Search Results for: Waste Management

Waste Management Pulls Out of Seeking to Dump in Albany’s South End Community – Dominick Calsolaro

By Dominick Calsolaro, June/July 2021 Save the Pine Bush Newsletter ALBANY: In April, Waste Management of New York, Inc, (WM) informed residents of Albany’s South End that it was again asking the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation to approve a solid waste permit modification to allow WM to accept municipal solid waste (MSW) at its Waste Management Pulls Out of Seeking to Dump in Albany’s South End Community – Dominick Calsolaro

Draft New York State Solid Waste Management Plan Deadline for Public Comments: August 16, 2010

  Entitled “Beyond Waste: A Sustainable Materials Management Strategy for New York State” the draft plan is now available for review. Everyone who cares about what to do with the garbage should send their comments. Save the Pine Bush’s position is this: 1) We need to move toward a zero-waste policy. Zero waste is achievable, Draft New York State Solid Waste Management Plan Deadline for Public Comments: August 16, 2010

Zeroing Out Waste Conference

Speakers Include: Neil Seldman, Institute of Local Self Reliance Professor Paul Connett, International Waste Management Researcher Majora Carter, Environmental Justice Leader, Founder Sustainable South Bronx Barbara Warren, Citizens’ Environmental Coalition Why do we have so much garbage? What can we do to prevent it? Looking at the trash question as a resource issue and a Zeroing Out Waste Conference

Waste Reduction and Recycling: Neil Seldman, PhD

Waste Reduction and Recycling: Neil Seldman, PhD. Director of Waste to Wealth Initiative at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (Washington, DC). Public Presentation and Workshop on Recycling and Waste Management in the Capitol Region Albany Public Library, Washington Avenue Branch: 161 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210 Presentation:  How the Capital District can Transition from Landfills Waste Reduction and Recycling: Neil Seldman, PhD

Solid Waste Issues in the City of Albany, the Town of Colonie and the Proposed Changes in the NYS Solid Waste Regulations

by Tom Ellis ALBANY. NY: There is much to report on issues regarding solid wastes. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC or En Con)) DEC held a public hearing in Albany to receive comments on proposed revisions to its Part 360 regulations, DEC is assisting the Town of Colonie with its landfill expansion application,” Solid Waste Issues in the City of Albany, the Town of Colonie and the Proposed Changes in the NYS Solid Waste Regulations

Tour Sustainable Materials Management Facilities

  On August 12, the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center (SU-EFC), in collaboration with the New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling (NYSAR³), is sponsoring a special tour highlighting New York State sustainable materials management (SMM) operations including materials recovery facilities, composting facilities, anaerobic digestion systems, reuse centers, and more! At each facility, Tour Sustainable Materials Management Facilities

Zero Waste or Waste Authority?

by Tom Ellis, Citizens’ Environmental Coalition Save the Pine Bush and friends won a partial victory in late February when Clough Harbour & Associates (CHA) revised the preliminary draft solid waste management plan it had issued in mid-December on behalf of a “steering committee” appointed by Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings. CHA faced considerable pressure from Zero Waste or Waste Authority?

Zeroing Out Waste Conference

You are invited to the first statewide Zeroing Out Waste Conference Saturday, November 15, 2008, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM Westminster Presbyterian Church, Use entrance at 85 Chestnut St., Albany , NY 12210 Speakers Include: Neil Seldman, Institute of Local Self Reliance Professor Paul Connett, International Waste Management Researcher Majora Carter, Environmental Justice Leader, Founder Zeroing Out Waste Conference

Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006

STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ALBANY                   SUPREME COURT _________________________________________________ In the Matter of the Application of                                                SAVE THE PINE BUSH, INC., REZSIN ADAMS, SANDRA CAMP, SHARON CASTERLIN, LUCY CLARK, LYNNE JACKSON, MARTHA MASTERS JOHN WOLCOTT, PETER VAN NOSTRAND and RUSSELL ZIEMBA,                                                                               Case No. 1 VERIFIED PETITION                                     Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006

Join Save the Pine Bush in the Fight to End Plastic Pollution – Tuesday May 14th – NYS Capitol

Please join Save the Pine Bush in advocating with the New York is NOT Disposable Coalition to meet with your state representatives in Albany to help get two critical bills — the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (S4246-b/A5322-b) and the Bigger Better Bottle Bill (S237-b/A6353) — to reduce single-use plastics and increase reuse, refill Join Save the Pine Bush in the Fight to End Plastic Pollution – Tuesday May 14th – NYS Capitol

Garbage in the Pine Bush

Garbage in the Pine Bush Garbage in the Pine Bush If you had to pick the ideal place to put a landfill, would you choose sand dunes over an aquifer on the site of the breeding ground of an endangered species? I don’t think you would, but the that’s where the City of Albany choose&shyp;the Garbage in the Pine Bush

SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2000s

2020s 🦋 2010s 🦋 2000s 🦋 1990s Search Newsletter Archives: 2009 🦋 2008 🦋 2007 🦋 2006 🦋 2005 🦋 2004 🦋 2003 🦋 2002 🦋 2001 🦋 2000 2009 October/November 2009 – Download printable PDF version Bringing Back Sustainable Karner Blue Populations, October/November, 2009 September Biogas Talk, October/November, 2009 Buckmoth Monitoring, October/November, 2009 Neither SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2000s

SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2010s

2020s 🦋 2010s 🦋 2000s 🦋 1990s Search Newsletter Archives: 2019 🦋 2018 🦋 2017 🦋 2016 🦋 2015 🦋 2014 🦋 2013 🦋 2012 🦋 2011 🦋 2010 2019 Newsletter 🦋 December/January 2019-20 Newsletter Download printable PDF version Listen to the Podcasts Merton Simpson — Fighting Environmental Racial Injustice, December/January 2019 Air Pollution in SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2010s

Town of Colonie Planning Board

Whereas, the applications and permitting to construct and operate an expansion of the City’s existing landfill located on Rapp Road in the City of Albany, together with mitigation related to the expansion, referred to as Eastern Expansion, is before the Common Council for deliberation; and Whereas, since 1990 there have been multiple expansions of the Town of Colonie Planning Board

Colonie Landfill Updates

by Tom Ellis The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) illegally granted the town of Colonie permits on April 5 to vastly enlarge its landfill located near Route 9 on the bank of the Mohawk River. The Saratoga County towns of Waterford and Halfmoon have filed lawsuits challenging DEC’s ruling. With the new permits, the Colonie Landfill Updates

Nabokov’s Blues

Nabokov’s Blues Save the Pine Bush Sues City of Albany and Department of Environmental Conservation Over Illegal Landfill in the Pine Bush ALBANY, NY: Save the Pine Bush filed suit against the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the City of Albany over the permit approval for the City of Albany P-4 landfill Nabokov’s Blues

Doug Bullock

ALBANY, NY: As noted at the last dinner, most of our environmental successes at the County level have depended on the sponsorship and support of the hardworking environmental county legislator, Doug Bullock. From fighting for a strong styrofoam and plastic bag ban, to championing waste management alternatives, to his current successful campaign to get the Doug Bullock

The Solution to the Garbage Problem

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Resa Dimino, Special Assistant in the DEC Commissioner’s Policy Office spoke about Solid Waste Management Planning at the July SPB dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. Resa Dimino is leading the effort to develop a new State Solid Waste Management Plan in New York State. Her talk focused on the planning The Solution to the Garbage Problem

Save the Pine Bush

  BETHLEHEM: What is the future of garbage in the ANSWERS community? Come to a Solid Waste Management Plan Steering Committee to find out! The SWMP (pronounced “swamp” — isn’t that a wonderful acronym?) has met three times now. At the last meeting, held in the Bethlehem Town Hall, the City’s consultant, Clough Harbor, presented Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

The Army Corps of Engineers extended the comment period on their review of the wetlands that will be destroyed if the proposed landfill in the Pine Bush is constructed. Bert wrote an excellent letter outlining many of the problems of expanding the landfill. The deadline for comments was March 5 and the letter was sent Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush Barred from Court

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: John Waffenschmidt, Vice-President & Business Development, Covanta Energy spoke at the Save the Pine Bush vegetarian-vegan lasagna dinner about Global Warming, Energy Use & Solid Waste Management at the First Presbyterian Church. He began by speaking about global warming. There is no question the globe is warming up. Effects of this Save the Pine Bush Barred from Court

The Dump Expansion is for Who?

ALBANY: In its pursuit of the proposed landfill expansion, the City of Albany is working on the Environmental review process required under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. The initial part of this process is preparation of scoping document to determine what topics should be included in this review. A public meeting was held at The Dump Expansion is for Who?

What to do with the Garbage

ALBANY: The City of Albany has a serious problem: where to throw the garbage. If the City follows the law, and does the right thing, they will not be able to expand the current landfill in the Pine Bush. City officials all seem to want to do the right thing, except when it comes to What to do with the Garbage

A Plan for Planning

by Richard Clark We in Albany County don’t know what to do about the disposal of solid waste.  Mayor Gerald Jennings would rather not expand the Rapp Road landfill on land dedicated to the Pine Bush Preserve Commission, but he desperately needs the money and the jobs that landfill generates.  He argues that time is A Plan for Planning

Dump expansion rapped

ALBANY — If the crowd at the Polish Community Center on Wednesday ran the state Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany would not get permission to expand its Rapp Road dump in the environmentally-sensitive Pine Bush Preserve. Several hundred people packed the DEC hearing on the city’s request, with loudest applause going to dump opponents, like Dump expansion rapped

DEC Should Enforce the Rules

by Tom Ellis New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos responded to a March 4 Albany Times Union editorial with a letter to the editor ten days later. The editorial titled, “Weak fines, weak message,” strongly criticized the DEC’s “spotty record on cracking down on local environmental violations.” Specifically discussed were the DEC Should Enforce the Rules

Climate Change and Hell and High Water

Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Hell and High Water: New York Responds to Climate Change was title of the talk given by Mark Lowery at the November 16 SPB dinner. Mr. Lowery is a climate policy analyst in the state Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) Office of Climate Change (OCC). He said OCC helps NYS mitigate Climate Change and Hell and High Water

Public Advocate Dominick Calsolaro

By Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Former Albany First Ward Common Council member Dominick Calsolaro spoke at the June 18 SPB dinner about Environmental Issues in Albany.  He began thanking SPB President Rezsin Adams for her many years of friendship.  During the US-Vietnam War, he said, Rezsin often came into his family’s restaurant.  Dominick spoke about the Public Advocate Dominick Calsolaro

Michael McLaughlin, Director of Research for Albany County Executive Dan McCoy Speaks to SPB

By Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Michael McLaughlin, the Director of Research for Albany County Executive Dan McCoy, was the SPB dinner speaker on May 21, filling in for McCoy who was attending the convention of the NYS Democratic Party.  He said he is involved in many of McCoy’s policies. Mr. McLaughlin said the Polystyrene ban signed by Michael McLaughlin, Director of Research for Albany County Executive Dan McCoy Speaks to SPB

Sally’s Recycling Corner: Tires

by Sally Cummings I have a few tires at home. How can I recycle them? You may be able to return surplus tires to either a tire retailer or a local recycling facility that accepts tires. Be sure to confirm that the facility accepts tires for recycling and check for quantity and size limitations. Some Sally’s Recycling Corner: Tires

DEC’s Dump Hearing December 3, 2008

ALBANY: The NYS Deparment of Environmental Conservation held the one and only hearing on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed landfill expansion of the City of Albany’s Rapp Road landfill in the Pine Bush on December 3, 2008. The room was nearly packed, with over 300 people attending. Of course, making sure DEC’s Dump Hearing December 3, 2008

Rethink Plans for Disposal Facility

Congratulations to Tom Ellis for his excellent letter-to-the-editor which appeared in Thursday’s Times Union (12/30/10) concerning the SWMP plan, the proposed solid waste authority and the possibility of an incinerator being constrducted in the area. The letter is shown below. In addition to the points Tom made in his letter, it should be mentioned that Rethink Plans for Disposal Facility