REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING – January 23, 2025 – 6:30 PM Agenda Review Session – 5:30 PM Supervisor Conference Room Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Personnel: Resolution No. 70 A. Andrew R. Biance B. Madison M. Lyles C. Madison O’Connor D. Paul Tonic, Jr. E. Steven T. Geurds Resolutions Resolution No. 71 naming Julie L. Gansle as Delegate and Peter G. Crummey as Alternate Delegate to the Association of Towns Meeting to be held February 16- 18, 2025. Resolution No. 72 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with Paul D. Shepard for Federal Housing Quality Standard inspection services in connection with the Residential Rehabilitation Program. Resolution No. 73 awarding the bid to Fort Orange Press, Inc. in connection with the design, printing and mailing of Newsletters and Postcards for the Town of Colonie. Resolution No. 74 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for bids/RFP in connection with Insurance Brokerage Services. Resolution No. 75 authorizing the Supervisor to execute an Agreement with JustFOIA in connection with FOIL management software for 2025. Resolution No. 76 authorizing acceptance of a proposal from Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. in connection with the renewal of the Owners and Contractors Protective Liability insurance coverage for the Town through Selective Insurance of the Southeast. Resolution No. 77 authorizing acceptance of a proposal from Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. in connection with Professional Liability, including General Liability coverage for the Town’s Emergency Medical Service providers through TDC Specialty Insurance Company (A XV). Resolution No. 78 authorizing the Supervisor to accept gifts or donations to the Town of Colonie with a value of $9,500.00 or less. Resolution No. 79 authorizing the Supervisor to permit the Conservation Advisory Committee to use budgeted funds for a grant to Shaker High School to assist in starting a composting program. Resolution No. 80 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for bids in connection with In-Place Asphaltic Concrete Paving for the year 2025. Resolution No. 81 authorizing expenditure of funds from the Insurance Reserve Fund for payment of legal fees, expenses and/or settlement in connection with litigation. Resolution No. 82 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into a Contract with Stephen Kay, LLC in connection with second stage of the Golf Course Master Plan for the Town of Colonie Golf Course. Resolution No. 83 requiring the Planning and Economic Development Director to review and consider the proposed amendment of 25 Justin Street in the Maxwell Road Senior PDD. Resolution No. 84 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with Wild Goose Chase NE in connection with controlling the geese population at the Crossings, the Town Golf Course, the Town Library and at Memorial Town Hall. Resolution No. 85 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for proposals in connection with contracting a NYS licensed engineer to perform engineering services and project management support for the DPW/Division of Pure Waters. Resolution No. 86 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for bids in connection with the Sodium Hypochlorite holding tank for the Mohawk View Water Pollution Control Plant for the year 2025. Resolution No. 87 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for bids in connection with the Rodger Drive Pump Station Rehabilitation Project for the DPW/Division of Pure Waters. Resolution No. 88 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for bids in connection with Forestry Services and Timber Sales for the DPW/Division of Latham Water. Resolution No. 89 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with East Coast Power LLC in connection with providing maintenance and repair of Town owned street lights. Resolution No. 90 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with LaBella Associates PC in connection with architectural and engineering services for the replacement of windows at the Memorial Town Hall. Resolution No. 91 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with the Guilderland Police Department regarding the Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) information between departments. Resolution No. 92 calling a public hearing in regard to the recommendation for the plan amendment located at 28 Everett Road. Resolution No. 93 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with the Saratoga Springs Police Department in connection with the use of the Town’s EVOC Track and usage of the restrooms located at the range. Resolution No. 94 awarding the bid to United Power System in connection with UPS Replacement Batteries and Installation. Resolution No. 95 authorizing the Supervisor to execute various documents to allow the Town to join the New York School and Municipal Energy Consortium in anticipation of the Town obtaining its natural gas supply. Resolution No. 96 authorizing the Supervisor to execute an Agreement with ENGIE Resources in connection with obtaining the Town’s natural gas supply. Resolution No. 97 confirming, ratifying and re-adopting certain bond resolutions of the Town of Colonie relating to certain capital projects to be undertaken and financed by the Town. Resolution No. 98 authorizing the Supervisor to execute an Agreement with Colonie Senior Service Centers, Inc. to provide grant funds for congregate meals and transportation programs for the Senior Citizens of the Town of Colonie for the year 2025. Public Hearings Public Hearing in connection to a proposed local law of the Code of the Town of Colonie, thereof, amending Chapter 140 of the Town Code. Resolution No. 99 of 2025 Resolution adopting/not adopting a proposed local law of the Code of the Town of Colonie, thereof, amending Chapter 140 of the Town Code.