Ward Stone Speaks about the Most Important Environmental Problems of Our Time

Over $25,000 in grants support public education and outreach and Federal and private funding allows dramatic increase in habitat restoration. Contractors removed invasive black locust trees from 25 acres and 21 acres were planted with native grasses and wildflowers including wild blue lupine. The project was assisted by the Commission’s new John Deere tractor and Truax seed drill. Over 30 acres of new habitat have been planted in the Preserve over the past three years. Monitoring data indicates that the Karner Blue butterfly population at the restoration sites has increased further illustrating that restoration is feasible and effective. The Federal Recovery team is meeting this summer in Wisconsin. The team includes representatives of the 14 recovery units throughout the Karner Blue’s former range.

Volunteers needed: September 11 & October 9 & 23: Native Seed Collection: November 6 & 13 & 20: Locust Weed Warriers (using hand saws & loppers to cut small black locust trees); December 11: Trail Maintenance. Call 785-1800 x100 to sign up to participate.       

Printed in the September/October SPB Newsletter