Search Results for: Stephen St

Crossgates crosses the line

A local shopping mall should reconsider how it handles slogans of protest First published: Thursday, March 6, 2003 Let’s see if we have this right. Stores in Crossgates Mall will sell custom-made T-shirts with civil, but clear, slogans protesting a war with Iraq to anyone who wants them. Wearing those shirts in the mall, though, Crossgates crosses the line

Crossgates crosses the line

The management of Crossgates Mall seems to be contending that the First Amendment does not apply on its private property – and that may be the case. Most people would be prepared to concede that mall management has some right to regulate disruptive behavior. But none of that excuses the mall’s absurd and oppressive decision Crossgates crosses the line


IMG_2781.JPG The photographer (Lynne) and Stephen

Developer Responses on Proposed Hotel

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Responding to a motion to dismiss the lawsuit against the City of Albany over the proposed hotel in the Pine Bush, Judge Stephen A. Ferradino ruled in favor of Save the Pine Bush, giving all the plaintiffs standing. Steven Downs brought this case on behalf of Save the Pine Bush. Standing Developer Responses on Proposed Hotel

Researcher: Coyote is Part Wolf

by Stephen Williams, The Daily Gazette It’s one of the great animal kingdom migrations of the last century — the arrival and flourishing of the coyote in the eastern United States. The thick-furred canine and its high-pitched, ethereal yips and howls have become commonplace across the Capital Region over the last 30 years. Even suburbanites Researcher: Coyote is Part Wolf

Save the Pine Bush

In celebration of the centenary of Vladimir Nabokov’s birth, Kurt Johnson and Steve Coats wrote Nabokov’s Blues, about Nabokov’s passion for butterflies and scientific investigations into blue butterflies. Our own Karner Blue butterfly has its own chapter called “Dancing with Fire” in the book. Here is a brief excerpt which describes Nabokov’s feelings for the Save the Pine Bush


Protest the RNC Protest the RNC Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  |  Page 5  |  Page 6  |  Page 7  |  Home Shoulder-to-shoulder people The ever present helicopter An enthusiastic and excellent drummer These nice people gave me a flower for taking their photo. Taking pics of the media 4


Protest the RNC Protest the Republican National Convention On Sunday, August 29, I went with 275 other Capital District residents to the United for Peace and Justice protest of the Republican National Convention. These are the photos that I took. The protest was peaceful. What were we protesting? We were protesting George W. Bush’s war 4

Crossgates is a Bad Neighbor

by Lynne Jackson OK, Crossgates has been in the news a lot recently. Actually, they made it into the international news. Save the Pine Bush has received emails from out raged people as far away as Sydney Australia, and California. People are mad. To recap: On Monday evening, March 3, Stephen Downs and his son Crossgates is a Bad Neighbor


IMG_2697.JPG Our affinity group: Peter, Pat, (Stephen behind her), Sandra, Liz

Pine Bush fires cut tick threat

ALBANY — Fires used in the Pine Bush to restore native habitat of scrub pine and open grassland also greatly reduce chances that hikers will pick up ticks that could carry Lyme disease. A study by two Union College professors has found areas of the Pine Bush that have already been restored carried 98 percent Pine Bush fires cut tick threat


Save the Pine Bush Common Council Muzzles Hearing Pine Bush Residents Outraged Common Council Muzzles Hearing Pine Bush Residents Outraged by Daniel W. Van Riper, Mar./Apr. 92 Chanting, “We want to speak! We want to speak!” some twenty or so residents from the Pinehurst and Dunes developments in the Pine Bush expressed outrage at an 7