VILLAGE OF COLONIE EDWARD SIM DEPUTY MAYOR VILLAGE HALL 2 THUNDER ROAD PATTY SCHWARZ LOCKART COLONIE, NY 12205 TRUSTEE JAMES M. RUBINO (518) 869-7562 FAX (518) 464-0389 TRUSTEE THOMAS J. TOBIN ART WHITE MAYOR TRUSTEE JAMIE L. BLOT VILLAGE CLERK MINUTES MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 6:30 P.M. The meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, September 18, 2023 at 2 Thunder Road, Albany, NY 12205. Mayor Tobin opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Tobin Present Deputy Mayor Sim Present Trustee Lockart Absent Trustee Rubino Present Trustee White Present Clerk Blot Present Minutes of the regularly scheduled Board meeting that was held on September 5, 2023, were reviewed by the present members of the board. A motion was made by Trustee White to approve the minutes. This motion was seconded by Trustee Rubino. Vote: Trustee Lockart Absent Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. A motion was made by Trustee Rubino to approve Resolution 2023-43 “Water adjustment #1 – October 2023”. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Absent Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. A motion was made by Deputy Mayor Sim to approve Resolution 2023-44 “Investment policy changes”. This motion was seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Absent Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. A retirement letter from Superintendent Decker was read aloud by Clerk Blot. Superintendent Decker will be retiring effective September 26, 2023. Clerk Blot asked Christopher Bisognano, Christopher Ciota and Vincent Krzykowski to come to the board table for their appointment changes. A motion was made by Deputy Mayor Sim to approve Resolution 2023-45 “DPW Supervisory Appointments”. Motion seconded by Trustee Rubino. Vote: Trustee Lockart Absent Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Mayor Tobin added that Les Decker has been with the Village for 25 years and has done a great service to the community and congratulated him on his upcoming retirement. He extended his congratulations to the newly appointed Superintendent Chris Bisognano, who has been with the Village for 25, and added that he will do great things. He also congratulated newly appointed Assistant Superintendent Chris Ciota, and newly appointed Highway/Sanitation Foreman Vinny Krzykowski. Trustee Rubino presented a demonstration of what the veterans banners will look like for the Village of Colonie Heroes project taking place in Cook Park. Clerk Blot added that the application is available at Village Hall. Deputy Mayor Sim congratulated all newly appointed supervisors. He added that he is very excited for Chris Bisognano to take the reins, along side Mr. Krzykowski and Mr. Ciota. He thanked Mr. Decker for all the work he has given to the Village over the years. Trustee Rubino and Trustee White also congratulated all the newly appointed supervisors, and congratulated Superintendent Decker on his upcoming retirement. Clerk Blot added that there are light refreshments for after the meeting. Senior Member Elaine Ho was present to ask for an update on the re-opening of the senior center. Deputy Mayor Sim stated that the partitions should be delivered tomorrow. He did add that there was a delay in the materials which pushed things back. He said if all goes according to plan, then we should be able to finish things up by next week. The new HVAC is about 90% done but doesn’t hamper opening back up. Elaine also asked if the senior club was going to stay in the center, she heard that they were being relocated to somewhere else, to which Mayor Tobin stated that that was a miscommunication, and they were remaining in the center. He added with the renovation, we took the opportunity to do some reorganizing of the center and reevaluated the use of some of the space within the center. Clerk Blot added that the senior club will be able to utilize the sewing room. Elaine mentioned that the October club meeting is being held at St. Claire’s church, to which Clerk Blot explained that was only due to the renovations and we didn’t know if we would be back open in time to be able to allow the meeting to take place at the center. Deputy Mayor Sim mentioned that after the meeting he would be happy to show Elaine the status of the center. Judy Jacobson of Marini Court was present to ask for a status update on 6 Marini Court. Deputy Mayor Sim said that the property is in probate, and they are currently soliciting bids for cleaning it out within the next week and will be getting a dumpster. Ms. Jacobson mentioned concerns with a rodent issue and mentioned the air conditioner is now off. Deputy Mayor Sim said that he would let the Village attorney know and have Code Enforcement Officer Meservey check the property this week regarding the rodent concern, and if deemed necessary, we can recommend to the property’s attorney to hire a pest control service. Ms. Jacobson also mentioned that the grass is getting overgrown again. Mr. Gariepy of Sand Creek Road congratulated Superintendent Decker on his upcoming retirement and congratulated the other DPW staff on their promotions. He mentioned that he contacted the Code department regarding concerns with the house across the street from him. The grass is high again. The Code department said that he had until today to cut the grass, and it’s still not done. He said the Code department should be checking properties on a daily basis. Mr. Gariepy also said the sidewalk near his house needs to be weeded and mowed. Superintendent Decker said he will look at the weeds and grass tomorrow, but mentioned he was just out there marking panels for replacing and didn’t not any issues with grass or weeds. Superintendent Decker added that the panel in front of Mr. Gariepy’s house is marked to be replaced, the panel next to the driveway. Deputy Mayor Sim stated he talked to the Code department about Mr. Gariepy’s concerns with Mr. Krikorian’s property, and if it’s not mowed this week we will get the contractor over there and take care of it and bill Mr. Krikorian and ultimately add it to his taxes if it goes unpaid. Superintendent Decker said the sidewalk repairs should be done within a couple weeks. The following reports were submitted: Abstract #8 Senior Rev. vs. Exp. 8/28/2023-9/8/2023 General: $46,727.10 Senior lunch report 9/4/2023-9/8/2023 Water: $4,962.38 Senior lunch report 9/11/2023-9/15/2023 Sewer: $4,252.45 Total: $55,941.93 Deputy Mayor Sim made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Trustee White. Vote: Trustee Lockart Absent Trustee Rubino Yes Trustee White Yes Deputy Mayor Sim Yes Mayor Tobin Yes Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jamie L. Blot Village Clerk Village of Colonie