REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING – February 27, 2025 – 6:30 PM Agenda Review Session – 5:30 PM Supervisor Conference Room Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Swearing-in Ceremony of Town Board Member Jeffrey Guzy Personnel: Resolution No. 136 A. Michael J. Davey B. Alyssa D. Rymph C. Gary E. Platt Resolutions Resolution No. 137 appointing Chris McCabe as a member of the Town of Colonie Board of Assessment Review. Resolution No. 138 approving the Town Clerk to appoint Guarionex Gary Martinez as Deputy Town Clerk 2 and sub-registrar of Vital Statistics. Resolution No. 139 approving an adjustment of hours for the positions of Attorney Intern, Attorney, Senior Attorney and Associate Attorney in the Town Attorney’s Office. Resolution No. 140 authorizing the Town Board of the Town of Colonie to certify the list of active volunteer firefighters from the S.W. Pitts Hose Company of Latham NY, submitted and certified under oath by said Fire Department, identifying those current members who have at least 2 years of active volunteer service seeking to receive a real property tax exemption pursuant to Chapter 171 of the Code of the Town of Colonie. Resolution No. 141 authorizing the Town Board of the Town of Colonie to certify the list of active volunteer firefighters from the Fuller Road Fire Department, submitted and certified under oath by said Fire Department, identifying those current members who have at least 2 years of active volunteer service seeking to receive a real property tax exemption pursuant to Chapter 171 of the Code of the Town of Colonie. Resolution No. 142 authorizing the Town Board of the Town of Colonie to certify the list of active volunteer firefighters from the Shaker Road- Loudonville Fire Department, submitted and certified under oath by said Fire Department, identifying those current members who have at least 2 years of active volunteer service seeking to receive a real property tax exemption pursuant to Chapter 171 of the Code of the Town of Colonie. Resolution No. 143 authorizing the Town Board of the Town of Colonie to certify the list of active volunteer firefighters from the Maplewood Fire Department, submitted and certified under oath by said Fire Department, identifying those current members who have at least 2 years of active volunteer service seeking to receive a real property tax exemption pursuant to Chapter 171 of the Code of the Town of Colonie. Resolution No. 144 authorizing settlement or discontinuance, subject to judicial approval of the same, pursuant to §68 of the Town Law, of various tax certiorari proceedings. Resolution No. 145 authorizing the Supervisor to reimburse for overestimated water usage at 5 Idlewild Park. Resolution No. 146 authorizing the Supervisor to reimburse for overestimated water usage at 28 Michaelangelo Street. Resolution No. 147 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with VHB in connection with tax parcel maintenance services to the GIS Tax Parcel Data Layer for the Management Information Systems Department. Resolution No. 148 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with VHB in connection with hosting the Town of Colonie Map Viewer portal for the Management Information Systems Department. Resolution No. 149 authorizing the Supervisor to execute an agreement with Schuyler Meadows Club, Inc. in connection with the annual D.A.R.E. Golf Tournament on Monday, May 19, 2025. Resolution No. 150 awarding the Request for Proposal to LaBella Associates in connection with the West Albany Memorial Park Restroom Building improvements and authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an agreement for same. Resolution No. 151 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with North Colonie School District and South Colonie School District in connection with the use of the tennis courts for the Town’s summer tennis program. Resolution No. 152 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with Johnson Controls Fire Protection, LP in connection with fire alarm essential services at the Town of Colonie Golf Course. Resolution No. 153 authorizing the Supervisor to execute Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Subsurface Technologies, Inc. in connection with Well #2 rehabilitation at the Mohawk View Water Treatment Plant for the DPW/Division of Latham Water. Resolution No. 154 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into a contract with G- Force Property Services, CK Companies LLC, Dave Burnett Excavating Inc. and Best Paving & Seal Coating Inc. in connection with snow plow services for 2025. Resolution No. 155 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into a Professional Engineering Service Agreement with Clough Harbour Associates in connection with damages to the DPW/Division of Highway Salt/Sand Storage Shed. Resolution No. 156 authorizing the Director of Purchasing and General Services to advertise for a Request for Qualifications in connection with claims management and adjustment services. Resolution No. 157 authorizing expenditure of funds from the Insurance Reserve Fund for payment of legal fees, expenses and/or settlement in connection with litigation. Resolution No. 158 pursuant to §219-a of the General Municipal Law, approving the list of all volunteer members of the Fuller Road Fire Department submitted and certified under oath by said Fire Department and identifying those volunteer members who have qualified for credit under the Service Award Program for 2024. Resolution No. 159 pursuant to §219-a of the General Municipal Law, approving the list of all volunteer members of the Shaker Road-Loudonville Fire Department submitted and certified under oath by said Fire Department and identifying those volunteer members who have qualified for credit under the Service Award Program for 2024. Public Hearings Public Hearing in connection with adopting/not adopting a proposed local law of the Code of the Town of Colonie, thereof, amending Chapter 190 of the Town Code. Resolution No. 160 of 2025 Resolution adopting/not adopting a proposed local law of the Code of the Town of Colonie, thereof, amending Chapter 190 of the Town Code. Public Comment