VILLAGE OF COLONIE EDWARD SIM DEPUTY MAYOR VILLAGE HALL 2 THUNDER ROAD PATTY SCHWARZ LOCKART COLONIE, NY 12205 TRUSTEE JAMES M. RUBINO (518) 869-7562 FAX (518) 464-0389 TRUSTEE THOMAS J. TOBIN ART WHITE MAYOR TRUSTEE JAMIE L. BLOT VILLAGE CLERK MINUTES MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2023 6:30 P.M. The meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, October 2nd, 2023, at 2 Thunder Road, Albany, NY 12205. Mayor Tobin opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Tobin Present Deputy Mayor Sim Present Trustee Lockart Present Trustee Rubino Present Trustee White Present Deputy Clerk Curran Present Minutes of the regularly scheduled Board meeting that was held on September 18th, 2023, were reviewed by the members of the board. A motion was made by Trustee White to approve the minutes. This motion was seconded by Deputy Mayor Sim. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Deputy Clerk Curran read aloud Resolution 2023-46 “Establish offices for the March 2024 Village election”. A motion was made by Trustee White to approve Resolution 2023-46. Motion seconded by Trustee Lockart. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Deputy Clerk Curran read aloud Resolution 2023-47 “Authorize the Clerk to change payroll dates”. Deputy Mayor Sim added that this was for the payroll that falls on the Thanksgiving holiday. A motion was made by Deputy Mayor Sim to approve Resolution 2023-47. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Deputy Clerk Curran read aloud Resolution 2023-48 “Accepting the services of Joseph Cea pursuant to General Municipal Law and authorizing the commanding officer of the Village of Colonie Fire Department to accept the same”. A motion was made by Trustee Rubino to approve Resolution 2023-48. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. The Mayor and the Board of Trustees acknowledged Treasurer Christina Secor’s 5-year attendance at NYCOM’s Fall Training School for City and Village Officials. Mayor Tobin and the Board of Trustees welcomed Trustee Lockart back. Trustee Lockart congratulated Mr. Stevens on his Planning Commission appointment, and Assistant Superintendent Ciota on his new appointment. She also stated that she is glad to be back. Trustee Rubino reported that the Veteran Banner project is moving along well, and the goal is to have the completed applications ordered by October 10th. There will be a dedication ceremony on November 9th for former Mayor Frank Leak, and then the other banners will be placed the following week. Deputy Mayor Sim reported that the transition in the DPW Administration was seamless, and the new supervisors are officially in their roles. He added that the Senior Center bathroom project is nearly complete, as the partitions were put up today. He also reported that the new emergency alert system is circulating, and about 286 residents have signed up. The instructions to sign up have been placed on the back of the October water bills, and a link is also available on the website. Trustee White added that he is happy to have the Senior Center back open soon. Mayor Tobin added that he is glad to see all of these projects moving along well. Chief Kayser read aloud the fire report for the month of September. He mentioned that there is a new format for the report, that includes the vehicles that responded to calls. He also reported that for the first time in 6 years, the fire company will be back in the schools for Fire Prevention Week. They will have a presentation, and then each grade level will be able to take a tour of the firetruck. The open house at the Colonie Fire Company will be held on Saturday, October 21st, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Chief Kayser also reported that 2 weeks ago, they responded to a fire alarm at 10 Jupiter Lane. The warehouse currently houses bagged material for Tractor Supply. As soon as members entered the building, they were met with large quantities of carbon monoxide. National Grid was on scene for over 4 hours, and red tagged the hot water system. Chief Kayser noted that their gear has carbon monoxide sensors that luckily went off once they entered the building. Code Enforcement was notified and followed up with the property owner. Code Enforcement Officer Meservey gave an update on 6 Marini Court. The property is currently under contract, and a dumpster was delivered last week. They are going to begin cleaning it out, and then Code Enforcement will inspect it for mold. Deputy Mayor Sim asked if there was an infestation in the house, and Code Enforcement Officer Meservey reported that he didn’t believe there was an infestation. A brief discussion with neighbors from Marini Court was held regarding the property. The following reports were submitted: Senior Rev. vs. Exp. 9/11/2023-9/15/2023 Senior Rev. vs. Exp. 9/18/2023-9/22/2023 Senior lunch report 9/18/2023-9/22/2023 Senior lunch report 9/25/2023-9/29/2023 Colonie Fire Company fire report September 2023 Colonie Fire Company fire report 1/1/2023-9/30/2023 Abstract #9 General: $97,859.42 Water: $18,038.63 Sewer: $176,605.81 Total: $292,503.86 Deputy Mayor Sim made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Yes Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Hannah Curran Deputy Village Clerk