Getting Together Again

by Lynne Jackson

ALBANY: We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone in September! Our monthly vegetarian/vegan lasagna dinners were brought to a halt in March, 2020 with the covid pandemic. During the pandemic we tried other ways of getting together including Zoom meetings, some of which were accompanied with to-go dinners when We learned how hard it is to go from in-person buffet-style dinners to take-out dinners.

Let’s get together again in person! Our dinner on September 25 at 6:00 PM will be in a new location, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Churhch, 10 North Main Avenue, Albany.

Our speaker, John Cryan, has studied the insects of the Pine Bush, including our Karner Blue butterfly and buck moth for decades. In past years, he has written extensive affidavits for our litigation. I am very much looking forward to his presentation and new ideas on approaching Pine Bush preservation.

We have a new chef, Robyn Gray of the Guilderland Coaltion for Responsible Growth will be making tasty lasagna – vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free.

I will note, however, that the pandemic, is not over and covid is certainly not done with the human population yet. We will space out the tables in the large room where the dinner will be held. People are welcomed to wear masks. And, the good news is that new covid vaccines are available now.

Everyone is welcomed to attend the dinners! Bring your friends! If possible, let us know you are coming by emailing Or, just show up! See you soon!