VILLAGE OF COLONIE EDWARD SIM DEPUTY MAYOR VILLAGE HALL 2 THUNDER ROAD PATTY SCHWARZ LOCKART COLONIE, NY 12205 TRUSTEE JAMES M. RUBINO (518) 869-7562 FAX (518) 464-0389 TRUSTEE THOMAS J. TOBIN ART WHITE MAYOR TRUSTEE JAMIE L. BLOT VILLAGE CLERK MINUTES MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2023 6:30 P.M. The meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, November 6th, 2023, at 2 Thunder Road, Albany, NY 12205. Mayor Tobin opened the meeting at 6:38 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Tobin Present Deputy Mayor Sim Present Trustee Lockart Present Trustee Rubino Present Trustee White Present Clerk Blot Present Minutes of the regularly scheduled Board meeting that was held on October 16, 2023, were reviewed by the members of the board. A motion was made by Trustee Lockart to approve the minutes. This motion was seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Resolution 2023-50 “Authorize to expend funds out of the capital reserve DPW equipment fund”. A motion was made by Deputy Mayor Sim to approve Resolution 2023-50. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Resolution 2023-51 “Authorize to expend funds out of the capital reserve sewer repair and replacement fund”. A motion was made by Trustee Rubino to approve Resolution 2023-51. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Resolution 2023-52 “Authorize to expend funds out of the capital reserve sewer equipment fund”. A motion was made by Deputy Mayor Sim to approve Resolution 2023-52. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Resolution 2023-54 “Water adjustment #2 – October 2023” 4 Joann Court. A motion was made by Trustee White to approve Resolution 2023-54. Motion seconded by Deputy Mayor Sim. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Resolution 2023-55 “Water adjustment #3 – October 2023” 38 Huckleberry Lane. A motion was made by Trustee Lockart to approve Resolution 2023-55. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Resolution 2023-56 “Water adjustment #4 – October 2023” 17 Loralee Drive. A motion was made by Trustee Rubino to approve Resolution 2023-56. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Resolution 2023-57 “Water adjustment #5 – October 2023” 63 Fuller Terrace. A motion was made by Trustee Lockart to approve Resolution 2023-57. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Clerk Blot read aloud Resolution 2023-58 “Water adjustment #6 – October 2023” 63 Broderick Street. A motion was made by Trustee Lockart to approve Resolution 2023-58. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Trustee Lockart said she attended the seniors Halloween party and it was well attended. She also said the Katie Ciota from our recreation center and our Assistant Superintendent Chris Ciota attended the Trunk or Treat at Saddlewood School and Forest Park School and both were great events and they did a great job representing the Village. Trustee Lockart also commended the recreation center on the recent Halloween kids party that took place on the 27th, it was well attended. Trustee Rubino said that the Village Heroes Program is moving along. He said if anyone is interested in knowing more about the program, to see someone at the Village Hall. Deputy Mayor Sim thanked the DPW for their help with this years Pumpkin Patrol, which went well. The following reports were submitted: Senior Rev. vs. Exp. 10/9/2023-10/20/2023 Senior Rev. vs. Exp. 10/23/2023-11/3/2023 Senior lunch report 10/16/2023-10/20/2023 Senior lunch report 10/23/2023-10/27/2023 Senior lunch report 10/30/2023-11/3/2023 Senior activity report October 2023 Recreation center report October 2023 Fire department report October 2023 Abstract #11 General: $148,902.78 Water: $24,568.02 Sewer: $25,579.60 Total: $199,050.40 Deputy Mayor Sim made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jamie L. Blot Village Clerk