Search Results for: Fourth Ave

Save the Pine Bush

The Army Corps of Engineers extended the comment period on their review of the wetlands that will be destroyed if the proposed landfill in the Pine Bush is constructed. Bert wrote an excellent letter outlining many of the problems of expanding the landfill. The deadline for comments was March 5 and the letter was sent Save the Pine Bush

Hydroelectric Power from Canada: Bad for the People of Labrador; Bad for Climate Change

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: Jim Learning of the Grand River Labrador (GRL) and Annie Wilson of the New York Environmental Law and Justice Project (NYELJP), spoke at the April 20th Save the Pine Bush dinner bout existing and proposed hydroelectric projects in Quebec and Labrador, and their health, environmental, and financial impacts on Hydroelectric Power from Canada: Bad for the People of Labrador; Bad for Climate Change

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor To the editor: With all due respect, the article in the recent Save the Pine Bush newsletter titled "Bethlehem Pickled," was inaccurate in several important respects. As the reporter who has been writing on this issue from the get-go (for The Spotlight), I have to disagree with Letters to the Editor

Walk in the Pine Bush!

From Andy Arthur, our hike leader: Save the Pine Bush Hike Canceled That said, you are more then welcomed — and encouraged to take your own hikes at the Albany Pine Bush. Unlike other public lands in the area, the area is snow and ice free. Additionally, based on my recent walks in the preserve, Walk in the Pine Bush!

Extinction Rebellion Capital Region

ALBANY, NY: Christian Grigoraskos of the Extinction Rebellion Capital Region spoke at the February 19th SPB dinner on the topic of Climate Change: Heading for Extinction (And What to Do About It). Before he began, Lynne Jackson provided an update on the various proposals Crossgates has pending in the Town of Guilderland. Lynne said the Extinction Rebellion Capital Region

Looking Forward

by Karina Franke As you know, last year, I started a campaign to get the Karner Blue named State Butterfly. The highlight of the project was being honored at your November 2007 Dinner and speaking to you about my project. That was such a special evening for my family and my teacher, and we’re so Looking Forward

The Dump Expansion is for Who?

By BRIAN NEARING, Staff Writer ALBANY – The city of Albany is among the state’s dozen worst polluters for its plans to expand the Rapp Road dump into the Pine Bush, according to a statewide environmental group’s annual listing released Tuesday. Citizens’ Environmental Coalition also cited the General Electric Co. for alleged foot-dragging over the The Dump Expansion is for Who?

Albany Pine Bush Nature Cache: Participation Encourages Public Land Stewardship

ALBANY — Garbage may keep piling up into the next decade at the Rapp Road landfill in the environmentally sensitive Pine Bush Preserve under an expansion plan by the administration of Mayor Jerry Jennings. Jennings wants the state Department of Environmental Conservation to approve doubling the remaining life of the massive dump by adding another Albany Pine Bush Nature Cache: Participation Encourages Public Land Stewardship

State Recognizes The Promised Land

by Lynn Rothenberg GUIDLERLAND: A piece of local African-American history has received state recognition. While residents have long called the neighborhood the Promised Land, the state will now recognize it as the Rapp Road District. The designation by the state Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation is due to one woman’s efforts. The district State Recognizes The Promised Land

A Plan for Planning

by Richard Clark We in Albany County don’t know what to do about the disposal of solid waste.  Mayor Gerald Jennings would rather not expand the Rapp Road landfill on land dedicated to the Pine Bush Preserve Commission, but he desperately needs the money and the jobs that landfill generates.  He argues that time is A Plan for Planning

Done with the Dunn Dump

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: David Ellis of Rensselaer Residents Against Toxic Dumping and Lou Sebesta of Stop Trucks Assaulting Rensselaer (STAR) spoke at the May 15th SPB dinner about “Done with Dunn Landfill: Negative Impacts of Dunn C/D Dump Operations” in Rensselaer, and their efforts to close it. Later in the evening, George Keleshian Done with the Dunn Dump

Waste-to-Energy Plant for Bethlehem?

by Tim Truscott   On April 25, the Bethlehem Town Board heard a proposal by a Kentucky-based firm called RST Technologies to develop a trash disposal facility in Glenmont on the tract of land along Route 144 between the Normans Kill and the PSEG electric generating facility. This site was formerly a dump for coal Waste-to-Energy Plant for Bethlehem?

Dr. George Robinson Sheds Light on Landfills, their Possibilities and Problems Post-closure.

by Grace Nichols Dr. George Robinson is a professor in the Biodiversity and Conservation Policy graduate program at the University at Albany. He is very knowledgeable about landfills, as much of his work has involved transforming old landfills into positive open spaces which can meet the needs of local wildlife and local communities. Dr. Robinson’s Dr. George Robinson Sheds Light on Landfills, their Possibilities and Problems Post-closure.


by Tim Truscott I don’t consider myself to be a “birder”, as I lack the knowledge to be one. However, over 50 years ago my Second Grade teacher, Mrs. Mary Lawler, instilled in me an appreciation for birds by means of her frequent lessons on birds, using prints of the famous and fantastically-colored Audubon bird Nighthawks


by Sandy Sheridan Birk The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) approved the final version of the Karner Blue Butterfly Recovery Plan in August. Part I of the Plan describes the butterfly’s life cycle and ecosystem, as well as the threats to its survival*. Part II delves into the plan of action needed to reach Guilderlandt