EDWARD SIM Village of Colonie DEPUTY MAYOR VILLAGE HALL PATTY SCHWARZ 2 THUNDER ROAD LOCKART COLONIE, NY 12205 TRUSTEE (518) 869-7562 FAX (518) 464-0389 ART WHITE THOMAS J. TOBIN TRUSTEE MAYOR JAMES RUBINO TRUSTEE villagehall@colonievillage.org www.colonievillage.org JAMIE BLOT CLERK MINUTES VILLAGE OF COLONIE TRAFFIC COMMITTEE THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2024 The Village of Colonie Traffic Committee meeting was held on Thursday, March 14th, 2024, at 2 Thunder Rd, Albany, NY 12205. Chairman France opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman, Kevin France Present John Gillivan Present George Lashoff Present Les Samiof Present Michael Normandin Present John Lemperle Present John Dombroski Absent CPD Liaison Investigator DePaulo Present Liaison Frank Prevratil Present The minutes from the regularly scheduled February 8th meeting were reviewed by the present members of the committee. Mr. Gillivan made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, and Mr. Samiof seconded this motion. Vote: All in favor. OLD BUSINESS: Liaison Prevratil reported to the committee that the final presentation of the Sand Creek Complete Streets study was given to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. Positive feedback has been received from the numerous public input sessions, and Liaison Prevratil stated that he would keep the committee updated with any progress. Mr. Lashoff asked if the diagram of Sand Creek Road matches what was presented to the committee, and Liaison Prevratil stated that it is basically the same, except for changes that was made to the multi-use path. The updated concept includes the multi-use path from Watervliet-Shaker Road to Hunting Road, with sidewalks on both sides continuing from Hunting Road to Jodiro Lane. Mr. Gillivan asked if there was any implementation plan yet, and Liaison Prevratil added that the Village is in the process of looking for grants to obtain funding for the implementation stage. Page 1 of 3 Chairman France provided an update on the Red Fox Drive 4-way stop sign proposal that was reviewed at the last meeting. The Village is likely going to pursue an engineering opinion, as stated in the NYSDOT standards. Deputy Mayor Sim is going to follow up with an engineering firm to get a quote for their professional opinion. NEW BUSINESS: Francesca LaMorta, resident of Parkwood Drive, was present in the audience to discuss traffic concerns in her neighborhood. She stated that there are cars speeding during before and after school traffic, and she worries about the kids walking and playing outside. She mentioned that she had spoken to Dr. Perry about this issue, but with little relief. Ms. LaMorta also stated that she has spoken to Colonie Police a few weeks ago, which resulted in the officer speaking to a neighbor that she noticed is a frequent speeder. Investigator DePaulo added that the speeding is likely from parents dropping and picking their children up, and he stated he would speak with the school resource officer, Officer Burns. Chairman France added that the Village could place the temporary radar trailer on Parkwood Drive within the next week or two to see if that could curtail the speeding issue. A resident was present in the audience with his son, who was in attendance as part of a school government program. The resident, who resides off Lincoln Avenue, mentioned that he has noticed a reduction in speeding on Lincoln Avenue since the driver feedback signs have been placed there. DISCUSSION: Investigator DePaulo asked who maintains the streetlights, to which Coordinator Curran replied National Grid. Malfunctioning streetlights can be reported to Village Hall, where staff can go online and report the outage to National Grid. However, the Village does not have any responsibility for maintaining them. A discussion was held regarding the streetlights, and it was suggested that Village security should make note of malfunctioning streetlights during their rounds while they are working in the Spring and Summer. Coordinator Curran will bring this to the attention of the Clerk, who can discuss it with the Mayor and Board of Trustees. Mr. Lashoff asked if traffic counters could be placed at each end of Sand Creek Road, and if these counts could be repeated each year in the Spring. Chairman France stated that this is something the Village has been doing since the 2000s, and he has noticed the volume of cars has not increased. However, with the changes that may be coming to Sand Creek Road, these counts could be continued. Mr. Lashoff provided an update on the lawn sign program that is set to begin soon. He stated that he would email the schedule to everyone, with the proposed weekends that they will be out placing signs. The program begins the last weekend in April. Investigator DePaulo asked which signs historically are placed first, and Mr. Lashoff stated that he will send Investigator DePaulo the email with the schedule. Investigator DePaulo added that they can focus enforcement efforts based on what streets are not going to have speed signs at the time. Page 2 of 3 Mr. Gillivan mentioned that the Village’s Family Fun Day is going to be coming up soon, on Saturday, June 8th. He added that the committee should begin to think about if they would like to organize a table and some other activities such as a bike rodeo. A motion was made by Mr. Lashoff to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. This motion was seconded by Mr. Lemperle. Vote: All in favor. Respectfully submitted, Hannah Curran Traffic Advisory Committee Coordinator Village of Colonie Page 3 of 3