soe Lwin Margaret MacCallum Lopez Aye Chan Maung Angela Mejia Lorenzo Kostandino Mihal Paw Eh Gay Moo Angie Mora Sanango Sherlin Morales Basto Shuhed Muthanna Cleevens Myrthil Najat Nambane Jaileny Nunez Almonte Lin Lai Nway Ryan O'Connor William O'Neill Alexis Pampo Najee Payne Madeline Penna Mnieq Polk Elvis Regino Lopez Arzoo Samim Ya'ir Sasson Eh Shar Blu Say Isabelle Scandurra Nina Scandurra Zeta Schofield Owen Sears Christabelle Serrano Simioni Shabani Julian Shepersky Jamima Siddiqui Varisha Siddiqui Zae'viear Smith Jaeton Stephens Nasir Sturdivant Cooper Sullivan Zara Syed MD Tamim Ariana Terrell Angeline Thompson Kaylan Watts Tessa Weklar Iris Whalen Mue Na Yo Saw Yoshee Imre Zak Ines Zuna Cajilema NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of Albany, NY commends the Albany High School 2024-25 Arista Chapter of the National Honor Society inductees and resounds a "Well done, Falcons!"; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council congratulates the awardees' families and faculty for helping them achieve this prestigious honor and that an electronic copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Albany Schools Superintendent and the AHS Principle to be distributed electronically to the awardees. To: Shaniqua Jackson, City Clerk From: Bryan Jimenez, Legislative Director Re: Request for Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: January 23, 2025 Sponsor: Council Member Hoey RESOLUTION 10.21.25R TITLE A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE SIGNIFICANT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND THEIR INDUCTION INTO THE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To honor certain Albany High School students for their extraordinary academic achievements. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW N/A FISCAL IMPACT(S) None. COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALBANY ACTIVE LEGISLATION PREVIOUSLY INTRODUCED LEGISLATION NOW UNDER CONSIDERATION FEBRUARY 3, 2025 ORDINANCES 22.72.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IX (PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN FORMS OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION) OF CHAPTER 255 (PEACE AND GOOD ORDER) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO EXPANDING THE DEFINITIONS OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION RESOLUTIONS 119.102.24R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING EMILY SOWEK AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY POLICE REVIEW BOARD 4.12.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING ROGER AND MARIA MARKOVICS FOR THEIR HOUSING ADVOCACY AND LEGACY Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. Council Members Keegan and Flynn introduced the following: ORDINANCE 22.72.24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IX (PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN FORMS OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION) OF CHAPTER 255 (PEACE AND GOOD ORDER) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO EXPANDING THE DEFINITIONS OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION The City of Albany, in Common Council convened, does hereby ordain and enact: Section 1. Sections 255-58 (Definitions) and 255-59 (Prohibited Acts) of Article IX (Prohibition Against Certain Forms of Aggressive Solicitation) of Chapter 255 (Peace and Good Order) of Part II (General Legislation) of the Code of the City of Albany is hereby amended to read as follows: AGGRESSIVE MANNER A manner of solicitation that does not rise to the level of a misdemeanor but creates unsafe situations, including: A. Approaching or speaking to a person, or following a person, before, during or after soliciting, asking or begging, if that conduct is intended or is likely to cause a reasonable person to: (1) Fear bodily harm to oneself or to another, damage to or loss of property or the commission of any offense as defined in § 10.00 of the Penal Law upon oneself or another; or (2) Otherwise be intimitaded into giving money or other thing of value; or (3) Suffer unreasonable inconvenience, annoyance or alarm. B. Intentionally touching or causing physical contact with another person or an occupied vehicle without that person's consent in the course of soliciting, asking or begging; C.A. Intentionally blocking or interfering with the safe or free passage of a pedestrian or vehicle by any means, including unreasonably causing a pedestrian or vehicle to take evasive action to avoid physical contact or soliciting, asking, or begging while on a roadbed, except for within a crosswalk while crossing that roadbed is legally permitted; or D.B. Using violent or threatening gestures toward a person solicited. C. Cause a reasonable person to suffer unreasonable inconvenience, annoyance or alarm by continuing to solicit after having been asked to stop. Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE A device, linked to a financial institution's account records, which is able to carry out transactions, including, but not limited to, account transfers, deposits, cash withdrawals, balance inquiries and mortgage and loan payments. AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE FACILITY The area comprised of one or more automated teller machines, and any adjacent space which is made available to banking customers after regular business hours. BANK Any banking organization as defined in § 2 of the New York State Banking Law which has as its purpose or among its purposes the receipt of deposits. CHECK CASHING BUSINESS Any person duly licensed by the New York State Superintendent of Banks to engage in the business of cashing checks, drafts or money orders for consideration pursuant to provisions of Article IX-A of the New York State Banking Law. HOSTILE MANNER A manner of solicitation that creates exceptionally unsafe situations and rises to the level of a misdemeanor, including: A. Approaching or speaking to a person, or following a person, before, during or after soliciting, asking, or begging, if that conduct is intended or is likely to cause a reasonable person to: (1) Fear bodily harm to oneself or to another, or damage to or loss of property, by means of threatening violence or speech intended to vilify, humiliate, or incite violence against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, or the commission of any offense as defined in § 10.00 of the Penal Law upon oneself or another; or (2) Otherwise be intimidated into giving money or other thing of value; B. Intentionally causing another person or an occupied vehicle to be physically contacted by touch, fluid, projectile, or other contact, without that person's or owner's consent, in the course of soliciting, asking or begging; C. Acting in an aggressive manner before, during, or after soliciting, asking, or begging, for a duration longer than two minutes. D. Acting in such other manners as established under § 240.25 and § 240.26 of the Penal Law of the State of New York before, during, or after soliciting, asking, or begging. Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. PUBLIC PLACE A place to which the public or a substantial group of persons has access, including, but not limited to, any sidewalk, street, highway, right-of-way, parking lot, plaza, transportation facility, school, place of amusement, park or playground, as well as any hallway, lobby or other portion of an apartment house or hotel not constituting a room or apartment designed for actual residence. SOLICIT, ASK OR BEG Includes using the spoken, written, or printed word, or bodily gestures, signs or other means with the purpose of obtaining an immediate donation of money or other thing of value or soliciting the sale of goods or services. RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT Establishments engaged in selling goods or merchandise to the general public. § 255-59 Prohibited acts. A. No person shall solicit, ask or beg in an hostile manner aggressive manner in any public place. B. No person shall solicit, ask or beg in an aggressive manner in any public place. B.C. No person shall solicit, ask or beg within 10 30 feet of any entrance or exit of any bank or check cashing business during its business hours or within 10 30 feet of any automated teller machine during the time it is available for customers' use; provided, however, that when an automated teller machine is located within an automated teller machine facility, such distance shall be measured from the entrance or exit of the automated teller machine facility; provided further that no person shall solicit, ask or beg within an automated teller machine facility where a reasonable person would or should know that he or she does not have permission to do so from the owner or other person lawfully in possession of such facility. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the lawful vending of goods and services within such areas. C.D. No person shall approach an operator or other occupant of a motor vehicle while such vehicle is located on any street to solicit, ask or beg, or for the purpose of either performing or offering to perform a service in connection with such vehicle or otherwise soliciting the sale of goods or services, if such approaching, performing, offering or soliciting is done in an hostile aggressive manner as defined in this article; provided, however, that this subsection shall not apply to services rendered in connection with the lawful towing of such vehicle or in connection with emergency repairs requested by the operator or other occupant of such vehicle. E. No person shall approach an operator or other occupant of a motor vehicle while such vehicle is located on any street to solicit, ask or beg, or for the purpose of either performing or offering to perform a service in connection with such vehicle or otherwise Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. soliciting the sale of goods or services, if such approaching, performing, offering or soliciting is done in an aggressive manner as defined in this article; provided, however, that this subsection shall not apply to services rendered in connection with the lawful towing of such vehicle or in connection with emergency repairs requested by the operator or other occupant of such vehicle. F. No person shall solicit, ask or beg within 5 feet of any entrance or exit of any building. G. No person shall solicit, ask or beg for a duration of more than 5 minutes within 10 feet of the entrances or exits of a retail establishment without permission from the owner of the establishment, provided, however, that leaving an area 500 feet from the entrance or exit of that retailer for more than two hours will reset that limit. Section 2. § 255-61 (Penalties for offenses.) of Article IX (Prohibition Against Certain Forms of Aggressive Solicitation) of Chapter 255 (Peace and Good Order) of Part II (General Legislation) of the Code of the City of Albany is hereby amended to read as follows, and a new Section 255-61.1 (Alternative Justice Pathways) is hereby added: § 255-61 Penalties for offenses. Violation of § 255-59 (A) or § 255-59 (D) shall be a misdemeanor, and therefor shall be punishable any combination of appropriate community service, probation, a fine which shall not exceed $300 in amount, or imprisonment for not more than 15 days. Any v Violation of any other the provisions of this article shall be punishable by a fine which shall not exceed $100 in amount or imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both, or appropriate community service, a fine which shall not exceed $100 in amount, alternatives, or both. § 255-61.1 Alternative Justice Pathways. The Albany Police Department shall make all available services and resources accessible to those suspected of a violation under this article in accordance with police department policies and general orders. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after enactment. APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS 5TH DAY OF JUNE, 2024 ___________________________________ Corporation Counsel Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. To: Shaniqua Jackson, City Clerk From: Bryan Jimenez, Senior Legislative Aide Jake Eisland, Research Counsel Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: May 10, 2024 Sponsor: Council Members Keegan and Flynn ORDINANCE 22.72.24 TITLE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IX (PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN FORMS OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION) OF CHAPTER 255 (PEACE AND GOOD ORDER) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO EXPANDING THE DEFINITION OF AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION Aggressive solicitation has increased across the City of Albany resulting in individuals experiencing threats and other harassment that interferes with their ability to engage in their day- to-day activities. Increasing the penalties for especially harmful forms of aggressive solicitation by labeling them as a new class, hostile solicitation, will serve as a deterrent to the performance of those forms of aggressive solicitation. It is further recognized that should a building require an evacuation for any reason, the safe egress of its occupants is of vital importance. Individuals soliciting, asking, or begging in entrances and exits of those buildings impede the swift entry or exit of individuals during critical situations and put their lives and the lives of others at risk. By ensuring unobstructed ingress and egress, emergency responders will be able to take swift action to reach those in need, further reducing the likelihood of harm or loss of life during emergencies. Additionally, persistent solicitation, asking, or begging directly in front of retailers has detrimental effects on local businesses. Potential customers may feel discouraged or unsafe when encountering individuals soliciting, asking, or begging leading them to avoid frequenting certain establishments. By applying time and place restrictions on individuals soliciting, asking, or begging in front of a particular business without the owner's permission, cities can create a more inviting and welcoming business climate, fostering economic growth and supporting local commerce while still protecting the first amendment rights of those individuals. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW The Code of the City of Albany currently maintains a single definition of "Aggressive Manner" which contains multiple forms which range from "suffer unreasonable inconvenience, annoyance or alarm" to intentionally causing physical harm. To escalate penalties for specific forms of aggressive solicitation, an additional manner of solicitation needs to be created to prevent penalty escalations to comparatively lesser forms of aggressive solicitation. Additionally, law enforcement requires a misdemeanor to take action which often leaves individuals subject to harassment with no recourse. This change will allow law enforcement to intervene in these dangerous situations. As such, in order to effect additional regulations on solicitation, asking, or begging in certain areas of the City of Albany, an ordinance amending ARTICLE IX would be required. FISCAL IMPACT None. Council Member Hoey, on the behalf of the Committee on Public Safety introduced the following: Resolution Number 119.102.24R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING EMILY SOWEK AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY POLICE REVIEW BOARD WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Albany has the authority, pursuant to the Section 42-334 of Chapter 42 of the Code of the City of Albany, to appoint five of the members of the Board; and WHEREAS, the term of such Board members shall be for three years; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Emily Sowek is hereby appointed as a member of the Community Police Review Board to serve for a term expiring October 26, 2027. To: Shaniqua Jackson, City Clerk From: Bryan Jimenez, Legislative Director Re: Request for Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: September 17, 2024 Sponsor: Council Member Hoey o/b/o Public Safety RESOLUTION 119.102.24R TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPOINTING EMILY SOWEK AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY POLICE REVIEW BOARD GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To appoint Emily Sowek to the CPRB. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW There is an upcoming vacancy for a Council seat on the CPRB. FISCAL IMPACT(S) None. Council Member Love introduced the following: RESOLUTION 4.12.25R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING ROGER AND MARIA MARKOVICS FOR THEIR HOUSING ADVOCACY AND LEGACY WHEREAS, Roger and Maria Markovics have passionately dedicated over four decades to advocating for Albany’s low-income neighbors and neighborhoods, championing housing justice, community improvement, and social equity; and WHEREAS, in 1971, as community organizers with Catholic Charities, Roger and Maria Markovics brought tenants together to establish the United Tenants of Albany (UTA), who have fought to address critical issues such as slumlords, substandard housing, displacement, and homelessness; and WHEREAS, through their leadership at UTA, Roger and Maria fought for innovative solutions to improve access to affordable housing, which was instrumental in founding the Albany Community Land Trust, the Community Loan Fund, and the Affordable Housing Partnership; and WHEREAS, Roger and Maria Markovics tirelessly volunteered and remained deeply committed to these organizations, as well as to the Community Development Alliance, Housing For All, and numerous other coalitions promoting community improvement, social justice, and economic equity; and WHEREAS, their dedication to education and empowerment included teaching courses in community organizing and social work at local colleges, inspiring generations of grassroots activists and organizations with their wisdom, compassion, and hands-on guidance; and WHEREAS, Roger and Maria have consistently advocated for tenant protections, housing affordability, safety, and community benefits, ensuring that the voices of those most affected are heard and prioritized; and WHEREAS, their enduring commitment to equitable community development and their unwavering belief in justice have left an indelible mark on the city of Albany and its residents; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we honor and celebrate Roger and Maria Markovics for their extraordinary contributions to the community, their lifelong dedication to housing justice, and their steadfast efforts to improve the lives of Albany’s residents. To: Shaniqua Jackson, City Clerk From: Jake Eisland, Research Counsel Re: Request for Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: January 8, 2025 Sponsor: Council Member Love RESOLUTION 4.12.25R TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING ROGER AND MARIA MARKOVICS FOR THEIR HOUSING ADVOCACY AND LEGACY GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To honor Roger and Maria Markovics for their extraordinary contributions to the community, their lifelong dedication to housing justice, and their steadfast efforts to improve the lives of Albany’s residents. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW N/A FISCAL IMPACT(S) None.