Search Results for: Russell Ziemba


Marching Marching Russell Ziemba leads the march

Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006

STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ALBANY                   SUPREME COURT _________________________________________________ In the Matter of the Application of                                                SAVE THE PINE BUSH, INC., REZSIN ADAMS, SANDRA CAMP, SHARON CASTERLIN, LUCY CLARK, LYNNE JACKSON, MARTHA MASTERS JOHN WOLCOTT, PETER VAN NOSTRAND and RUSSELL ZIEMBA,                                                                               Case No. 1 VERIFIED PETITION                                     Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006

Memorandum of Law, January 17, 2006

STATE OF NEW YORK   COUNTY OF ALBANY                   SUPREME COURT _________________________________________________ In the Matter of the Application of                                                SAVE THE PINE BUSH, INC., REZSIN ADAMS, SANDRA CAMP, SHARON CASTERLIN, LUCY CLARK, LYNNE JACKSON, MARTHA MASTERS JOHN WOLCOTT, PETER VAN NOSTRAND and RUSSELL ZIEMBA,                                                                               Case No. 1                                                             Petitioners, Memorandum of Law, January 17, 2006

Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006

STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ALBANY                   SUPREME COURT _________________________________________________ In the Matter of the Application of                                                SAVE THE PINE BUSH, INC., REZSIN ADAMS, SANDRA CAMP, SHARON CASTERLIN, LUCY CLARK, LYNNE JACKSON, MARTHA MASTERS JOHN WOLCOTT, PETER VAN NOSTRAND and RUSSELL ZIEMBA,                                                                               Case No. 1 AFFIRMATION                                                             Petitioners, Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006


Pray for Peace Pray for Peace From left: Russell Ziemba, Mark Dunlea, Unidentified, Terry Phelan


Russell Ziemba Russell Ziemba Riverside Club in background

Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn

Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn by Lynne Jackson Since last spring, Save the Pine Bush volunteers have been attending hearings, reading long EIS’s (Environmental Impact Statements), and speaking out against the proposed Golden Bear Family Golf Indoor and Outdoor Driving Range. This Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn

Taking Lyme Fight to the Field

by William Engleman CLIFTON PARK: Representatives of three area environmental organizations and Town residents called on the Clifton Park Town Board to save the Karner Blue butterfly populations in the Town’s northeast corner, during the Town Board’s first regular meeting of the year, held on Monday evening January 3, 2005. Eight speakers, including representatives from Taking Lyme Fight to the Field


Historic Action 02-01-07 Historic Action, February 1, 2007 Historic Action Network sponsored a walk from the Riverside Club and Freihofer Building in Lansingburg, across the 112th Street bridge to Waterford to show the connection between these beautiful historic buildings and the Hudson River. More than 30 people participated. Historic Action Network believes these buildings should 4


People listen to Russell Ziemba People listen to Russell Ziemba


Russell Ziemba advocates for preservation Russell Ziemba advocates for preservation


Russell Ziemba Speaks Russell Ziemba Speaks


Russell Ziemba Speaks Russell Ziemba Speaks


Russell Ziemba Speaks Russell Ziemba Speaks

Lou Ismay and the Environmental Forum

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: On August 21, Lou Ismay completed the lecture he began in April about his experiences teaching and leading the Environmental Forum course at the University at Albany beginning fifty years ago. Lynne Jackson introduced Lou saying Lou’s office was in the Arts building. Lou hung strings from the ceiling connected Lou Ismay and the Environmental Forum