VILLAGE OF COLONIE EDWARD SIM DEPUTY MAYOR VILLAGE HALL 2 THUNDER ROAD PATTY SCHWARZ LOCKART COLONIE, NY 12205 TRUSTEE JAMES M. RUBINO (518) 869-7562 FAX (518) 464-0389 TRUSTEE THOMAS J. TOBIN ART WHITE MAYOR TRUSTEE JAMIE BLOT CLERK MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2021 6:30 P.M. Mayor Tobin opened the meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees at 6:33 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Tobin Present Trustee Lockart Present Trustee Rubino Present Trustee Sim Present Trustee White Present Deputy Clerk Hart Present Minutes of the public hearing that was held on April 5, 2021 were reviewed by the present members of the board. A motion was made by Trustee Sim to approve the minutes, as presented. Motion seconded by Trustee Lockart. VOTE: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee Sim Yes Trustee White Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Minutes of the annual meeting that was held on April 5, 2021 were reviewed by the present members of the board. A motion was made by Trustee Lockart to approve the minutes, as presented. Motion seconded by Trustee Rubino. VOTE: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee Sim Yes Trustee White Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting that was held on April 5, 2021 were reviewed by the present members of the board. A motion was made by Trustee Rubino to approve the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Trustee White. VOTE: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee Sim Yes Trustee White Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Minutes from the budget hearing that was held on April 12, 2021 were reviewed by the present members of the board. A motion was made by Trustee Rubino to accept the minutes as presented. Trustee White seconded the motion. VOTE: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee Sim Yes Trustee White Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. The Deputy Clerk requested a vote for the 2021-2022 Village budget. A motion was made by Trustee Sim to approve the budget as presented. Motion seconded by Trustee White. VOTE: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee Sim Yes Trustee White Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. The Deputy Clerk requested a vote for Resolution 2021-21 “Capital Reserve Sewer Repair/Replacement – Walker Way and Petra Lane.” A motion was made by Trustee Lockart to approve the resolution. Motion seconded by Trustee White. VOTE: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee Sim Yes Trustee White Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Page 2 of 4 The Deputy Clerk requested a vote for Resolution 2021-22 “Water Adjustment #1 April 2021 – 14 Petra Lane”. Deputy Clerk Hart stated that the two water meters located in this building were pulling in the incorrect number of digits resulting in a water bill much higher than it should have been. The water bill will be reduced from $2,538.49 to $320.33. A motion was made by Trustee Sim to approve resolution 2021-22, as presented. Motion seconded by Trustee Rubino. VOTE: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee Sim Yes Trustee White Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. A request was made to authorize the Clerk to advertise for a public hearing to be held on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall, 2 Thunder Road Albany NY 12205 for the annual Stormwater Management Report. A motion was made by Trustee Rubino to authorize the Clerk to advertise, as stated above. Motion seconded by Trustee White. VOTE: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee Sim Yes Trustee White Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. The following reports were submitted: Firehouse – February 2021 Trustee Lockart wished Mayor Tobin a happy birthday. All present wished the Mayor a happy birthday. Mayor Tobin thanked everyone. Mayor Tobin thanked everyone involved in the budget: Deputy Mayor Sim, Treasurers Kathy Haas and Christina Secor, Clerk Jamie Blot, and all office staff for their hard work to getting the budget passed. Village Resident Milt Schmit was present at the meeting. Mr. Schmidt asked how many employees were authorized to take home Village owned vehicles. Mayor Tobin stated that Carl Fleshman, Chris Bisognano and Les Decker had take home vehicles. Mr. Schmidt asked if the Village was aware of the IRS implications if the wages and benefits of the take home vehicles were not properly reported. Mayor Tobin stated that he was aware of the IRS rules and would send Mr. Schmidt a letter describing the justification behind employee take home vehicles. Mr. Schmidt thanked the Mayor. Page 3 of 4 Abstract #21 breakdown: General: $ 83,462.39 Water: $ 21,777.67 Sewer: $ 140,512.67 Total: $ 245,752.73 A motion was made by Trustee Sim to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Trustee Lockart. VOTE: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee Sim Yes Trustee White Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:41 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Alexandra M. Hart Deputy Village Clerk Village of Colonie Page 4 of 4