Action Alert! No dump in the Pine Bush!

January 25, 2006

Dear Pine Bush Supporters:

Mayor Jennings has proposed to take land dedicated to the Albany Pine Bush Preserve as forever wild out of the Preserve for the landfill expansion.

We need to stop this now, and the only way to do it is for many people to call Assemlbyman Jack McEneny and NYS Senator Neil Breslin and ask that no land be removed from the Preserve and made into a landfill.

The Honorable John McEneny at 518/455-4178
The Honorable Neil Breslin at 518/455-2225

1) No land be taken from the Preserve to be made into a landfill
2) The City of Albany should call on its citizens and science experts to work together to solve the garbage problem. The solution is not for the Mayor to decide all by himself in a back room. Open up the process.

If they argue:
1) This land is not “bad Pine Bush”. If the proposed 10 acres looks bad, that is because the landfill has poisoned it. This is important, good Pine Bush and must be preserved.
2) In 1990, then NYS Department of Environment Conservation Commissioner Jorling stated that he could not envision any reason for another landfill expansion in the Pine Bush. Since then, the landfill has been expanded twice. The City will continue taking Pine Bush for a landfill until someone stops them.
3) Taking land dedicated as forever wild out of the Preserve sets a terrible precedent.
4) The Preserve is only 3010 acres. Thousands more acres are needed for a viable Preserve.

Please call today. This is the biggest threat to the Pine Bush to date – taking land out of the Preserve for a landfill!

Lynne Jackson