Quakers carry signs Quakers carry signs
Quakers carry signs Quakers carry signs
Fedral Plaza Fedral Plaza
End the War End the War
Holland Tunnel Entrance Holland Tunnel Entrance
Kathy Kathy Drive out the Bush Regime – http://www.WorldCantWait.org
Buck Fush Buck Fush
New York City
Cops and little cop cars Cops and little cop cars
Code Pink Code Pink
Drive out the Bush Regime – the World Cant Wait! Drive out the Bush Regime – the World Cant Wait!
Quakers carry signs Quakers carry signs
Mechanism to stop cars from driving down the street Mechanism to stop cars from driving down the street
Don’t Buy Bush’s War Don’t Buy Bush’s War
Mechanism to stop cars from driving down the street Mechanism to stop cars from driving down the street
IMG_5151.JPG We are marching
IMG_5144.JPG RIP Habeas Corpus
Text to Peace Text to Peace
IMG_5146.JPG Math Geeks Against War
A sad bike A sad bike
So many cops So many cops
Rain and signs Rain and signs
People keep coming People keep coming
More people More people
Broadway & 17th Broadway & 17th
New York City New York City
African Burial Ground National Monument African Burial Ground National Monument
Rain and people came Rain and people came
New York City New York City
Broadway & 17th Broadway & 17th
IMG_5150.JPG It took two hows to walk the 2/3 of a block to the start of the march because of all of the people.
Information booth Information booth
Information booth (no touch-screen voting machines) Information booth (no touch-screen voting machines)
Reagan/Cheney Reagan/Cheney
African Burial Ground National Monument African Burial Ground National Monument
Islam is not my enemy! Islam is not my enemy!