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About two dozen anti-war protesters wearing pro-peace T-shirts and signs were asked to leave Crossgates Mall late Saturday afternoon. Mall security would not answer questions about the incident, issuing only a terse “no comment.” Guilderland police were called to the scene to make sure the protesters left. Two people who wore slogans said they did ANTI-WAR ACTIVISTS ASKED TO LEAVE MALL

Environmental News

by Tom Ellis Since the prior SPB News last year, much has occurred locally and regionally. Despite many enviro-activists working separately, climate activists are increasingly well organized and effective in their lobbying the state legislature. Nevertheless, a widely supported Renewable Capitol Act has not been enacted as of Earth Day. The RCA would invest $50 Environmental News


AUDUBON’S ENDANGERED SPECIES WORKSHOP and Save the Pine Bush Audubon’s Endangered Species Workshop Five Rivers Environmental Education Center Delmar, New York Saturday, November 22, 1997 AGENDA 9:30 a.m. Registration & Refreshments 9:45 a.m.   Welcome and Overview David Gibson, Capital Region Audubon 10:00 a.m. The Endangered Species Act History & Current Status in Congress Kathleen 92

Proposed Executive Budget

The State Executive Budget for the next fiscal year would boost the Environmental Protection Fund to a permanent level of $150 million, up $25 million from this year. Of this, $55 million would go to land acquisition and open space protection, up from $31.5 million this year. The Executive Budget would also allocate $219.6 million Proposed Executive Budget

In Flurry of Motion, Lessons Take Wing

by ANNE MILLER Staff writer On a wing and a cheer, more than 50 monarch butterflies left their birthplace at the Farnsworth Middle School Friday afternoon for their ancestral winter grounds in northern Mexico. More than 50 students gathered in the school’s courtyard, where the butterflies were raised, and launched the orange and black beauties In Flurry of Motion, Lessons Take Wing

Charette a Charade

By ANNE MILLER, Staff writer Tom Dooley smiled as flames tickled the Pine Bush scrub, a canopy of smoke enveloping the treetops. " We just like to burn things," he joked. But behind the levity — and the goggles and fire helmets — Albany Pine Bush Preserve officials are thrilled to see fire dancing among Charette a Charade

Clean Air Update

By Tom Ellis ALBANY COUNTY: The Clean Air Coalition of Greater Ravena-Coeyamns held a community forum on February 9 about its continuing efforts to block the Lafarge cement company from burning tires near the Hudson River in Ravena, and directly across Route 9W from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk (RCS) Middle and High Schools. Christine Primomo, a retired Clean Air Update

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter Sept/Oct 16 No. 132 • 33 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12210 • email • phone 518-462-0891 • web • Circ. 600 Vegetarian/Vegan Dinner Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Climate Crisis and Practical Solutions Conor Bambrick Air & Energy Director, Environmental Advocates of NY will speak about NY Renews and 16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter

Judith Enck Speaks About Cleaning the Air

by Tom Ellis ONLINE: Long-time local environmental leader and former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regional administrator Judith Enck spoke on “Cleaning the Air” at the June 17 Virtual Vegetarian/Vegan Lasagna Dinner. Judith spoke primarily about Lafarge and Norlite. She began with the state-owned ANSWERS trash incinerator that operated, with high lead and dioxin emissions, in Judith Enck Speaks About Cleaning the Air