Search Results for: Sylvan Ave

Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

by Tim Truscott   There has been plenty of energy pipeline news in the Capital Region of New York during the month of April. Here is some of it: Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline “Suspended” On April 20, Kinder Morgan, the developer for the Northeast Energy Direct (NED) 30-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, announced it was Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush


Pennsylvania Avenue – Armed Camp Pennsylvania Avenue – Armed Camp


Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Avenue


Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Avenue


Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Avenue


Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Avenue


Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Avenue


Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Avenue is lined with police from all over the country

Researcher: Coyote is Part Wolf

by Stephen Williams, The Daily Gazette It’s one of the great animal kingdom migrations of the last century — the arrival and flourishing of the coyote in the eastern United States. The thick-furred canine and its high-pitched, ethereal yips and howls have become commonplace across the Capital Region over the last 30 years. Even suburbanites Researcher: Coyote is Part Wolf

Odyssey to a Butterfly Festival

by Lynne Jackson Schnecksville, PA: The Trexler Game Preserve in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania was the site of a four-day butterfly festival the last weekend in September. Save the Pine Bush was invited to participate by Mary Beth Leeson, the Marketing Manger of the game preserve. The main event of the festival was the daily releases of Odyssey to a Butterfly Festival

Extinction Rebellion Capital Region

ALBANY, NY: Christian Grigoraskos of the Extinction Rebellion Capital Region spoke at the February 19th SPB dinner on the topic of Climate Change: Heading for Extinction (And What to Do About It). Before he began, Lynne Jackson provided an update on the various proposals Crossgates has pending in the Town of Guilderland. Lynne said the Extinction Rebellion Capital Region

What Can People Do With Their Garbage?

ALBANY: Debbie Jackson, who works in solid waste reduction and recycling for the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, gave real, concrete, specific suggestions for how each of us can reduce the amount of waste we produce at the June Save the Pine Bush Vegan/Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner at the First Presbyterian Church in Albany. Open dumps What Can People Do With Their Garbage?

SHARE Opposes the Microgrid Fossil Fuel Plant in Sheridan Hollow

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: A panel that included Albany County legislator Merton Simpson spoke in opposition to the proposed Sheridan Hollow Microgrid Fossil Fuel Plant at the October 18 Save the Pine Bush dinner. About 45 attended. Also speaking were engineer Keith Schue and environmental health advocate, Rita Ogburn-McCall. Sandy Steubing moderated the discussion. SHARE Opposes the Microgrid Fossil Fuel Plant in Sheridan Hollow

Looking Forward

by Karina Franke As you know, last year, I started a campaign to get the Karner Blue named State Butterfly. The highlight of the project was being honored at your November 2007 Dinner and speaking to you about my project. That was such a special evening for my family and my teacher, and we’re so Looking Forward


Inauguration 01-20-05 Inauguration 01-20-05 Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  | Home Marching Band Bandstand Federal Trade Commission Bleechers for Bush supporters Pennsylvania Avenue – Armed Camp The Capitol Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Avenue People along inauguration route Waiting for the parade Watching busses go by Bus goes by on 4


Inauguration 01-20-05 Inauguration 01-20-05 Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  | Home Anti-war Rally Helicopter watches us Anti-war rally No war Wrong War War Wrong Military Industrial Complex Who’s Next? Pennsylvania Avenue Ramsey Clark Speaks Sandra and Kathy Toe warming Get that arrogant fool Atheists Have Morals Too! Leave Social Security 4


We begin to walk down the sidewalk We begin to walk down the sidewalk to Pennsylvania Avenue.

Updates on the trash problems in Rensselaer

by Chris Kielb and Tom Ellis Rensselaer and East Greenbush residents and their allies (Rensselaer Environmental Coalition, REC) continue to organize to block the proposed Bio HiTech municipal solid waste processing facility on the former BASF industrial site, south of Columbia Turnpike. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) sent now-departed Rensselaer Mayor Moody a Updates on the trash problems in Rensselaer

Done with the Dunn Dump

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: David Ellis of Rensselaer Residents Against Toxic Dumping and Lou Sebesta of Stop Trucks Assaulting Rensselaer (STAR) spoke at the May 15th SPB dinner about “Done with Dunn Landfill: Negative Impacts of Dunn C/D Dump Operations” in Rensselaer, and their efforts to close it. Later in the evening, George Keleshian Done with the Dunn Dump

DEC is Derelict its Duty — Not Requiring Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements

by Tom Ellis A growing problem in the capital region and probably elsewhere in New York is that large or gigantic proposed projects, many with potentially enormous environmental impacts, are passing thorough the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) regulatory system without environmental impact statements (EIS) being produced, as required under the State Environmental Quality DEC is Derelict its Duty — Not Requiring Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements

Brief History of the Draft Coeymans Clean Air Law — Vote expected in February 2019

by Barbara Heinzen COEYMANS, NY: In December, 2017, Mike Ewall, of the Energy Justice Network, alerted Albany County and the Town of Coeymans that Connecticut was considering a proposal to ship municipal trash to the LaFarge/Holcim Cement Plant in Ravena.  In response, Albany County and the Town of Coeymans organized a packed press conference two Brief History of the Draft Coeymans Clean Air Law — Vote expected in February 2019

Solid Waste Issues in the City of Albany, the Town of Colonie and the Proposed Changes in the NYS Solid Waste Regulations

by Tom Ellis ALBANY. NY: There is much to report on issues regarding solid wastes. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC or En Con)) DEC held a public hearing in Albany to receive comments on proposed revisions to its Part 360 regulations, DEC is assisting the Town of Colonie with its landfill expansion application,” Solid Waste Issues in the City of Albany, the Town of Colonie and the Proposed Changes in the NYS Solid Waste Regulations

Kim Fraczek Speaks about the Sane Energy Project and Mapping PipelinesKim Fraczek Speaks about the Sane Energy Project and Mapping Pipeliness

by Tom Ellis Albany, NY: Kim Fraczek, Co-Director of the Sane Energy Project spoke on “Gas Infrastructure — The Big Picture” at the January 18 SPB dinner. She is very enthusiastic opinionated, and optimistic about blocking construction of many of the proposed natural gas pipelines in New York. She displayed an interactive, online map of Kim Fraczek Speaks about the Sane Energy Project and Mapping PipelinesKim Fraczek Speaks about the Sane Energy Project and Mapping Pipeliness

Roger Downs: The State of Fracking

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter Conservation Director Roger Downs spoke at the October 16 Save the Pine Bush dinner about where Governor Cuomo may be heading with his fracking policies.  Roger said NYS has been in “fracking limbo” since February with no established deadlines as of now.  He said natural gas prices are Roger Downs: The State of Fracking

Earth Day SPB Dinner

by Tom Ellis ALBANY: As is usual, the April SPB dinner featured a variety of speakers and an Earth Day theme.  Each spoke 5-10 minutes.  Lynne Jackson introduced them and said the people who began Save the Pine Bush met at SUNYA (now the University at Albany) in the 1970s. Saima Anjam of Environmental Advocates (EA) discussed the legislative agenda Earth Day SPB Dinner

Letter-Writing Made a Difference Your Letters Needed to Help the Karner Blue Butterfly

by Lynne Jackson, Mar./Apr. 92 The Karner Blue has been proposed to be listed as an endangered species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. If the butterfly is listed as an endangered species with a designated critical habitat, any developments proposed within the habitat would need to have a federal permit in order to Letter-Writing Made a Difference Your Letters Needed to Help the Karner Blue Butterfly