REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING – March 27, 2025 – 6:30 PM Agenda Review Session – 5:30 PM Supervisor Conference Room Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Presentation of a Proclamation to Ryan Buskey of Colonie Central High School for his achievement in winning State and National titles for High Jump Personnel: Resolution No. 181 A. Eve E. Hartnagle B. Joel P. Danei C. Gregory R. Pucci D. Nicole E. Nowak E. Alexander C. Pereira F. Cory A. Parker G. Geraldine J. Farley H. Alex G. Dumovitz I. Amy L. Koch Recognition of Town employees who have reached permanent status in their positions 1. Andrew Boyd – Storm Water Management Inspector 2. Adam Wands – Senior Storm Water Management Inspector 3. Zach Harrison – Storm Water Management Coordinator Resolutions Resolution No. 182 pursuant to §219-a of the General Municipal Law, approving the list of all volunteer members of the S.W. Pitts Hose Company, Inc. submitted and certified under oath by said Fire Department and identifying those volunteer members who have qualified for credit under the Service Award Program for 2024. Resolution No. 183 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with Thomas Nicolla Consulting Services, PLLC in connection with employee fitness for duty evaluations. Resolution No. 184 awarding the bid to Cummins-Wagner-Siewert, LLC d/b/a Siewert Equipment in connection with the Rodger Drive Pump Station Upgrade Equipment Purchase for the DPW/Division of Pure Waters and authorizing the Supervisor to execute an agreement for same. Resolution No. 185 authorizing the Supervisor to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Design & Research in connection with the Lishakill Pumping Station Backup Level Control Modifications for the DPW/Division of Pure Waters. Resolution No. 186 authorizing the Supervisor to execute Change Order No. 2 to the contract with CHA Companies in connection with Construction Observation Services for the DPW/Division of Pure Waters for the Schuyler Road Pump Station Rehabilitation Project. Resolution No. 187 authorizing the Supervisor to declare an emergency in connection with repair of the sanitary sewer system at 176 Osborne Road by ANJO Construction, Ltd. and authorizing the Comptroller to expend Emergency Repair Reserve funds for the same. Resolution No. 188 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with TRUGREEN in connection with lawn fertilization treatments at Town Hall, Public Operations and Public Safety for the year 2025. Resolution No. 189 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into a Letter Agreement with Baker Public Relations for general video production services involving various Town departments. Resolution No. 190 authorizing the Supervisor to execute a Contractor Service Agreement with Allen Chase Enterprises, Inc. in connection with annual vegetation control at the Mohawk View Water Treatment Plant for the DPW/Division of Latham Water. Resolution No. 191 authorizing the Supervisor to execute an excise tax exemption certificate in connection with enabling the Town to purchase fuel and heating oil from Global Montello Group Corp. during 2025 and 2026. Resolution No. 192 awarding the bid to Callanan Industries, Inc. in connection with In-Place Asphalt Concrete Paving for the year 2025 and authorizing the Supervisor to execute an agreement for same. Resolution No. 193 authorizing the Supervisor to accept incentives from National Grid in connection with LED lighting upgrades at the Public Safety Center. Resolution No. 194 accepting the recommendation of the Personnel Appeal Committee to reallocate the salary grade of the Senior Recreation Maintenance Worker title from Grade 26 to Grade 27. Resolution No. 195 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with IamResponding in connection with emergency recall notifications for the Communications Division of the Police Department to rapidly notify designated police department employees of critical incidents. Resolution No. 196 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into a purchase Agreement with Flock Safety in connection with installing License Plate Reader cameras in the Town. Resolution No. 197 authorizing the Supervisor to execute an Agreement with BBG Real Estate Services pertaining to appraisal services for 2025. Resolution No. 198 authorizing expenditure of funds from the Insurance Reserve Fund for payment of legal fees, expenses and/or settlement in connection with litigation. Resolution No. 199 calling a public hearing pursuant to Section 202b of the New York State Town Law in relation to the conveyance and dedication of the existing sanitary sewer infrastructure located at 1201 Troy-Schenectady Road to the Town of Colonie, known as S.I.A. #2025-001. Resolution No. 200 authorizing the Supervisor to execute a Professional Services Agreement with John G. Waite Associates, PLLC in connection with the evaluation, design and construction oversight services for the Pruyn House stair repair project. Public Hearings Public Hearing in connection to a proposed local law of the Code of the Town of Colonie, thereof, amending Local Law 4 of 2020 of the Town Code. Resolution No. 201 of 2025 Resolution adopting/not adopting a proposed local law of the Code of the Town of Colonie, thereof, amending Local Law 4 of 2020 of the Town Code. Public Comment