EDWARD SIM Village of Colonie DEPUTY MAYOR VILLAGE HALL PATTY SCHWARZ 2 THUNDER ROAD LOCKART COLONIE, NY 12205 TRUSTEE (518) 869-7562 FAX (518) 464-0389 ART WHITE THOMAS J. TOBIN TRUSTEE MAYOR JAMES RUBINO TRUSTEE villagehall@colonievillage.org www.colonievillage.org JAMIE BLOT CLERK MINUTES VILLAGE OF COLONIE TRAFFIC COMMITTEE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2024 The Village of Colonie Traffic Committee meeting was held on Thursday, February 8th, 2024 at 2 Thunder Rd, Albany, NY 12205. Chairman France opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman, Kevin France Present John Gillivan Present George Lashoff Present Les Samiof Present Michael Normandin Present John Lemperle Present John Dombroski Present Liasion Ed Sim Present CPD Liaison Investigator DePaulo Present Trustee Frank Prevratil Present The minutes from the regularly scheduled November 9th meeting were reviewed by the present members of the committee. Mr. Samiof made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, and Mr. Lashoff seconded this motion. Vote: All in favor. Liasion Sim introduced a few new members of the traffic committee, John Lemperle and John Dombroski. He also introduced Kevin France, the new chairman of the committee. Trustee Frank Prevratil was recently appointed to the Village of Colonie Board of Trustees and resigned from his position on the traffic committee. He will become the Village Liasion once Liasion Sim’s term expires. OLD BUSINESS: Chairman France and Liasion Sim provided an update on the ongoing Sand Creek Complete Streets study. Liasion Sim stated that the second public meeting was held on January 10th, and lots of feedback was provided to the Study Advisory Committee. There was significant feedback Page 1 of 3 given regarding the proposed multi-use path, and this feedback will be considered further. The Hunting Road intersection is still in contention, in that a traffic light may not necessarily be warranted. It is likely that the Village will begin implementing small pieces of the recommendations as funding is secured. The Complete Streets study will provide a strong guide- map to move forward with the grant process. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. and Mrs. Townsend, from Red Fox Drive, submitted a proposal to the traffic committee regarding a 4-way stop sign they would like to see at the intersection of Red Fox and Barker St. They were present and briefly explained their concerns. They stated that in the past when this was discussed, stop signs could not be placed in that area due to the grading, and cars would not be able to stop at the stop sign. Trustee Prevratil explained that it isn’t necessarily about giving cars time to stop, but they wouldn’t have enough time to prepare to stop after seeing the warning sign, which could create further hazards. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend displayed their concern for the safety of residents and children in the area, especially with speeding cars and trucks coming through on a daily basis. They explained that Red Fox Drive is a popular route for cars to use as they try to get to Central Avenue, because there is a convenient light at the end of the street. Chairman France made traffic counts from June of 2021 available, which highlighted the average speed of 32 miles per hour on the road. He explained that the counters measure volume and speed to get a gauge of the driving behavior in the area. He stated that once the weather warms up, he would do another study to get updated information. Trustee Prevratil stressed that the Village is trying to make changes to improve driving behavior, such as the driver feedback signs that have been placed around the Village, with two being on Red Fox Drive. Chairman France and Liasion Sim also explained that with any signage, we must adhere to the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices which has strict guidelines. He also suggested moving the driver feedback sign, or adding another one, if the committee thinks that would be helpful. Investigator DePaulo asked Mr. and Mrs. Townsend when they notice the most speeding, and they stated during rush hours. He added that the 4-way stop sign may not even change this behavior, as his division often receives complaints from residents on Hunting Road that already have these stop signs. He stated that just because there is a 4 way stop sign, doesn’t mean that cars will actually stop. Trustee Prevratil added that the Village will continue to work together to implement positive changes. He added that the changes to Sand Creek Road may also impact driving behavior in the Village neighborhoods. Ms. Marcia Neufeld, from Locust Park, was present to discuss her concerns regarding speeding on Locust Park. She stated that she feels speeding efforts have been marginally effective, and offered that drivers realize the feedback signs aren’t recording them, and they continue to speed. She stated that she recently witnessed a car being passed right on Locust Park. Trustee Prevratil encouraged those in the audience to compare Village streets to those other streets in the town, in that speeds are higher everywhere. He also encouraged residents to continue reporting speeding events and take down plate information, as that can be helpful for enforcement purposes. Page 2 of 3 Investigator DePaulo explained that the Traffic Division just finished a two-week initiative on Lincoln Avenue, and they may be able to focus on Locust Park next. He added that he recently met with the principals of CBA and BOCES as many of the drivers stopped were students. Mr. Townsend asked if cameras could be utilized as they are with red lights and school buses. Liasion Sim mentioned that he hopes for this to become a thing of the future and believes that the Village would support such efforts. Mr. Gillivan suggested that once the Sand Creek Complete Streets study is over, perhaps Locust Park could be looked at next. He offered that Locust Park and Red Fox Drive are similar in nature, in that they are both used as cut throughs to lights at Central Avenue. It was also offered that traffic counts should be taken on Lincoln Avenue and Locust Park once the weather warms up to see the impact the driver feedback signs have made. DISCUSSION: Trustee Prevratil thanked Liasion Sim for his dedication to the traffic committee, and recognized all of the work he has put in to traffic in the Village. At the end of March, his term expires for Deputy Mayor and thus liaison to any boards. Trustee Prevratil will become the new liaison to the traffic committee. A motion was made by Mr. Dombroski to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. This motion was seconded by Mr. Lashoff. Vote: All in favor. Respectfully submitted, Hannah Curran Traffic Advisory Committee Coordinator Village of Colonie Page 3 of 3