REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING – December 5, 2024 - 6:30 PM Agenda Review Session – 5:30 PM Supervisor Conference Room Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Proclamation presented to the Shaker High School Boys Varsity Soccer Team Personnel: Resolution No. 450 A. Laura L. Relation B. Adrianna M. Palleschi C. John A. Ekmalian D. Zachary F. Zepka E. William J. Hartshorne, Jr. F. David C. Ogden Resolutions Resolution No. 451 accepting the revised Senior Citizen Club Guidelines for the Senior Resources Department. Resolution No. 452 awarding the bid to Legacy Hospitality & Entertainment Group, LLC in connection with catering the Senior Resources 2025 Lunch & Learn Program for 11 months and authorizing the Supervisor to execute an agreement and renewal agreements for same. Resolution No. 453 declaring used cell phones as surplus and authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to sell the cell phones to PaceButler Corporation. Resolution No. 454 rescinding all prior resolutions pertaining to adopting a Fee Schedule for the Police Department and adopting a new Fee Schedule for the Police Department for the year 2025. Resolution No. 455 rescinding all prior resolutions pertaining to adopting a Fee Schedule for the DPW/Division of Pure Waters and adopting a new Fee Schedule for DPW/Division of Pure Waters for the year 2025. Resolution No. 456 authorizing expenditure of funds from the Insurance Reserve Fund for payment of legal fees, expenses and/or settlement in connection with litigation. Resolution No. 457 calling a public hearing in connection with a proposed local law of the Code of the Town of Colonie, thereof, amending Chapter 140 of the Town Code. Resolution No. 458 authorizing the Supervisor to declare an emergency in connection with repair of the sanitary sewer system at 9 Iris Lane by ANJO Construction, Ltd. and authorizing the Comptroller to expend Emergency Repair Reserve funds for the same. Resolution No. 459 authorizing the Supervisor to declare an emergency in connection with repair of the sanitary sewer system at 230 Lishakill Road by ANJO Construction, Ltd. and authorizing the Comptroller to expend Emergency Repair Reserve funds for the same. Resolution No. 460 awarding the bid to Potters Industries, LLC in connection with Thermoplastic Manhole Protection Rings and authorizing the Supervisor to execute an agreement and renewal agreements for same. Resolution No. 461 awarding the bid to Ferguson Enterprises, LLC in connection with Polypropylene Extension Rings and authorizing the Supervisor to execute an agreement and renewal agreements for same. Resolution No. 462 authorizing the Supervisor to execute a Contractor Service Agreement with Cogsdale Corporation in connection with maintenance and support of the billing software for the DPW/Division of Pure Waters. Resolution No. 463 authorizing the Supervisor to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. in connection with Cogsdale Sewer Billing Migration Project for the DPW/Division of Pure Waters. Resolution No. 464 authorizing the Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 5 with Ramboll in connection with additional engineering services related to the River Road Storage and Mohawk View Water Treatment Plant Mixing Project. Resolution No. 465 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for proposals for an Employee Assistance Program. Resolution No. 466 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for bids and proposals in connection with goods and services during 2025. Resolution No. 467 establishing a Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution, pursuant to 2 NYCRR 315.4, for elected and appointed officials for membership and service credit in the New York State and Local Retirement System. Resolution No. 468 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with Davis-Ulmer Fire Protection in connection with the annual inspection and testing of clean agent fire suppression systems at various Town locations. Resolution No. 469 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for bids in regard to the installation, maintenance and repair of Town owned street lights. Resolution No. 470 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for bids for Uninterrupted Power System (UPS) Replacement Batteries and Installation at the Town of Colonie Public Safety Center. Resolution No. 471 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for bids in connection with the acquisition of natural gas supply during 2025 and to accept bids for the same utilizing the Empire State Purchasing Group’s website. Resolution No. 472 authorizing the Supervisor to execute Construction Inspection Escrow Agreements for 2025. Resolution No. 473 awarding the bid to Subsurface Technologies, Inc. in connection with Well #2 rehabilitation at the Mohawk View Water Treatment Plant and authorizing the Supervisor to execute agreements and renewal agreements for same. Resolution No. 474 awarding the bid to Roadway Management Technologies, LLC in connection with the Passive Road Surveying software to be utilized on DPW/Division of Highway vehicles and authorizing the Supervisor to execute an agreement and renewal agreements for same. Resolution No. 475 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into agreements with various companies in connection with the provision of maintenance and/or repair of equipment and facilities for various Town departments as needed in 2025. Public Comment