IMG_5131.JPG Drummers set the beat
IMG_5131.JPG Drummers set the beat
Billionaires for Bush Billionaires for Bush Iraq. Open for Business. Ignore the Down Street Memos! Look at those pearls! I want pearls like that!
The March The March Impeach Bush No more Blood for Oil Corporate American = Global Terrorism
The March The March The didn’t know Flying PLANES into buildings Weapons of Mass Destruction Mushroom Clouds Terrorist in Iraq Levee’s would break Intelligence dead wrong For their ignorance 6000 Americans are dead
The March The March
The March The March Dissent Defines Democracy
Drum Circle Drum Circle
The March The March Send Jenna & Barbara or Bring Our Troops Home
The March The March Peace Action from Cornell, Denton Texas, and many other places.
IMG_5284.JPG March is over, people don’t want to leave.
IMG_5277.JPG Uncle Sam and Miss Liberty on stilts
IMG_5275.JPG Dancing in front of Uncle Sam
IMG_5257.JPG Cops are nervous about the sitters
Oh, those heliocopters! Oh, those heliocopters!
NYS Captial Region Students NYS Captial Region Students
Interrogate Gonzales Interrogate Gonzales
Bush suporters are sparce Bush suporters are sparce in the bleechers across from the anti-war rally
Bus goes by on Penn Ave Bus goes by on Penn Ave
Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Avenue
IMG_5216.JPG Smedley Butler Bridage Veterns for Peace
IMG_5205.JPG Nice to know that peace people are parasites!
Our spot C-29 Our spot C-29
A beautiful building A beautiful building
A beautiful building A beautiful building
Then, she disrobes Then, she disrobes
Then, she disrobes Then, she disrobes
Reading of the Names Reading of the Names The names of all of the people who died were read by family members.
World Trade Center site. World Trade Center site. Family members at the Memorial Service inside the World Trade Center Site.
Hilary Clinton Hilary Clinton
Our Kids DIE for Halliburton PROFITS Our Kids DIE for Halliburton PROFITS Bush: Lier, Murderer, Terrorist
People listen to the speakers People listen to the speakers