1. Active Calendar 1.I. June 22, 2023 | Active Calendar Documents: ACTIVE CALENDAR JUNE 22 2023.PDF 2. Supporting Legislation 2.I. June 22, 2023 | Supporting Legislation Documents: JUNE 22 2023.PDF 3. Minutes 4. Majority Consent (MC) 5. Supporting Document 6. Written Comment 7. Amended Legislation 8. Meeting Agenda 8.I. June 22, 2023 | Agenda Documents: 23 AGENDA 0622.PDF Page 1 of 2 Albany Common Council Active Calendar Meeting of Thursday June 22, 2023 (NOTE: The Active Calendar is meant to indicate items which are anticipated to come up for action at the indicated Common Council meeting. Items on a committee agenda prior to the indicated Council meeting are included subject to committee action and recommendation. New items on the agenda for introduction, but which will not be acted upon on the evening of introduction is not included on the Active Calendar. This Calendar does not preclude the addition of items for action by Majority Consent of the Council. Items added by Majority Consent are those which were not available for the agenda within the required deadline but which cannot wait for the subsequent Council meeting for introduction and/or action.) Section Number Agenda Sponsor Subject Number Ordinances Held (a) 13.32.23 7 Love AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III (OMNIBUS HUMAN RIGHTS LAW) OF CHAPTER 48 (EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROTECTIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF HAIR TEXTURE AND STYLE Ordinances Held (a) 19.52.23 13 Kimbrough AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 42- 228 (REGULAR MEETINGS; SCHEDULE) OF PART 21 (COMMON COUNCIL) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO THE AUTHORITY OF COMMON COUNCIL LEADERSHIP TO CHANGE OR CANCEL COUNCIL MEETINGS Resolutions Held (a) 9.21.23R 3 Clarke A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING THE LIFE OF BEVERLY BARDEQUEZ AND RENAMING A PORTION OF RAPP ROAD IN HER HONOR Resolutions Held (b) 39.51.23R 4 Anane A RESOLUTION HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF SISTER JOAN Page 2 of 2 BYRNE AND RENAMING A PORTION OF MADISON AVENUE IN HER HONOR Resolutions Held (b) 53.61.23R 6 Romero A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF HAROLD AND RUTH RUBIN TO THE CITY OF ALBANY AND RENAMING A PORTION OF CHESTNUT STREET IN THEIR HONOR Resolutions Introduced (a) 68.62.23R Romero A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING JUNE 12, 2023, AS THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE IN THE CITY OF ALBANY Resolutions Introduced (a) 69.62.23R Johnson A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF DOCTOR ORNELLA SATHOUD Resolutions Introduced (a) 70.62.23R Johnson A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING THE WORK OF DAVID GRAHAM, RON “COOK” BARRETT, AND THE YMCA IN CREATING AND RUNNING GANG PREVENTION TEEN NITE (a) Pending Discussions at Caucus on Wednesday, June 14 , 2023 @ 5:30pm IN PERSON in the Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, City Hall (b) Pending discussions at General Services, Health, and Enviornment Committee Meeting, June 12, 2023 @ 5:30pm IN PERSON in the Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, City Hall (6/09/2023) COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALBANY SUPPORT LEGISLATION JUNE 22, 2023 LOCAL LAWS G OF 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART 4 (HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REDUCING THE SIZE OF THE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION H OF 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A NEW PART 41 THERETO CREATING THE CITY OF ALBANY COMMISSION ON MONUMENTS AND PUBLIC ART ORDINANCES 27.62.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 46.112.22 (AS AMENDED 12/22/2022) WHICH AUTHORIZED CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $2,000,000 AND AUTHORIZED THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,000,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (APD – IMPROVEMENTS TO APD FACILITIES) BY INCREASING SUCH AUTHORIZATION TO $3,441,000 28.62.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 313 (SOLID WASTE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A PERMITTING SYSTEM FOR COMMERCIAL HAULERS OF SOLID WASTE RESOLUTIONS 65.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING ANDRE LAKE AS A MEMBER OF THE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 66.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING DANIEL KIRK-DAVIDOFF AS A MEMBER OF THE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 67.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING JESSICA WILCOX TO THE PUBLIC, EDUCATION, AND GOVERNMENT ACCESS OVERSIGHT BOARD 68.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING JUNE 12, 2023, AS THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE IN THE CITY OF ALBANY 69.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF DOCTOR ORNELLA SATHOUD 70.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING THE WORK OF DAVID GRAHAM, RON COOK BARRETT, AND THE YMCA IN CREATING AND RUNNING GANG PREVENTION TEEN NITE Council Member Balarin, on behalf of the Committee on Planning, Economic Development, and Land Use, introduced the following: LOCAL LAW G OF 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART 4 (HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REDUCING THE SIZE OF THE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION Be it enacted, by the Common Council of the City of Albany, as follows: Section 1. Subsection A of section 42-85 (Membership; organization; meeting; vacancies; powers and duties) of Article XII (General Provisions) of Part 4 (Historic Resources Commission) of Chapter 42 (Departments and Commissions) of Part I (Administrative Legislation) of the Code of the City of Albany is hereby amended to read as follows: § 42-85 Membership; organization; meeting; vacancies; powers and duties A. Membership; organization; meetings; vacancies. (1) The Historic Resources Commission shall consist of nine seven members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Albany with the advice and consent of the Common Council. All Commission members shall have a demonstrated interest, competence or knowledge of historic preservation and archaeology, at least two one of whom shall be a professional archaeologists. To the extent that such professionals are available in the community, Commission members shall be drawn from among the disciplines of history, architectural history, architecture, historic architecture, planning, archaeology, historic preservation or closely related fields. (2) Three of the initial members shall be appointed for one year, two for two years and two for three years. Subsequently, members shall be appointed for terms of three years as terms expire. Members of the Commission may be reappointed for succeeding terms. (3) The Mayor shall designate one member as Chairman Chairperson of the Commission and one member as Vice Chairperson Chairman. The Vice Chairman Chairperson shall act in the absence of the Chairman Chairperson. (4) The presence of five four members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. The concurring vote of five four members shall be required to carry out an action of the Commission. Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. (5) A vacancy occurring in the membership of the Commission for any cause shall be filled by a person appointed by the Mayor for the unexpired term. (6) The Commission shall meet as often as is necessary to discharge its duties in a timely fashion, but at least eight times per year. Section 2. This Local Law shall take effect upon passage, public hearing, and filing with the Secretary of State. APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS 6TH DAY OF JUNE, 2023 ________________________________ Corporation Counsel Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Brett Williams, Esq., Sr. Assistant Corporation Counsel Jake Eisland, Esq., Research Counsel Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: June 1, 2023 Sponsor(s): Balarin o/b/o Planning LOCAL LAW G OF 2023 TITLE A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART 4 (HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REDUCING THE SIZE OF THE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION This local law will reduce the number of members serving on the Historic Resources Commission from nine to seven members.. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND CHANGES TO EXISITING LAW: This legislation reduces the size of the Historic Resources Commission from nine to seven members. It is sometimes a challenge to find enough qualified individuals to serve on the Commission. Thus, the size of the reduced Commission, with the passage of this legislation, conforms to the current membership serving on the Commission. Further, this legislation reduces the number of professional archeologists required to serve as members from two to one, as the large majority of cases that come before the Commission do not require archaeology as a component of the review and it can be challenging to find enough qualified individuals willing to serve on the Commission. The legislation also changes gendered references related to the position of Chair to the Historic Resources Commission. FISCAL IMPACT(S) None. Council Member Kimbrough introduced the following: LOCAL LAW H OF 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A NEW PART 41 THERETO CREATING THE CITY OF ALBANY COMMISSION ON MONUMENTS AND PUBLIC ART Be it enacted, by the Common Council of the City of Albany, as follows: Section 1. Chapter 42 (Departments and Commissions) of the Code of the City of Albany is hereby amended to read as follows, by adding a new Part 41, to be entitled “Commission on Monuments and Public Art, thereto: PART 41 COMMISSION ON MONUMENTS AND PUBLIC ART § 42-396 Establishment of Commission. There is hereby established a commission of the City of Albany to be known as the “Commission on Monuments and Public Art.” § 42-397 Membership; term; vacancies; meetings. A. The Commission shall consist of five members, three of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor, and two of whom shall be appointed by the Common Council. At least one of the members appointed by the Mayor shall have a professional background in history, historic preservation, and/or art history. B. Members shall serve for three years terms. However, in order to effectuate staggered terms of membership, one initial member appointed by the Common Council shall be appointed for a one year term, and two initial members appointed by the Mayor shall serve two year terms. Members shall continue to serve beyond the expiration of their terms until a new member is appointed or such serving member is reappointed. A vacancy occurring in the membership of the Commission for any reason shall be filled by the appointing authority for the vacated seat for the duration of the seat’s unexpired term. C. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. D. The Commission shall meet as often as necessary to discharge its duties in a timely fashion, but no fewer than four times a year. E. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from its membership at its first meeting in each calendar year. Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. § 42-398 Powers and Duties. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties: A. To catalog and keep an inventory of existing monuments, markers, and works of public art on City-owned property; B. To propose new monuments, markers, and works of public art to be placed on City-owned property and, having afforded the public and opportunity to provide input on such proposals, to direct that such monuments, markers, or works of public art be established, erected, or installed; C. To accept applications for new monuments, markers, and works of public art to be placed on City-owned property and to review and approve or deny such applications. If the Commission approves an application, it shall direct the establishment, erection, or installation of such approved monument, marker, or work of public art, in accordance with all applicable laws; D. To review the appropriateness of existing monuments, both overall and in the particular context and location of a given monument. If the Commission finds that a particular monument, marker, or work of public art is not appropriate, the Commission shall have the power to re-contextualize such monument, marker, or work of public art, or to direct its renovation or removal in accordance with all applicable laws; and E. To serve as a forum for residents of the City to engage in civic dialogue regarding monuments, markers, and public art in the City. § 42-399 Annual Report The Commission shall annually provide a report to the Mayor and Common Council by January 31, summarizing its activities during the preceding calendar year. Section 2. This local law shall take effect upon final passage, public hearing, and filing with the Secretary of State. APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS 7TH DAY OF JUNE, 2023 _____________________________ Corporation Counsel Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Brett Williams, Esq., Senior Assistant Corporation Counsel Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: June 9, 2023 Sponsor: Council Member Kimbrough LOCAL LAW H OF 2023 TITLE A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A NEW PART 41 THERETO CREATING THE CITY OF ALBANY COMMISSION ON MONUMENTS AND PUBLIC ART GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION The City of Albany’s public spaces are replete with monuments, markers, and works of public art that commemorate our City’s long history. History, however, is complicated, and it is important that our public memorials treat that history with a nuanced and modern understanding of that complexity. This legislation will create the City of Albany Commission on Monuments and Public Art, a new body which will review the monuments, markers, and works of public art currently existing in the City, act as the avenue for placement of new memorials, etc., and serve as a place for community conversation and engagement about monuments, memorials, and public art, and the role they play in public life. The Commission, which will consist of five members – three appointed by the mayor and two by the Council – will be tasked with 1) cataloging and keeping an inventory of monuments, markers, and public art on City-owned property, 2) proposing and directing the installation of new monuments, etc. on City property, 3) accepting, reviewing, and approving or denying applications for new monuments, etc., on City property and, if approved, directing the installation thereof, 4) reviewing the appropriateness of existing monuments, etc., and directing the re-contextualization, renovation, or removal of inappropriate monuments, etc., where necessary, and 5) serving as a forum for residents of the City to engage in civic dialogue regarding monuments, markers, and public art in the City. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW Generally, new permanent boards, committees, and commissions are created by adding the enabling legislation for such bodies to Chapter 42 of the City Code. This is usually accomplished by local law. This legislation does not change any existing law, because the ambit of the Commission on Monument and Public Art’s powers and duties are not generally within the current purview of any other City board, commission, or body. FISCAL IMPACT None. Council Member Frederick, on behalf of the Committee on Finance, Assessment, and Taxation, introduced the following: ORDINANCE 27.62.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 46.112.22 (AS AMENDED 12/22/2022), WHICH AUTHORIZED CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $2,000,000 AND AUTHORIZED THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,000,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (APD – IMPROVEMENTS TO APD FACILITIES) BY INCREASING SUCH AUTHORIZATION TO $3,441,000 The City of Albany, in Common Council Convened, does hereby ordain and enact: Section 1. Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance 46.112.22 (As Amended 12/22/22), passed by the Common Council on January 5, 2023, are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. The objects or purposes to be authorized and financed pursuant to this ordinance are set forth below, together with estimates of the maximum estimated costs thereof; determinations of the periods of probable usefulness thereof and the subparagraphs of Section 11.00(a) of the New York Local Finance Law pursuant to which it is determined; the maximum amount of the bonds to be issued with respect to such object or purpose and the maximum term of the obligations to be issued with respect to each project or purpose: Object or Purpose: Design and construction of improvements to APD facilities Local Finance Law Section 11 Subparagraph: (a)(25) (a)(12)(a)(2) Period of Probable Usefulness: 5 years 15 years Maximum Term of Obligations: 5 years 15 years Maximum Estimated Cost: $2,000,000 $3,441,000 Maximum Amount of Bonds: $2,000,000 $3,441,000 Treasurer’s Bond Authorization Number(s): U-23 Treasurer’s Project Number(s): GH31209321 Section 2. The plan of financing such objects or purposes is the lease financing of or the issuance of $2,000,000.00 $3,441,000.00 serial bonds hereby authorized to be issued. Section 2. Ordinance 46.112.22 (As Amended 12/22/22), as herein amended, is hereby ratified, continued, and approved. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS 8TH DAY OF JUNE, 2023 ______________________________ Corporation Counsel Matter in strikethrough to be deleted. Matter underlined is new material. To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Brett Williams, Esq., Senior Assistant Corporation Counsel Hannah Hoyt, Legal Intern Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: May 8, 2023 Sponsor: Frederick, o/b/o Finance Committee ORDINANCE 27.62.23 TITLE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 46.112.22 (AS AMENDED 12/22/2022) WHICH AUTHORIZED CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $2,000,000 AND AUTHORIZED THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,000,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (APD – IMPROVEMENTS TO APD FACILITIES) BY INCREASING SUCH AUTHORIZATION TO $3,441,000 GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION Through Ordinance 46.112.22 (As Amended 12/22/2022), the Council approved bonding in the amount of $2,000,000 for reconstruction of APD Facilities. However, the previously-authorized $2 million bond amount is not able to cover the full $3,441,000 million cost. Thus, the Council is asked to authorize an increase of $1,441,000 in the amount for which the City can bond for this project. Additionally, the bond was originally authorized as an improvement to police and fire alarm systems and signal systems under Local Finance Law § 11 (a)(25). However, the work to be funded by the bond is more accurately described as a building reconstruction project for 911 operations personnel, and is therefore more appropriately authorized under LFL § 11 (a)(12)(a)(2), with a period of probable usefulness of fifteen years. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW The increase in the authorized amount for bonding is accomplished by using a new ordinance to amend the previous ordinance which initially authorized the bond. FISCAL IMPACT The City will add $1,441,000 to the bond which will now have a 15-year life. Council Members Keegan, Flynn Romero, and Zamer introduced the following: ORDINANCE 28.62.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 313 (SOLID WASTE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A PERMITING SYSTEM FOR COMMERCIAL HAULERS OF SOLID WASTE The City of Albany, in Common Council convened, does hereby ordain and enact: Section 1 Chapter 313 (Solid Waste) of Part II (General Legislation) of the Code of the City of Albany is amended by adding a new Article VIII, titled Commercial Hauler Permit to read as follows: §313-60 Purpose The Common Council deems it in the best interest of the citizenry of the City of Albany to formalize the permitting system for commercial haulers of refuse. §313-61 Applications for Commercial Hauler Permit A. A commercial hauler shall be required to obtain from the Department of General Services one permit for each vehicle. B. Commercial haulers depositing solid waste at a City of Albany Landfill shall only deposit solid waste collected within the City of Albany in such landfill and must comply with this chapter. C. Application for permit. (1) A commercial hauler applying for said permit(s) shall fill out and submit an application form to the Department of General Services for approval. (2) Each applicant for such permit(s) shall provide the following information on an application form. The applicant shall answer all questions on the permit application and provide any other information required by any applicable law or ordinance or deemed necessary by the Department of General Services to determine the fitness of the applicant. One application form that provides the following information may be used by applicants who are applying for multiple permits. A list attached to the application identifying each vehicle and/or piece of equipment requiring a permit will be required. (a) The name and address of the applicant and of all persons having a financial interest in the business. (b) A brief description of the vehicles intended to be used within the city, including the manufacturer, factory number, type of body (for example, tank, enclosed pickup, packer, van and so forth), weight of the vehicle unladen, maximum load to be carried, and New York State registration number. (c) The location where the vehicle and container are stored or garaged when not in use. (d) The place or places where the applicant shall dispose of the garbage, refuse, rubbish, trash, recyclables or liquid waste collected and the manner of disposal. (e) Proof of financial responsibility in the event of injury to persons or property by reason of the negligent operation of any vehicle used in the business. C. In addition to providing acceptable answers to the information required to be provided on the application form, the following criteria must be met by applicants for a G-1 permit for a vehicle with a gross maximum vehicle weight of 10 tons or more: (1) Applicants for a license shall possess and, upon request of the designated City official, provide a proposed collection route which shall consist of the following: (a) Two hundred paying customers that are residential houses within the town; (b) Forty paying customers that are commercial stops within the town; (c) Two thousand dollars of receivables (on average) for residential business per month in town; or (d) Six thousand five hundred dollars of receivables (on average) for commercial business per month in town. (2) Every vehicle of 10 or more tons gross maximum vehicle weight used for the collection of solid or liquid waste within the City of Albany shall: (a) Have an enclosed, watertight body or suitable provisions for covering the body. (b) Be kept clean, sanitary and in good working order. (c) Have lettering of contrasting color to the background on the sides of the vehicle indicating the company name with lettering at least six inches high. (d) Have both the vehicle's unladen vehicle weight in pounds, its gross maximum vehicle weight in pounds and its capacity in cubic yards, or, in the case of C-Permit vehicles, its capacity in gallons, displayed on the driver's and passenger's side. D. Fee schedule and expiration of permits. (1) The Commissioner of General Services or their designee shall adopt a schedule of fees for solid waste permits issued pursuant to this article (2) Commercial Hauling Permits shall be valid from July 1 to June 30. No extensions shall be permitted, and permits shall expire at the close of the business on the date indicated. The fee shall not be prorated regardless of the date of purchase. E. Procedure for issuance of permits. The commissioner of the Department of General Services may designate an official or an employee of the Department to review applications for permits, to approve or deny the issuance of these permits or to revoke said permit(s). The issuance of a permit(s) may be denied where one or more of the following grounds is found to exist: (1) The applicant has been found to be unfit and unable to properly perform the service proposed and the applicant is unable to provide sufficient or suitable equipment to meet the requirements of the city. (2) The applicant has failed and/or refused, without reasonable cause, to collect and dispose of solid waste, except in a situation where a contract between the permittee and his customer has been lawfully terminated. (3) The applicant has failed to account for or pay any permit or fees due to the City within 60 days of the fee being imposed. (4) The applicant is insolvent or has made a general assignment for the benefit of creditors or has been adjudged bankrupt or a money judgment has been secured against him upon which an execution has been returned wholly or partly satisfied. (5) The applicant has failed to keep and maintain any records required by the City or has refused to allow the inspection thereof. (6) The applicant has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or has failed to comply with any of the requirements stipulated herein. (7) The applicant has ceased to operate as a commercial solid waste collector for which a permit was previously issued. (8) The applicant has made a false statement in his permit application. (9) The applicant has been found to have collected solid waste from outside the City and to have disposed of the same in a public disposal facility with the City. (10) The applicant has been found to have disposed of waste upon the surface of the ground within the City or within the waterways of the City or in a disposal facility not approved for such use by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. (11) The applicant has been found to have violated any of the posted rules pertaining to safe operation of a City-owned landfill. F. With respect to any permit issued by the Department of General Services pursuant to this article, receipt shall be issued with an individual identification number which shall be permanently assigned and displayed on each vehicle. A copy of the receipt shall be kept available within the vehicle for inspection upon demand. G. The permanent permit number shall be printed on the permit. The permit shall be permanently affixed to the window on the driver's side of the vehicle. A new permit may be issued at no cost during the permit period if the original permit becomes illegible or if the vehicle for which it was issued is sold or has its license numbers changed, provided that the original permits are surrendered to the Department of General Services at the time the new permit is issued. §313-62 Revocation of permit. A. A license issued pursuant to this article for the commercial hauling of solid waste may be revoked by the Department of General Services after a hearing where the permit holder was given notice, in writing, served upon the licensee, by mail or otherwise, if the permit holder engaged in one or more of the following: (1) Sixty (60) calendar days have passed since the payment due date set forth on the commercial hauler's billing statement and the commercial hauler has failed to pay in full all of the fees owed to the City pursuant to this chapter. (2) The permit holder has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this article with respect to the collection and disposal of solid waste or that any provision of this article has been violated. (3) The permit holder has made a material misrepresentation upon his application for the permit. (4) The permit holder has violated regulations adopted by the Department of General Services under §313-63. B. A commercial hauler whose permits are revoked shall regain access to the City landfill only after the occurrence of both of the following: (1) The commercial hauler: (a) Has made payment in full of the fees owed to the City pursuant to this chapter; or (b) Has entered into an agreement to pay all of the fees owed to the City pursuant to this chapter and such payment agreement has been accepted by the Department of General Services (2) The commercial hauler has submitted permit applications, paid the required permit amounts and obtained from the Department of General Services new yearly permits pursuant to § 313-61. §313-63 Regulations on Hauling Schedules The Commissioner of General Services may establish rules and regulations necessary to coordinate the dates and geographic areas of permitted hauling schedules. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after enactment. APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS 8TH DAY OF JUNE 2023 _____________________________ Corporation Counsel To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Jake Eisland, Esq., Research Counsel Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: June 6, 2023 Sponsor: Council Members Keegan, Flynn Romero, and Zamer ORDINANCE 28.62.23 TITLE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 313 (SOLID WASTE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A PERMITING SYSTEM FOR COMMERCIAL HAULERS OF SOLID WASTE GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION This ordinance will create a system for commercial permitting of hauling waste and allow for the Department of General Services to coordinate the time and location of these commercial haulers. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW By allowing the commissioner to coordinate the locations and schedules of these commercial haulers, there will be fewer days in a particular area where trash is left out on the street, creating a cleaner and healthier Albany. FISCAL IMPACT Creating a system of permits for commercial haulers will bring in revenue to the city. Council Member Balarin on behalf of the Committee on Planning, Economic Development, and Land Use, introduced the following: Resolution Number 65.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING ANDRE LAKE AS A MEMBER OF THE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, pursuant to section 42-133 of the Code of the City of Albany, the Common Council shall appoint five members to the Sustainability Advisory Committee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Andre Lake is hereby appointed as a member of the Sustainability Advisory Committee for a term expiring June 30, 2026; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately. To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Jake Eisland, Esq., Research Counsel Re: Request for Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: June 6, 2023 SPONSOR Council Member Balarin o/b/o Planning Committee RESOLUTION NUMBER 65.62.23R TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING ANDRE LAKE AS A MEMBER OF THE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To reappoint Andre Lake to Sustainability Advisory Committee for a term expiring June 30, 2026. Andre Lake was appointed to a 1-year term in 2018 (Resolution 26.51.18R) expiring 6/30/19. He was appointed to a full three year term by Resolution 69.72.20R which expires on 6/30/2023. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW The Council is required to appoint five members to the Sustainability Advisory Committee. Council appointments require approval via resolution. FISCAL IMPACT(S) None. Council Member Balarin on behalf of the Committee on Planning, Economic Development, and Land Use introduced the following: Resolution Number 66.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING DANIEL KIRK-DAVIDOFF AS A MEMBER OF THE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, pursuant to section 42-133 of the Code of the City of Albany, the Common Council shall appoint five members to the Sustainability Advisory Committee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Daniel Kirk-Davidoff is hereby reappointed as a member of the Sustainability Advisory Committee for a term expiring June 30, 2026; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately. To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Jake Eisland, Esq., Research Counsel Re: Request for Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: June 6, 2023 SPONSOR Council Member Balarin o/b/o Planning Committee RESOLUTION NUMBER 66.62.23R TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING DANIEL KIRK- DAVIDOFF AS A MEMBER OF THE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To reappoint Daniel Kirk-Davidoff to Sustainability Advisory Committee for a term expiring June 30, 2026. Daniel Kirk-Davidoff was appointed via Resolution 25.51.18R which expired on 06/30/2020. He was reappointed via Resolution 76.91.20R, expiring on 6/30/2023 He has expressed interest in being reappointed to another three (3) year term. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW The Council is required to appoint five members to the Sustainability Advisory Committee. Council appointments require approval via resolution. FISCAL IMPACT(S) None. Councilmember Balarin introduced the following: RESOLUTION NUMBER 67.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING JESSICA WILCOX TO THE PUBLIC, EDUCATION, AND GOVERNMENT ACCESS OVERSIGHT BOARD WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Albany has the authority, pursuant to section 42-376 of the Code of the City of Albany, to appoint members of the Public, Education, and Government Access Oversight Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Albany hereby reappoints Jessica Wilcox to the PEGAOB for a term ending July 1, 2026. To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Jake Eisland, Esq., Research Counsel Re: Request for Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: June 6, 2023 RESOLUTION NUMBER 67.62.20R TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING JESSICA WILCOX TO THE PUBLIC, EDUCATION, AND GOVERNMENT ACCESS OVERSIGHT BOARD GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To reappoint Jessica Wilcox to the Public, Education, and Government Access Oversight Board (PEG Access). NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW Ms. Wilcox’s term ends on July 1, 2023 (See resolution 61.71.20R). She has expressed interest in re-appointment to the board for another 3 year term. This resolution is necessary to re-appoint Ms. Wilcox. FISCAL IMPACT(S) None. Councilmember Romero, with the support of Council President Ellis, introduced the following: RESOLUTION 68.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALBANY RECOGNIZING JUNE 12, 2023, AS THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE IN THE CITY OF ALBANY WHEREAS, The Filipino community is the second-largest Asian group in the United States, with a population of approximately 3,900,000 people; and WHEREAS, Filipino Americans are an integral part of the United States health care system as nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals; and WHEREAS, Filipino Americans have contributed significantly to arts, entertainment, music, dance, literature, business, journalism, education, science, technology, government, fashion, and other fields in the City of Albany; and WHEREAS, the United States of America granted independence to the Philippines on July 4, 1946, through the Treaty of Manila; and July 4th was chosen as the date by the United States because it corresponds to the United States’ Independence Day, and that day was observed in the Philippines as Independence Day until 1962; and WHEREAS, on May 12, 1962, President Diosdado Macapagal issued Presidential Proclamation No. 28, which declared June 12th a special public holiday throughout the Philippines; and WHEREAS, this special holiday was affirmed in commemoration of the people’s declaration of their inherent and inalienable right to freedom and independence; and WHEREAS, On August 4, 1964, Republic Act No. 4166 renamed the July 4th holiday as “Philippine Republic Day,” proclaimed June 12 as “Philippine Independence Day,” and enjoined all citizens of the Philippines to observe the latter with befitting rites; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Albany recognizes June 12, 2023, as the 125th anniversary of Philippine Independence; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to Kalayaan 1521 Council, Inc. To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Jake Eisland, Esq., Research Counsel Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: June 7, 2023 Sponsor: Council Member Romero RESOLUTION 68.62.23R TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALBANY RECOGNIZING JUNE 12, 2023, AS THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE IN THE CITY OF ALBANY GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To recognize June 12, 2023 as the 125th anniversary of Philippine Independence Day in the City of Albany. NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW Not Applicable FISCAL IMPACT None. Council Member Johnson introduced the following: RESOLUTION 69.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF DOCTOR ORNELLA SATHOUD WHEREAS, Dr. Ornella Sathoud is an internationally recognized female boxer from Ghana and studious academic whose laudable perseverance has led to multiple awards and accolades throughout her life; and WHEREAS, Dr. Ornella Sathoud was born in Ghana to a Congolese father and Ghanaian mother and is a proud Ghanaian; and WHEREAS, she drew inspiration from her parents who were both involved with different sports as well as famous Ghanaian boxers such as Azumah Nelson and, despite boxing being a sport dominated by male figures, she aspired to break that mold; and WHEREAS, she has demonstrated tremendous resolve, participating in numerous tournaments and securing a spot with the Ghanaian national team for the Commonwealth Games in 2022, serving as the first female boxer to represent Ghana at the games; and WHEREAS, she took up boxing as a pastime while attending school for a Ph.D in analytical chemistry after both participating in several other sports, including volleyball and running, and at the suggestion of her mother, and she has now set her sights on entering Olympic boxing; and WHEREAS, Dr. Ornella Sathoud has been boxing in the City of Albany for three years and represents the city within the Buffalo Golden Gloves chapter; and WHEREAS, on Saturday May 13, 2023, Dr. Ornella Sathoud participated in the National Golden Gloves tournament in Chester, Pennsylvania and defeated her opponent in the tournament to secure a second consecutive national championship in her weight class; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Albany wishes to acknowledge and support the achievements and ambitions of Dr. Ornella Sathoud and present her with this resolution to show how much the City of Albany appreciates her dedication and achievements. To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Jake Eisland, Esq., Research Counsel Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: June 7, 2023 Sponsor: Council Member Johnson RESOLUTION 69.62.23R TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF DOCTOR ORNELLA SATHOUD GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To recognize and celebrate the achievements of Doctor Ornella Sathoud NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW Not Applicable FISCAL IMPACT None. Council Member Johnson introduced the following: RESOLUTION 70.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING THE WORK OF DAVID GRAHAM, RON “COOK” BARRETT, AND THE YMCA IN CREATING AND RUNNING GANG PREVENTION TEEN NITE WHEREAS, David Graham and Ron “Cook” Barrett in May 2000, foresaw the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing the issues of gang violence and youth delinquency in Albany, New York and thus launched the Gang Prevention Teen Nite program in coordination with the YMCA; and WHEREAS, this program, for 23 continuous years, through three separate buildings, has reached out to more than 20,000 youths aged 14 to 21, offering them a safe, kid-friendly environment, fostering healthy relationships, and steering them away from potential engagement in gang-related activities; and WHEREAS, the program's enduring success stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment of its founders, who, with their leadership and personal engagement, have changed countless lives for the better; and WHEREAS, through combining recreational activities with educational programs, guest speakers, and volunteering, this program prepares youths to handle future challenges; and WHEREAS, program alumni have succeeded to become Police Officers, Financial analysts, Certified public Accountants, Professional athletes, active military personnel, teachers, mentors, and more; and WHEREAS, David Graham and Ron “Cook” Barrett have shown not only dedication to our city's youth but have also embodied a remarkable spirit of public service that serves as an inspiration to all citizens of Albany; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Albany recognizes the Gang Prevention Teen Nite program's success in creating an environment where our youth can thrive and grow away from the influence of gang activity, positively impacting our city's future; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council thanks David Graham, Ron “Cook” Barrett, Dave Brown, and the YMCA for their commendable work building and operating this essential program. To: Danielle Gillespie, City Clerk From: Jake Eisland, Esq., Research Counsel Re: Common Council Legislation Supporting Memorandum Date: June 9, 2023 Sponsor: Council Member Johnson RESOLUTION 70.62.23R TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING THE WORK OF DAVID GRAHAM, RON “COOK” BARRETT, AND THE YMCA IN CREATING AND RUNNING GANG PREVENTION TEEN NITE GENERAL PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION To recognize and celebrate the work of David Graham, Ron “Cook” Barrett, and the YMCA in creating and running Gang Prevention Teen Nite NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATION AND ANY CHANGE TO EXISTING LAW Not Applicable FISCAL IMPACT None. AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALBANY COMMON COUNCIL Monday, June 5, 2023 The Common Council meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (note: when Monday falls on a legal holiday or day of special observance, the Council meeting is ordinarily moved to the following Thursday). This meeting will be held in the Common Council Chambers in City Hall and live streamed on Facebook. If we experience any technical difficulties on Facebook, the video will be streamed to YouTube. For more information on how to be heard please visit our website. If you wish to speak during the meeting or provide written comments, they must be received by 12noon on the day of the meeting. All comments are memorialized on our Facebook page, website, and are subject to FOIL. ORDER OF BUSINESS: Roll Call Welcome Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Public Hearings Public Comment Period (30 Minutes) Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings Consideration of Local Laws Communications from the Mayor, Department Heads and other City Officials Consideration of Vetoes Presentation of Petitions and Communications Reports of Standing Committees Reports of Ad Hoc Committees Consideration of Ordinances Consideration of Resolutions Additional Public Comment (30 Minutes) Miscellaneous or Unfinished Business Adjournment LOCAL LAWS INTRODUCED G OF 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART 4 (HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REDUCING THE SIZE OF THE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION H OF 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A NEW PART 41 THERETO CREATING THE CITY OF ALBANY COMMISSION ON MONUMENTS AND PUBLIC ART LOCAL LAWS HELD 1. Johnson Local Law C-2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO CREATING A PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION *Referred to Public Safety* 2. Planning Local Law G OF 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART 4 (HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION), PART 13 (PLANNING BOARD OF CITY OF ALBANY), AND PART 35 (BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REDUCING THE SIZE OF THE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION AND AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO THE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION, CITY PLANNING BOARD, AND BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use* 3. Romero Local Law I OF 2022 A LOCAL LAW CREATING A COMMUNITY COMMISSION TO STUDY THE ENACTMENT OF REPARATIONS REMEDIES RELATED TO THE SALE OF CANNABIS IN THE CITY OF ALBANY *Referred to Joint Finance and Human Rights Committee* 4. Romero Local Law J OF 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING ARTICLE VIIB (ALBANY POLICE DEPARMENT INTERACTIONS) OF PART 1 (DEPARTMENT OF POLICE) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSION) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN REALTION TO PROHIBITING THE ALBANY POLICE DEPARMENT FROM PURCHASING, STOCKPILING, AND USING KINETIC ENERGY MUNITIONS *Referred to Public Safety* 5. Romero Local Law K OF 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING ARTICLE VIIB (ALBANY POLICE DEPARMENT INTERACTIONS) OF PART 1 (DEPARTMENT OF POLICE) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSION) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PROHIBITING THE ALBANY POLICE DEPARMENT FROM PURCHASING, STOCKPILING, AND USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS *Referred to Public Safety* LOCAL LAWS HELD 6. Kimbrough Local Law L OF 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING ARTICLE VIIB (ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT INTERACTIONS) OF PART 1 (DEPARTMENT OF POLICE) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY WITH REGARD TO THE USE OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS AND KINETIC ENERGY MUNITIONS ON CIVILIAN POPULATIONS *Referred to Public Safety* 7. Zamer Local Law M OF 2022 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 359 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) REDUCING THE SPEED LIMIT OF THE CITY OF ALBANY FROM 30 TO 25 MILES PER HOUR *Referred to Public Safety* 8. Anane Local Law D OF 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 5 OF LOCAL LAW 1-2016 IN RELATION TO THE EXPIRATION THEREOF *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 9. Keegan Local Law E OF 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 255 (PEACE AND GOOD ORDER) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING THERETO A NEW ARTICLE XI TO BE ENTITLED “HARASSMENT OF A CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, PUBLIC SERVICE OFFICER, OR TRAFFIC SAFETY AIDE” *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 10. Adams Local Law F OF 2023 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING PART 4 (RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY PERMIT AND RENTAL DWELLING REGISTRY) OF CHAPTER 231 (HOUSING) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO REQUIRING SUCH PERMITS FOR SHORT-TERM RENTAL DWELLING UNITS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* ORDINANCES INTRODUCED 27.62.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 46.112.22 (AS AMENDED 12/22/2022) WHICH AUTHORIZED CERTAIN PURCHASES BY THE CITY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $2,000,000 AND AUTHORIZED THE LEASE FINANCING OR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,000,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE COST THEREOF (APD – IMPROVEMENTS TO APD FACILITIES) BY INCREASING SUCH AUTHORIZATION TO $3,441,000 28.62.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 313 (SOLID WASTE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY BY ADDING A PERMITTING SYSTEM FOR COMMERCIAL HAULERS OF SOLID WASTE ORDINANCES HELD 1. Farrell Ordinance 16.72.22 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I (BICYCLES AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES) OF CHAPTER 359 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO THE REGULATION OF SKATEBOARDING ON SIDEWALKS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 2. Love Ordinance 19.91.22 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART 21 (COMMON COUNCIL) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY ENACTING A SUMMER RECESS IN LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS *Referred to Council Operations & Ethics* 3. Anane Ordinance 49.121.22 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART 3 (DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS *Referred to Public Safety* 4. Anane Ordinance 5.21.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I (LOITERING; DISTURBANCES; DEFACING PROPERTY) OF CHAPTER 255 (PEACE AND GOOD ORDER) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO SIMPLIFYING THE ENFORCEMENT GUIDELINES FOR LOITERING. *Referred to Public Safety* 5. Clarke Ordinance 11.32.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 375 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY (UNIFIED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE) CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF 64 COLVIN AVENUE, 65 COLVIN AVENUE, 67 COLVIN AVENUE AND 69 COLVIN AVENUE FROM “MIXED-USE COMMUNITY URBAN” (MU-CU) TO “MIXED-USE NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER” (MU-NC) AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use* 6. Clarke Ordinance 12.32.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 375 (UNIFIED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY REGARDING THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS IN MIXED-USE-NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER DISTRICTS *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use* ORDINANCES HELD 7. Love Ordinance 13.32.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III (OMNIBUS HUMAN RIGHTS LAW) OF CHAPTER 48 (EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROTECTIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF HAIR TEXTURE AND STYLE *Referred to Human Resources & Human Rights* 8. Zamer Ordinance 14.32.23 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF 1 ASPEN CIRCLE (TAX MAP NUMBER 64.62-2-4) TO AHMED AMER *Referred to Finance, Taxation & Assessment* 9. Romero Ordinance 15.41.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE V (COMPLETE STREETS) OF CHAPTER 323 (STREETS AND SIDEWALKS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO PEDESTRIAN SIGNALIZATION AND PEDESTRIAN INTERVALS *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 10. Farrell Ordinance 16.42.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE V (UNNECESSARY AND UNUSUAL NOISES) OF CHAPTER 255 (PEACE AND GOOD ORDER) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY *Referred to Law, Buildings & Code Enforcement* 11. Romero Ordinance 17.42.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 313 (SOLID WASTE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY CREATING AN INCREASING FEE SCALE AND MODIFYING THE NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR REPEAT VIOLATIONS OF TRASH AND LITTER PROVISIONS *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* 12. Kimbrough Ordinance 18.52.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 375 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY (UNIFIED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE) CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF 27 MAIN STREET FROM “MIXED-USE NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER” (MU-NC) TO “LIGHT INDUSTRIAL” (I-1) AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use* ORDINANCES HELD 13. Farrell Ordinance 19.52.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 42-228 (REGULAR MEETINGS; SCHEDULE) OF PART 21 (COMMON COUNCIL) OF CHAPTER 42 (DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO THE AUTHORITY OF COMMON COUNCIL LEADERSHIP TO CHANGE OR CANCEL COUNCIL MEETINGS *Referred to Council Operations & Ethics* 14. Clarke Ordinance 20.61.23 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE GRANT OF AN EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTY AT 2 PITCH PINE ROAD (TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER 41.13-4-1) TO NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A PAD-MOUNTED RECLOSER UNIT AND THE NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO *Referred to Finance, Taxation & Assessment* 15. Balarin Ordinance 22.61.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 359 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO THE PARKING OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES *Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Land Use* 16. Flynn Ordinance 23.61.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 313 (SOLID WASTE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY RESTRICTING ACCESS TO CITY LANDFILL FACILITIES *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* 17. Zamer Ordinance 24.61.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 313 (SOLID WASTE) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY CODIFYING THE REGULATIONS AROUND BUILDING MATERIALS AND MATRESSES FOR CURBSIDE COLLECTION *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* 18. Keegan Ordinance 25.61.23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL AMENDING CHAPTER 323 (STREETS AND SIDEWALKS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY CODIFYING EXEMPTIONS FOR SNOW REMOVAL FROM SIDEWALKS *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* ORDINANCES HELD 19. Kimbrough Ordinance 26.61.23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 48 (EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROTECTIONS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALBANY IN RELATION TO EXPANDING THE SCOPE OF MINORITY AND WOMEN-OWNED AND CONTROLLED BUSINESSES *Referred to Human Resources & Human Rights* RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED 65.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING ANDRE LAKE AS A MEMBER OF THE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 66.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING DANIEL KIRK-DAVIDOFF AS A MEMBER OF THE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 67.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REAPPOINTING JESSICA WILCOX TO THE PUBLIC, EDUCATION, AND GOVERNMENT ACCESS OVERSIGHT BOARD 68.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING JUNE 12, 2023, AS THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE IN THE CITY OF ALBANY 69.62.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF DOCTOR ORNELLA SATHOUD RESOLUTIONS HELD 1. Hoey Resolution 13.21.22R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REQUESTING THE ALBANY WATER BOARD TO FLOURINATE THE WATER OF THE CITY OF ALBANY *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* 2. Hoey Resolution 14.21.22R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL EXPRESSING ITS DESIRE TO CREATE A BIKE/WALKING TRAIL ALONG THE NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY *Referred to Parks, Recreation & Family Services* 3. Clarke Resolution 9.21.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING THE LIFE OF BEVERLY BARDEQUEZ AND RENAMING A PORTION OF RAPP ROAD IN HER HONOR *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* 4. Anane Resolution 39.51.23R A RESOLUTION HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF SISTER JOAN BYRNE AND RENAMING A PORTION OF MADISON AVENUE IN HER HONOR *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* 5. Balarin Resolution 49.52.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL AUTHORZING THE CITY TO ACCEPT CONVEYANCE OF THE STATE OWNED PROPERTY AT 327 WASHINGTON AVENUE (TAX MAP NUMBER 65.71-1-55) FROM THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR PUBLIC PARKING AND ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING PURPOSES *Referred to Finance, Taxation & Assessment* 6. Romero Resolution 53.61.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF HAROLD AND RUTH RUBIN TO THE CITY OF ALBANY AND RENAMING A PORTION OF CHESTNUT STREET IN THEIR HONOR *Referred to General Services, Health & Environment* RESOLUTIONS HELD 7. Finance Resolution 54.61.23R A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPROVING A TRANSFER OF BUDGETED FUNDS AND A CHANGE IN THE AUTHORIZED POSITIONS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, WHICH WILL AFFECT A SALARY RATE OR SALARY TOTAL *Referred to Finance, Taxation & Assessment*