Garage Sale a Great Success!
Garage Sale a Great Success!
by Lynne Jackson
Many many people donated lots of great stuff for our October 4
garage and bake sale. We made $750 for the day! Thanks especially
to Candace and Bob Lider for letting us use their large two-car
garage; Sandra Camp for organizing the entire affair; Jesse Strock
for bringing volunteers; and the many many volunteers who helped make
it happen including Jennifer Brady-Connor, Ellen Young, Marilyn
Mattice, Jay Flavin, the wonderful man with the red truck who helped
bring all sorts of stuff to the sale, Lucy Clark, and the many people
who bought stuff. I know there are many more people who helped us
out at the sale, please accept my thanks and my apologies for leaving
out your names. A great time was had by all!
Printed November, 1997
