Dear All,
Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 8, the Town of Colonie Planning Board will have a sketch plan review for an 8,000 sq foot warehouse on the 4.8 acre vacant lot behind Yonder Farms in the Albany Pine Bush — 4298 Albany Street. The Planning Board meets at 6:00 PM at the Town of Colonie Memorial Town Hall, 534 New Loudon Rd, Latham, NY 12110.
This is a relatively small lot and it’s next to existing warehouses and Yonder Farms, but it would right next to the pond along New Karner Road, on land that is still forested. And it would be more acreage lost in the study area.
No public comment is taken at a “sketch plan review”. So, unless someone has the time, I am not sure it is worth to attend the meeting (from the agenda, it appears to be a very short meeting) However, I will try to send a letter to the Town of Colonie Planning Board from Save the Pine Bush tomorrow asking for this to be declared a Type 1 action and asking for an Environmental Impact Statement. If anyone else has time to send an email to the Town of Colonie Planning Board, please do.
Email the Planning Department from this page: https://www.colonie.org/departments/pedd/planning/
Here is a link to more information on our FaceBook page (I believe this is public so even if you don’t have FaceBook, you should be able to read it):https://www.facebook.com/savethepinebush/posts/3315695842001466
Here is a link to the site plan documents submitted by the developer to the Town of Colonie:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h9rnrk8nhghryl5/AABK2m0fY3qZh-dMyj1M5Ioga/Albany%20St%204298?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR1lgoiv2rykl2Yy5c099LF4HTiGa2nvXTwHNzK7e-MS0Li2mUZ2OjzIgEg
Tax Map/Aerial Photo: https://savethepinebush.org/leaflet/spbmap.php?printkey=29.3-1-22&fbclid=IwAR22hYeif2lQlKsD8U1EF5TWykdiji515BkqZw75xzVwTLU1izscgYXBxLM
Lynne Jackson