Cop chats with vendor Cop chats with vendor
The Brooklyn Bridge The Brooklyn Bridge
Information booth Information booth
IMG_2878.JPG We arrive at Union Square and the march is over
NYS Capital Region Delegation NYS Capital Region Delegation
Those ever-present heliocopters! Those ever-present helicopters!
Women from Michigan Women from Michigan
IMG_2102.JPG IMG_2102.JPG
Port-o-Potties 1 Port-o-Potties 1 Port-o-Potties as far as the eye could see! This protest was organized by women! I could tell – this was going to be a great day!
Oh, the bus looked so good! Oh, the bus looked so good!
IMG_2320.JPG Statues were decorated
Belly dancers for choice Belly dancers for choice
Police protect anti-choicers Police protect anti-choicers
The Front: I’ll give up my choice when George W. gets pregnant The Front: I’ll give up my choice when George W. gets pregnant
IMG_2200.NYS Captial Region Students IMG_2200.NYS Captial Region Students
Some Texans are very cool! Some Texans are very cool!
Bicycle police Bicycle police
Protesters Protesters
Billionaire! Billionaire!