Search Results for: South Main Ave

Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: At the March 16 SPB dinner, Albany County Executive Dan McCoy spoke about Environmental Accomplishments and the Agenda for the Future.   Mr. McCoy began with, “There is so much we’ve done” and “You’re organization — Save the Pine Bush — has been the rock of our community.”  Mr. Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert! Coyotes in the Moonlight Response to the Commission’s Final Implementation Guidelines by Lynne Jackson "It was a cold night in January, snow on the ground, full moon, not a creature moving a muscle," began Jerry Mueller, at the January Lasagna Dinner. He had to get out of the house Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

Air Pollution in Albany’s South End

ALBANY, NY: On November 6, I attended a combined NYS DEC and NYS DOH community meeting about a study they did concerning the health of Albany South End residents. About fifty attended at the Albany Housing Authority office on South Pearl Street. The just-completed study looked at hospitalization rates of South End residents compared to Air Pollution in Albany’s South End

Save the Pine Bush

by John Wolcott The next piece in the puzzle of “Where is Trader’s Hill?” is an amazing very old parchment map in the Albany City Engineer’s collection. It is the only map known to show Margriets Bergh, and was drawn in January 1773 by Jeremiah Van Rensselaer from a survey done by himself in 1772. Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

The Army Corps of Engineers extended the comment period on their review of the wetlands that will be destroyed if the proposed landfill in the Pine Bush is constructed. Bert wrote an excellent letter outlining many of the problems of expanding the landfill. The deadline for comments was March 5 and the letter was sent Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

The Pine Bush is located in the Capital District, between Albany and Schenectady. The boundaries are Fuller Road on the east, Route 5 (Central Avenue) on the North, Route 146 on the west, and Route 20 (Western Avenue) on the South. The Pine Bush is located in three municipalities-Albany, Guilderland and Colonie. The Pine Bush Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush has a traveling exhibit. We bring it to fairs, schools, and especially every year to the Albany Tulipfest, held on Saturaday and Sunday of Mother’s Day weekend in May. If you don’t have a chance to visit our exhibit in person, we have put the pictures and captions in our exhibit Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

by Grace Nichols, July 26, 2009   The survival of the Federally Protected Karner Blue Butterfly in the Albany Pine Bush Preserve is in doubt here in Albany – its numbers have been critically low for at least ten years. This butterfly was first named by Vladimir Nabokov, the famous writer, and became one of Save the Pine Bush

Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

by Tim Truscott   There has been plenty of energy pipeline news in the Capital Region of New York during the month of April. Here is some of it: Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline “Suspended” On April 20, Kinder Morgan, the developer for the Northeast Energy Direct (NED) 30-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, announced it was Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

Don Reeb Speaks to Save the Pine Bush

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: After a rousing introduction by Carol Waterman, Don Reeb spoke at the February 19 SPB dinner about “Cities and the Environment.” Don, now 80 years young, is a retired University at Albany economics professor, was co-leader of the Stop Crossgates mall campaign, and has been President of the McKownville Improvement Don Reeb Speaks to Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert! Action Alerts! Call Your Albany City Common Council Member To oppose re-zoning of 365 Washington Avenue Extension (If you do not live in Albany, then choose someone to call). Call before March 20, 2000 Call Your Albany County Legislator To call for the County to request that part of Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

Save the Pine Bush Comments on the Rapp Road Residential/Western Avenue Mixed used DEIS

Christopher M. Walker, Legal Intern for the The Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic wrote comments for the proposed project. Here is an excerpt from his comments sent to the Guilderland Planning Board. You can view the complete comments and the appendicies online at: The Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic submits the following comments on behalf of Save the Pine Bush Comments on the Rapp Road Residential/Western Avenue Mixed used DEIS

Welcome to Save the Pine Bush!

47 years of fighting for the Pine Bush Save the Pine Bush Dinner – Wednesday, September 25 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Dear All, Save the Pine Bush will have our first in-person vegetarian lasagna dinner since the pandemic on Wednesday, September 25 at 6:00 PM. NEW LOCATION: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 10 North Main Avenue Welcome to Save the Pine Bush!

Crossgates crosses the line

A local shopping mall should reconsider how it handles slogans of protest First published: Thursday, March 6, 2003 Let’s see if we have this right. Stores in Crossgates Mall will sell custom-made T-shirts with civil, but clear, slogans protesting a war with Iraq to anyone who wants them. Wearing those shirts in the mall, though, Crossgates crosses the line

Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006

STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ALBANY                   SUPREME COURT _________________________________________________ In the Matter of the Application of                                                SAVE THE PINE BUSH, INC., REZSIN ADAMS, SANDRA CAMP, SHARON CASTERLIN, LUCY CLARK, LYNNE JACKSON, MARTHA MASTERS JOHN WOLCOTT, PETER VAN NOSTRAND and RUSSELL ZIEMBA,                                                                               Case No. 1 VERIFIED PETITION                                     Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006

Environmental News

by Tom Ellis Since the prior SPB News last year, much has occurred locally and regionally. Despite many enviro-activists working separately, climate activists are increasingly well organized and effective in their lobbying the state legislature. Nevertheless, a widely supported Renewable Capitol Act has not been enacted as of Earth Day. The RCA would invest $50 Environmental News

Coyotes in the Moonlight

Coyotes in the Moonlight Coyotes in the Moonlight Response to the Commission’s Final Implementation Guidelines by Lynne Jackson "It was a cold night in January, snow on the ground, full moon, not a creature moving a muscle," began Jerry Mueller, at the January Lasagna Dinner. He had to get out of the house and decided Coyotes in the Moonlight

Albany Pine Bush Commission, RE: 2772 & 2792 Curry Rd. – Eden Renewables proposed Solar Farm

September 3, 2019 Mr. Joseph LaCivita, Chair (by e-mail only)Director of Planning & Economic DevelopmentTown of Colonie Public Operations Center347 Old Niskayuna RoadLatham, NY 12110 RE: 2772 & 2792 Curry Rd. – Eden Renewables proposed Solar Farm Dear Director LaCivita, Thank you for requesting Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (APBPC) review and comment on the Albany Pine Bush Commission, RE: 2772 & 2792 Curry Rd. – Eden Renewables proposed Solar Farm


Here are some helpful tools to help you research development and land use changes in Albany Pine Bush. Properties on the Planning Board Agendas See our Planning Board Agenda Tracker. Search a Property You can search a property here, however it must be in a very specific format to match the tax record, like this Research

Curry Road Solar Guilderland (Borrego Solar) Proposed on 48-acres of Full Protection Lands

As much as we love solar, the Borrego Solar Project in Guilderland is NOT okay. Note: This proposal has been pulled. We are continuing to monitor future development proposals for this property. They will be submitting their site plan review to the Planning Board on Wednesday, September 8 2021.  This project is in a full Curry Road Solar Guilderland (Borrego Solar) Proposed on 48-acres of Full Protection Lands

The Poor People’s Campaign

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Joe Paparone of the Labor-Religion Coalition of NYS and former Albany Common Council member Vivian Kornegay spoke about The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Renewal (PPC), at the April 18 SPB dinner. Joe described himself as a sax player but not a singer, and works on immigration The Poor People’s Campaign

The Rome Sand Plains

The Rome Sand Plains The Rome Sand Plains by Lynne Jackson Earlier this month, my husband and I had the pleasure of being given a personal tour of the Rome Sand Plains, a geological and biological sister to our Pine Bush. Located southeast of Rome, New York, the Sand Plains are similar to our Pine The Rome Sand Plains

More on the West Nile Virus

More on the West Nile Virus More on the West Nile Virus To follow up on Ward Stone’s talk at the September Save the Pine Bush Dinner, according to the Albany Times-Union, the disease has spread to 12 states and the District of Columbia, from New York and New England and as far south as More on the West Nile Virus

Migratory Bird Watch Hike

On Saturday, September 21, Andy Arthur, Hugh Johnson, Chris Kielb and two others joined experienced birder Neil Reilly for a fall birding excursion near the Pine Bush Discovery Center. In early fall, as they migrate south for the winter, many different species of warblers mingle with chickadees and other non-migrating birds to feed on the Migratory Bird Watch Hike

The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers

The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers   The Deer Crisis No Easy Answers By Daniel Van Riper The Pine Bush ecosystem is in great danger from many enemies, particularly greedy developers and ignorant politicians. Invasive plant species, pesticides, runoff from the dump and highways, fire suppression and general abuse by humans have all hurt The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers

Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve

Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve   Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve By John Wolcott A Little Background When I first started mulling over the notion of a Pine Bush Preserve in 1971, it was with the thought Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve

New Light on an Old Road

New Light on an Old Road New Light on an Old Road by John Wolcott Save the Pine Bush board member John Wolcott has discovered evidence of a forgotten foot path through the Pine Bush that in the 1600’s and 1700’s ran parallel to the main Albany-Schenectady Road, the Maquas Padt. Here is Part 1 New Light on an Old Road

Merton Simpson — Fighting Environmental Racial Injustice

ALBANY, NY: Albany County Legislator Merton Simpson spoke about “Fighting Environmental Racial Injustice” at the October 16, 2019 SPB dinner. He began saying, “I see one of my environmental heroes–Ward Stone–here.” [Ward is the legendary and now retired wildlife pathologist (1969-2010) of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.] Merton said, “We live in perilous times, Merton Simpson — Fighting Environmental Racial Injustice

Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland?

Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland? Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland? Guest Article By Jamie and Mary Malcolm While Save the Pine Bush (SPB) is hard at work preserving any remaining Pine Bush in the Town of Guilderland, a series of projects including a new YMCA facility, are threatening to take protected land from Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland?

Judge Cobb Grants Injunction

Judge Cobb Grants Injunction Judge Cobb Grants Injunction State Defends Pine Bush ALBANY, NY &emdash; Justice George L. Cobb granted a preliminary injunction January 23 on construction of a six-unit housing subdivision in the Pine Bush in State Supreme Court today. He also granted a request for 60 additional days for the State to respond. Judge Cobb Grants Injunction

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Draft Environmental Impact Statement DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT for Avila House Independent Senior Campus Lead Agency:   City of Albany Planning Board 21 Lodge Street, Albany, New York 12207 Contact: Nicholas Dilello (518) 434-2532 ext. 28   Project Sponsor:   First Colun1bia, LLC 26 Century Hill Drive Latham, New York 12110-2128, (518) 213-1000   Report Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Garage Sale Sucess!

A snow-covered field near Crossgates Mall may become a battleground over the effect of building in the Pine Bush and on that ecologically fragile area’s bellwether symbol, the Karner blue butterfly. Environmentalists are trying to fend off the nation’s largest independent hotel developer, which wants about four acres west of the mall’s movie theaters for Garage Sale Sucess!

Clean Air Update

By Tom Ellis ALBANY COUNTY: The Clean Air Coalition of Greater Ravena-Coeyamns held a community forum on February 9 about its continuing efforts to block the Lafarge cement company from burning tires near the Hudson River in Ravena, and directly across Route 9W from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk (RCS) Middle and High Schools. Christine Primomo, a retired Clean Air Update

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter Sept/Oct 16 No. 132 • 33 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12210 • email • phone 518-462-0891 • web • Circ. 600 Vegetarian/Vegan Dinner Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Climate Crisis and Practical Solutions Conor Bambrick Air & Energy Director, Environmental Advocates of NY will speak about NY Renews and 16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter