AGENDA GUILDERLAND CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 18, 2024 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order 2. 4 Lot Minor Subdivision - 3852 Western Turnpike - All American Tree Company, Inc. The applicant is proposing a 4 lot subdivision of 242 acres of land located in the Rural Agricultural (RA3) District. Lots 1-3 will be located on the north side of Western Turnpike (NYS Route 20). Lot 1 will measure 3.81 acres. Lot 2 will measure 6.78 acres. Lot 3 will measure 5.78 acres. All lots will consist of private wells and septic systems. Lot 4 consisting of 224.14 acres is located on the south side of Western Turnpike. 3. Other Business 4. Adjournment Guilderland Conservation Advisory Council Page 1 of 1 Conservation Advisory Council - 11/18/24