Let Your Voice Be Heard! – Don’t Let Them Take Land from Preserve!
Public Hearings on the Pine Bush
Make your voice heard about Pine Bush Preservation!
It does make a difference!
Wednesday, November 5, 7:00 pm – There will be a hearing on the
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the
YWCA proposal at the Town of Guilderland,
McCormacks Corners, Route 20, Guilderland. See
article for details. Please call Jamie or
Mary Malcome for information at 456-6246.
A Monday or Thursday in November &emdash; Date to be set, hearing
to be held at the Common Council Chambers in Albany &emdash;
Re-zoning for 300 Washington Ave. Ext. from residential to
commercial. Charlie Touhey, the perpetual Pine Bush developer, is
again trying to get his land re-zoned to Commercial Pine Bush. He
would like to build two or three office buildings in front of the
Dunes on Washington Ave. Ext. This proposal would destroy 12 acres
of Pine Bush, which are adjacent to State-owned Pine Bush preserve. In 1992, Judge Cobb ruled for Save the Pine Bush over just this
issue, saying that there must be 2,000 fire-manageble acres of Pine
Bush in preserve. We still do not have 2,000 fire-manageble acres in
preserve, yet Touhey is back again, asking for a re-zoning. To find
out the date of the hearing (it was not set by press time), please
email Lynne Jackson.
Printed November, 1997
