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The World Can’t Wait The World Can’t Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime!


The Gates The Gates On Sunday, Febrary 27, two friends and I went to vist The Gates in Central Park It was just beautiful. Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  |  Page 5


Protest the RNC Protest the Republican National Convention On Sunday, August 29, I went with 275 other Capital District residents to the United for Peace and Justice protest of the Republican National Convention. These are the photos that I took. The protest was peaceful. What were we protesting? We were protesting George W. Bush’s war 4


Washington – 01-27-07 Washington – January 27, 2007 I asked my friend’s daughter, Anne, to go to the United for Peace and Justice March on Washington. We were too late to get a seat on a bus from Albany, so, we took the 6:00 AM Amtrak to Washington DC. The train was wonderful, we arrived 4