VILLAGE OF COLONIE PATTY SCHWARZ LOCKART DEPUTY MAYOR VILLAGE HALL 2 THUNDER ROAD FRANK A. PREVRATIL COLONIE, NY 12205 TRUSTEE JASON M. DEPAULO (518) 869-7562 FAX (518) 464-0389 TRUSTEE JAMES M. RUBINO MARK P. STEVENS MAYOR TRUSTEE JAMIE L. BLOT VILLAGE CLERK MINUTES MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024 6:30 P.M. The meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, June 17, 2024 at 2 Thunder Road, Albany, NY 12205. Deputy Mayor Lockart opened the meeting at 6:34 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Rubino Absent Deputy Mayor Lockart Present Trustee Prevratil Present Trustee DePaulo Absent Trustee Stevens Present Clerk Blot Present Minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting held on June 17, 2024, were reviewed by the present members of the board. A motion was made by Trustee Stevens to approve the minutes, as presented. This motion was seconded by Trustee DePaulo. Vote: Trustee Prevratil Yes Trustee DePaulo Yes Trustee Stevens Yes Deputy Mayor Lockart Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Local Law #3 of 2024 “Amendments to the Village of Colonie Code”. A motion was made by Trustee Prevratil to approve Local Law #3 of 2024. Motion seconded by Trustee Stevens. Vote: Trustee Prevratil Yes Trustee DePaulo Yes Trustee Stevens Yes Deputy Mayor Lockart Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Resolution 2024-48 “Sewer adjustment – June 2024 #1”. Deputy Mayor Lockart explained that the owner of 1693 Central Avenue, Theresa Nowicki reached out to the Village explaining that in April 2024 her water bill was high, she came to find out someone was stealing water from the location (Lyle’s Hoagies). Since this is a commercial parcel, the sewer bill that is out currently matches the last water bill on cycle, therefore the sewer bill is also high. She wrote a letter requesting relief on the sewer bill. The clerk reviewed past history and has recommended adjusting the bill to the last sewer bill of the same period/cycle that we have on record, bringing the bill down to $176.02 (prior was 804.60). A motion was made by Trustee Prevrtail to approve Resolution 2024-48, as presented. Motion seconded by Trustee DePaulo. Vote: Trustee Prevratil Yes Trustee DePaulo Yes Trustee Stevens Yes Deputy Mayor Lockart Yes Motion passed. Chief Kayser mentioned that Tuesday night right before midnight there was a trench rescue call in the Town of Bethlehem. This was the first cooperative trench rescue call since the trench rescue was combined with the Albany County Sheriff’s department. They were able to rescue the individual within an hour. A man around his 40’s was sitting on his porch, when the porch collapsed, and he was surrounded in an 8ft hole by concrete. He said the man sustained some broken bones but is home now and recovering. He said they had 11 people show up for the rescue, and with the Sheriff’s department ended up with 25 people. Chief Kayser also mentioned they had a minor property damage situation with 406 today on their way to an alarm call at the Post Office. 406 hit a vehicle, they are going through the insurance for the claim. Deputy Mayor Lockart congratulated the department on the trench rescue and asked that the Chief pass on the congratulations to those involved. Mrs. Stevens mentioned that she attended Family Fun Day which was a great event, she did want to note that there were no prices for the vendor who did the food and thought that would be something we should add for the future, as she heard it was a common complaint by many in attendance. Deputy Mayor Lockart mentioned that the summer sheds program started today in Cook Park and Locust Park, she added that Katie Ciota did a great job organizing the official start. Deputy Mayor Lockart mentioned that there is a concert tomorrow in Cook Park at 6:30 p.m., Lucid Street will be performing. She also mentioned there is a planning commission meeting tomorrow evening at 6:30 p.m., and Taco Bell is on the agenda, and she expects there to be a few people from the Nicholas Drive/Hialeah Drive area present. She also mentioned she attended the interior firefighter graduation ceremony at the firehouse this past Saturday where 4 men graduated, she said it was a nice ceremony. Chief Kayser added that the program has changed over the years and the mandatory requirements are a lot more than they use to be years ago. He commended those who graduated for their time and dedication. Chief Kayser mentioned that the company purchased new AED’s for the fire department, $19,000. He said there were 3 AED’s left, 2 of which have reached the end of their life, but the one remaining has about 2-3 years left on it, and they are giving it to the DPW, that department currently does not have an AED. Deputy Mayor Lockart congratulated Trustee Stevens who was sworn in as a social member at the fire house meeting Thursday night. Deputy Mayor Lockart reviewed the schedule for this week due to the 4th of July holiday. Trustee Prevratil thanked the Fire Department for all that they do. He also commended the DPW for all that they do, adding that driving in the village, you can definitely tell all the hard work they put in, and he is so proud. Trustee Stevens thanked the Fire Department for making him feel so welcome at the swearing in ceremony and looks forward to being a social member. Reports Submitted: Senior lunch report 6/17/2024 – 6/21/2024 Senior lunch report 6/24/2024 – 6/28/2024 Senior rev. vs. exp. report 6/17/2024 – 6/28/2024 Senior activity report June 2024 Recreation center activity report June 2024 Abstract #3 General: $280,992.53 Water: $11,040.97 Sewer: $23,657.60 Total: $315,691.10 Trustee DePaulo made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Trustee Stevens. Vote: Trustee Prevratil Yes Trustee DePaulo Yes Trustee Stevens Yes Deputy Mayor Lockart Yes Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jamie L. Blot Village Clerk