AGENDA GUILDERLAND PLANNING BOARD PLANNING BOARD SEPTEMBER 11, 2024 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. PUBLIC HEARING - 6 Lot Major Subdivision - 5095 Western Turnpike - Thomas P. Della Rocca The applicant is proposing a 6 lot subdivision of 4.7 acres of land located in the Single-family (R20) District. Lot sizes range from 30,028 square feet to 46,058 square feet. An existing single-family dwelling is located on Lot 6. Three lots will be accessed from Pinewood Drive and three lots will be accessed from Western Turnpike. Public water and sewer is available for each of the lots. The Planning Board issued concept plan approval the February 28, 2024 Planning Board meeting and issued a SEQR negative declaration at the August 15, 2024 Planning Board meeting. 4. PUBLIC HEARING. Consideration of Issuing a SEQR Negative Declaration for a 2 Lot Minor Subdivision - 2711 Curry Road - Athena Andrikopoulos The applicant is proposing a 2 lot subdivision of 23.83 acres of land located in the R40 District. Lot 1 would consist of 1.52 acres of land and contains an existing single-family dwelling and accessory structures. Lot 2 would consist of 22.31 acres of land and is undeveloped. The property is located in the Pine Bush Preserve Management Area and is a recommended "Full Protection" area. The application was referred to the Albany County Planning Board, Pine Bush Preserve Commission, Conservation Advisory Council and Town of Colonie. The Planning Board issued concept plan approval at the August 15, 2024 Planning Board meeting. 5. Site Plan Review Associated with a Special Use Permit - The Inns of Altamont (former Peter Young Center) - 1180 Berne Altamont Road - Kent Hansen The applicant is proposing an Inn use on 14.4 acres of land located in the Rural Agricultural (RA5) District on the site of the former Peter Young Center. The Guilderland Planning Board Page 1 of 2 Planning Board - 09/11/24 existing structure will be redeveloped into a 30 room boutique hotel, 45 seat bar/restaurant, day spa and event venue. Site improvements will also include an indoor/outdoor pool and walking trails. 6. Site Plan Review Associated with a Special Use Permit - 7.8 MW Ground Mounted Solar Facility - 6285 Farm Lane - Ecolegacy Values, LLC The applicant is proposing a 7.8MW ground mounted solar facility on 34.9 acres of land located in the Rural Agricultural (RA3) District. The parcel was subject to a change in zone adopted by the Town Board in December 2023. A condition of the local law was the requirement of a 10' wide multi-use trail to be constructed in association with the solar facility, connecting Foundry Road or Nott Road to the Western Turnpike Golf Course. The prospoed trail location, with cross section detail, is included in the plan set. 7. Sketch Plan Review - Foundry Square Planned Unit Development (PUD) - 2304-2314 Western Ave - Guilderland Village, LLC The applicant is requesting a Change in Zone from the Local Business (LB) District and Residential Overlay (RO40) District to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) District consisting of 285 multi-family units of which 10% (29 units) is proposed to be workforce housing and 5,000 square feet of commercial space in two 4-story buildings on 12.35 acres of land. The development site consists of 5 parcels, one of which is a NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Brownfield site. 8. Other Business 9. Adjournment Guilderland Planning Board Page 2 of 2 Planning Board - 09/11/24