AGENDA GUILDERLAND TOWN BOARD REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 2025 7:00 PM Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call At 7pm Public hearing on draft Comprehensive Plan Update Public Comment Approval of minutes for the Board's January 21, 2025 meeting Regular Meeting Agenda 1. Consider accepting the offer of dedication of a lot of 24.59 acres (Tax Map 51.000-1-13.2) as part of the approval for the Hamilton Parc Senior Facility, as recommended by the Town Engineer, subject to final review and approval by the Town Attorney. 2. Consider creating a Conservation Overlay Zoning Committee, and appointing the following initial members to this new committee: • Laura Barry, Planning Board Member • Caitlin Ferrante, Chair, Conservation Advisory Council • Jeff Perlee, Albany County Legislator • Ken Kovalchik, Town Planner • Peter G. Barber, Town Supervisor 3. Consider authorizing the Department of Water & Wastewater Management to solicit bids for chemicals for potable water for 2025-2026, as requested by the Superintendent of Department of Water & Wastewater Management. 4. Consider authorizing the Transfer Station to issue a request for proposals to replace two furnaces and related improvements, as requested by the Superintendent of the Transfer Station. 5. Consider approving the permanent appointment of Richard Rivers to the position of Laborer in the Water/Sewer Dept as recommended by the Superintendent of Department of Water & Wastewater Management and Guilderland Town Board Page 1 of 2 Regular Meeting - 02/04/25 requested by the Personnel Assistant. 6. Consider approving the permanent appointment of Jared Leader to the position of Code Enforcement Officer in the Fire Prevention Department, as requested by the Personnel Assistant. 7. Consider approving the following promotions in the Department of Emergency Medical Services, as requested by the Personnel Assistant: • Nicholas Deso from Paramedic to Paramedic Supervisor • James Harnett from Emergency Medical Technician to Paramedic • Alexander MacDonald from Emergency Medical Technician to Paramedic 8. Consider adopting a proposed resolution that establishes the standard work day for the job title of Payroll Specialist for determining days worked for NYS Local Retirement System, as requested by the Town Comptroller. 9. Consider adopting a proposed resolution that approves the standard work day for elected and appointed officials, as requested by the Town Comptroller. 10. Consider approving amendments to the Town's 2024 budget under NYS Town Law § 112, as recommended by the Fiscal Officer. Supervisor's Update 1. State of the Town Address - Wednesday, February 12 at 10am 2. Assessor's deadline for filing exemption applications by March 1 3. Presidents' Day -- Town Hall closed Monday, February 17 Adjournment Guilderland Town Board Page 2 of 2 Regular Meeting - 02/04/25