ALBANY: On Sunday, May 23, a fire ripped through John Wolcott (one of SPB’s Founders) and Linda Becker’s Sheridan Avenue home. The fire began in the house next door and leapt to the roof of John and Linda’s house. Fortunately, John and Linda were away on vacation and are safe. Unfortunately, the house was a total loss. And, inside, were many historic documents and maps, collected by John for over six decades.
The day after the fire, Albany fire fighters helped remove a great deal of the contents of their home. Dan Van Riper and Russ Ziemba and other SPB members were able to save 2 1/2 truck loads of documents and safely store them. Since that time, SPB volunteers have been painstakingly drying documents and photos. Anyone wishing to help in this effort can email Save the Pine Bush is happy that John and his wife, Linda, are safe and sound.
Contribute to the John Wolcott and Linda Becker Fire Recovery Go-Fund Me