Search Results for: Spring St
Join Save the Pine Bush in the Fight to End Plastic Pollution – Tuesday May 14th – NYS Capitol
Please join Save the Pine Bush in advocating with the New York is NOT Disposable Coalition to meet with your state representatives in Albany to help get two critical bills — the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (S4246-b/A5322-b) and the Bigger Better Bottle Bill (S237-b/A6353) — to reduce single-use plastics and increase reuse, refill … Join Save the Pine Bush in the Fight to End Plastic Pollution – Tuesday May 14th – NYS Capitol
SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2000s
2020s 🦋 2010s 🦋 2000s 🦋 1990s Search Newsletter Archives: 2009 🦋 2008 🦋 2007 🦋 2006 🦋 2005 🦋 2004 🦋 2003 🦋 2002 🦋 2001 🦋 2000 2009 October/November 2009 – Download printable PDF version Bringing Back Sustainable Karner Blue Populations, October/November, 2009 September Biogas Talk, October/November, 2009 Buckmoth Monitoring, October/November, 2009 Neither … SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2000s
SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 1990s
2020s 🦋 2010s 🦋 2000s 🦋 1990s Search Newsletter Archives: 1999 🦋 1998 🦋 1997 🦋 1996 🦋 1995 🦋 1994 1999 December 1999, January 2000 Garbage in the Pine Bush – City Proposes Landfill Expansion SPB Files Most Unpopular Suit Yet – Sues the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission The Thruway Authority Comes Across … SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 1990s
Just Say No to the Bridge!
The Village of Colonie is proposing to build a bridge in the Pine Bush over the Rapp Road/Lincoln Avenue railroad tracks. To allow for high-speed rail, all Òat gradeÓ crossings over railroad tracks are to be eliminated. The Village wants to eliminate the Rapp Road/Lincoln Avenue crossing by building a bridge. Save the Pine Bush … Just Say No to the Bridge!
Returning to flight Efforts of New England biologists help usher in rebirth of the endangered Karner blue butterfly
CONCORD, N.H. – Two biologists crawled through a field thick with blueberry, black chokeberry, and scrub oak, searching for butterfly eggs the size of pinheads. Suddenly, one of them, Steve Fuller, thrust a hand into the air. “Found one!” he shouted. As his colleague, Heidi Holman, ran to his side, Fuller opened his hand to … Returning to flight Efforts of New England biologists help usher in rebirth of the endangered Karner blue butterfly
Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve
by Steve Rider On its website it states that the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission “assure(s) the protection, restoration and management of the natural and cultural resources of the Albany Pine Bush.” However, in reality preservation of cultural resources is given little priority compared to the ecological goals. Original, unspoiled remnants of four historic roads … Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve
Ecology and history can walk side-by-side on Pine Bush roads
Reprinted from the Altamont Enterprisel Thursday, May 17, 2018 Before there were cars and trucks, before there were carriages and wagons, before there were wheels, people have always made pathways. The routes they traveled linked hunting grounds with dwelling places, became a means of trade and commerce, linked one community to another or allowed one … Ecology and history can walk side-by-side on Pine Bush roads
Keith Schue and Ward Stone fire up “Save the Pine Bush” about the Proposed Gas Turbines and the ongoing toxin issues at Sheridan Hollow
ALBANY, NY: At our February Save the Pine Bush dinner, two speakers, Keith Schue and Ward Stone, spoke about how toxic pollutants continue to impact the Sheridan Hollow neighborhood in Albany and how it might get even worse. Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York Power Authority (NYPA) had planned to install a new Gas … Keith Schue and Ward Stone fire up “Save the Pine Bush” about the Proposed Gas Turbines and the ongoing toxin issues at Sheridan Hollow
Pesticide Reductions Won at Albany Common Council
By Grace Nichols ALBANY: Save the Pine Bush research revealed that the City of Albany has been in violation of its own Pesticide Ordiance, not only at the Landfill, but also citywide, including public sites such as the Corning Preserve, the Washington Park Lakehouse, the Senior Center, the Visitor’s Center and City Hall. We … Pesticide Reductions Won at Albany Common Council
Ward Stone Speaks about the Most Important Environmental Problems of Our Time
by Lynne Jackson ALBANY, NY: Ward Stone, NYS Wildlife Pathologist, ate lasagna with Save the Pine Bush at the First Presbyterian Church this past March and spoke about changes in the environment over the past few years. He noted that in the past 30 years, there is some good news. We have shut-down the source … Ward Stone Speaks about the Most Important Environmental Problems of Our Time
Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve
Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve By John Wolcott A Little Background When I first started mulling over the notion of a Pine Bush Preserve in 1971, it was with the thought … Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Draft Environmental Impact Statement DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT for Avila House Independent Senior Campus Lead Agency: City of Albany Planning Board 21 Lodge Street, Albany, New York 12207 Contact: Nicholas Dilello (518) 434-2532 ext. 28 Project Sponsor: First Colun1bia, LLC 26 Century Hill Drive Latham, New York 12110-2128, (518) 213-1000 Report … Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Marriott Hotel Poised to Destroy only Known Upstate Colony of Rare Worm Snake
ALBANY: As we go to press, the Albany Common Council may have taken the final step to allow a Marriott Hotel to destroy the only known upstate colony of the rare worm snake by approving a re-zoning for the proposed hotel site. After Save the Pine Bush sued the City over its approval of the … Marriott Hotel Poised to Destroy only Known Upstate Colony of Rare Worm Snake
Petition Filed With State Dec Seeks Ruling On 1994 Protection Agreement For Karner Blue In Clifton Park
CLIFTON PARK: A petition for a Declaratory Ruling under the State Administrative Procedure Act was submitted in January to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation by the environmental preservation group, Save the Pine Bush together with 22 Capital Region residents asking the DEC to rule on a 1994 habitat protection agreement meant to save the … Petition Filed With State Dec Seeks Ruling On 1994 Protection Agreement For Karner Blue In Clifton Park
The Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-RailThe Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-RailThe Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-Rail
By Oily Bakken and Rude Crude In recent months, the media has carried stories about huge quantities of crude oil being brought into the Port of Albany from the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota by CP Rail, where it is stored and transloaded onto barges or tanker ships to be moved on to distant … The Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-RailThe Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-RailThe Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-Rail
Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve
by Steve Rider On its website it states that the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission “assure(s) the protection, restoration and management of the natural and cultural resources of the Albany Pine Bush.” However, in reality preservation of cultural resources is given little priority compared to the ecological goals. Original, unspoiled remnants of four historic roads … Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve
Karner blue to get habitat in Saratoga Spa State Park
By Stephen Williams Reporters who devote more than a semicolon and three dashes to environmental coverage find their inboxes full on Earth Day. The delete button and recycling bin are wonderful things, but a few items seem worth passing on. First, the state Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation is creating new Karner … Karner blue to get habitat in Saratoga Spa State Park
Composting Food Waste in the City of Troy
The Troy City Council had appointed last spring a Citizens Working Group to investigate food waste composting. Their report is nearly complete, and will be presented to the Council soon. Published in January/February 2013 Save the Pine Bush Newsletter
Guess what: Study finds herbicides are bad for amphibians
by Grace Nichols For the past several years, Save the Pine Bush has warned the Common Council that buying and spreading more glyphosate (the active ingredient of Roundup) in the Pine Bush, either in the Preserve or on the Restoration is hazardous for the rare spadefoot toads and other amphibians. We’ve asked them to question … Guess what: Study finds herbicides are bad for amphibians
Dr. George Robinson Sheds Light on Landfills, their Possibilities and Problems Post-closure.
by Grace Nichols Dr. George Robinson is a professor in the Biodiversity and Conservation Policy graduate program at the University at Albany. He is very knowledgeable about landfills, as much of his work has involved transforming old landfills into positive open spaces which can meet the needs of local wildlife and local communities. Dr. Robinson’s … Dr. George Robinson Sheds Light on Landfills, their Possibilities and Problems Post-closure.
Karine Franke Vote for the Karner Blue for New York State Butterfly
by Lynne Jackson Update: Alas, on January 7, 2008, the Karner Blue came in second in the vote for NYS Butterfly. Here are the election results. ALBANY: Karina Franke spoke at the November Save the Pine Bush vegetarian/vegan lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. Karina began by explaining how she became involved in her … Karine Franke Vote for the Karner Blue for New York State Butterfly
Crossgates Casts a Dark Shadow Over the Pine Bush
ALBANY, NY: Just when you thought it was safe to go to the mall, Pyramid Crossgates proposes yet another project to destroy Pine Bush and potential Karner Blue habitat. Albany City Hall was the setting for Pyramid to describe to the Albany Common Council Zoning Committee how its proposal to build a residence inn hotel … Crossgates Casts a Dark Shadow Over the Pine Bush
Tiny threat looms large this spring
As ticks latch onto kids — not to mention their parents and pets — in big numbers this year, at least one middle school has decided there’s a little too much nature out there. But the bloodsucking creatures haven’t otherwise put too big a damper on spring field trips, despite a marked rise in their … Tiny threat looms large this spring
Sprawl Costs Money
by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Dr. Gary Kleppel, professor of biology at the University of Albany, outlined the economic and environmental costs of sprawl at Save the Pine Bush’s June veggie lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church in Albany. Dr. Kleppel opened his presentation by challenging conservation groups with the most important mission, “curbing urban … Sprawl Costs Money
New York state going dark to save birds
By Matthew Hamilton Albany: There is an unmistakable glow that illuminates the Albany skyline each night. For tourists, the lights are an attraction to the largest city on the Hudson River north of Yonkers. For nocturnal migrating birds, it’s also an attraction — and that’s the problem. The state is set to announce Monday that non-essential … New York state going dark to save birds
The Residents and the Pine Bush Win Against Pyramid Justice Prevails
by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: In an astonishing, detailed, and carefully written decision, Judge Peter Lynch handed a victory to Westmere Terrace residents and a gas-station owner, the plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against the Town of Guilderland Planing Board and Pyramid Management Group. The decision makes null and void all of the approvals the Planning … The Residents and the Pine Bush Win Against Pyramid Justice Prevails
Save the Pine Bush Brief History and Summary
by Lynne Jackson Save the Pine Bush came into being on February 6, 1978. It snowed that day. It snowed so much that the offices of the New York State government closed down and stayed closed the next day. This is the only time in the 20 years that I have lived in Albany that … Save the Pine Bush Brief History and Summary
The Karner Blue Butterfly: The Pine Bush’s Most Famous Resident
So much controversy over such a tiny butterfly-the Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis. A beautiful pale blue, this tiny creature only lives in its adult form for one to two weeks. Named by Vladimir Nabokov (probably better known for his writing than his lepidoptery), there were once so many butterflies that all one could see … The Karner Blue Butterfly: The Pine Bush’s Most Famous Resident
How does Save the Pine Bush stop developers?
Save the Pine Bush uses the courts to force government agencies to follow environmental preservation laws. The City of Albany has been notorious for ignoring the State Environmental Quality Review Act. We have been very successful in our lawsuits to block improper approvals of construction projects in the Pine Bush. Save the Pine Bush’s Victories … How does Save the Pine Bush stop developers?
New York is Not Disposable • In-Person Rally & Advocacy Day
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 • 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM Push NYS’s Packaging Reduction Act and Bigger Better Bottle Bill Over the Finish Line! Please join the New York is NOT Disposable Coalition to meet with your state representatives in Albany to help get two critical bills — the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act … New York is Not Disposable • In-Person Rally & Advocacy Day
Coyotes in the Moonlight
Coyotes in the Moonlight Coyotes in the Moonlight Response to the Commission’s Final Implementation Guidelines by Lynne Jackson "It was a cold night in January, snow on the ground, full moon, not a creature moving a muscle," began Jerry Mueller, at the January Lasagna Dinner. He had to get out of the house and decided … Coyotes in the Moonlight
Handling fire can be dangerous, something the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission knows only too well. In April 1999, a controlled burn at the pine barren that straddles Albany, Guilderland and Colonie blazed out of control, scorching 75 acres and shutting down the New York Thruway for several hours because of smoke. No homes or … PRESERVE NOT FEELING THE BURN
Amanda Dillon: Science in the Albany Pine Bush Preserve
by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Amanda Dillon, field ecologist and entomologist for the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (Commission), was the speaker at the November 16 Save the Pine Bush virtual meeting. She discussed “Science in the Albany PIne Bush Preserve.” Amanda Dillon earned both a BS in Natural History and Interpretation in 2007 and … Amanda Dillon: Science in the Albany Pine Bush Preserve
Save the Pine Bush
Friday, March 22, 7:30 p.m. A Sense of Wonder one-woman play about the life and work of Rachel Carson “A Sense of Wonder,”is a one-woman play about the life and work of Rachel Carson, will be performed at RPI’s Chapel and Cultural Center (2125 Burdett Avenue, Troy). Rachel Carson was a marine biologist and zoologist … Save the Pine Bush
Tracy Frirsch’s PFAS Resolution
Tracy Frirsch drafted the following resolution and is calling on organizations and local legislatures to pass it: A Resolution Calling on the NYS Legislature and Department of Environmental Conservation to Ban the Use of Sewage Sludge in Compost and as a Soil Amendment or Fertilizer due to PFAS Contamination. Summary: This resolution calls for New … Tracy Frirsch’s PFAS Resolution
May Evening Hike – Thursday, May 16, 2024 6:45 PM to 9 PM
Thursday May 16, 2024 at 6:45 PM to 9 PM Meet at: Pine Bush Discovery Center parking lot, east side of Route 155, opposite Old State Road.For GPS – 195 New Karner Road, Albany NY 12205 Leader: Andy Arthur • For More Information: 518-281-9873 or Join us as we go for an evening walk … May Evening Hike – Thursday, May 16, 2024 6:45 PM to 9 PM
Returning to flight
CONCORD, N.H. – Two biologists crawled through a field thick with blueberry, black chokeberry, and scrub oak, searching for butterfly eggs the size of pinheads. Suddenly, one of them, Steve Fuller, thrust a hand into the air. “Found one!” he shouted. As his colleague, Heidi Holman, ran to his side, Fuller opened his hand to … Returning to flight
Pollinator-Friendly County Resolution to be introduced in the face of alarming flying insect declines
by Grace Nichols Have you noticed in driving through rural New York, that your windshield – which once would have been covered with the remnants of countless insect collisions are now fairly clean? This observation has been made globally and linked to severe declines in insect populations. Insects are a critical part of the ecosystem … Pollinator-Friendly County Resolution to be introduced in the face of alarming flying insect declines
Save the Pine Bush Comments on 10 New Karner Road
Dear Mr. Wemple and the Guilderland Conservation Advisory Council, Thank you for letting me send you some maps and my comments. Save the Pine Bush opposes the proposed sub-division of 10 New Karner Road. Please see map below for location of items mentioned. 10 New Karner Road is proposed to be subdivided. 10 New Karner Road … Save the Pine Bush Comments on 10 New Karner Road
Walk in the Pine Bush!
From Andy Arthur, our hike leader: Save the Pine Bush Hike Canceled That said, you are more then welcomed — and encouraged to take your own hikes at the Albany Pine Bush. Unlike other public lands in the area, the area is snow and ice free. Additionally, based on my recent walks in the preserve, … Walk in the Pine Bush!
Save the Pine Bush Raises Money
Save the Pine Bush Raises Money Save the Pine Bush Raises Money If you asked me what my least favorite activity is, I would say "fund-raising". Its no fun. But, we have discovered that our work to preserve the Pine Bush costs money. And because a lot of people believe as we do, we have … Save the Pine Bush Raises Money
The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers
The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers The Deer Crisis No Easy Answers By Daniel Van Riper The Pine Bush ecosystem is in great danger from many enemies, particularly greedy developers and ignorant politicians. Invasive plant species, pesticides, runoff from the dump and highways, fire suppression and general abuse by humans have all hurt … The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers
Guilderland CandidatesNight At SPB
Guilderland CandidatesNight At SPB Guilderland Candidates Night At SPB by Lynne Jackson Candidates for Town Supervisor and Town Board members spoke at the October Save the Pine Bush dinner. Attending were Bill Aylward, Democratic candidate for Town Supervisor; David Bosworth and Cheryl Reul, Democratic candidates for Town Board; and Paul Caputo, Independence Party candidate for … Guilderland CandidatesNight At SPB
Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!
Save the Pine Bush Action Alert! Coyotes in the Moonlight Response to the Commission’s Final Implementation Guidelines by Lynne Jackson "It was a cold night in January, snow on the ground, full moon, not a creature moving a muscle," began Jerry Mueller, at the January Lasagna Dinner. He had to get out of the house … Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!
The Albany Pine Bush Management Commission
The Albany Pine Bush Management Commission The Albany Pine Bush Management Commission The Pine Bush Management Commission was created by the New York State Legislature to study and manage the Pine Bush in response to Save the Pine Bush’s lawsuits with the City of Albany over the landfill. Members of the Commission include the executives … The Albany Pine Bush Management Commission
New Light on an Old Road – Part II
New Light on an Old Road – Part II New Light on an Old Road – Part II (Continued from March/April 1998 Newsletter) by John Wolcott The new information revealed by this almost destroyed map, about old trails and roads in the Pine Bush is utterly amazing and startling. I had already known that part … New Light on an Old Road – Part II
Notes from the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Newsletter
Visitor Use Education Efforts Increasing in the Preserve — Several new educational tools are being used to increase protection of the Preserve’s natural features while allowing for appropriate recreational and educational use of the Preserve. About one dozen Preserve Naturalists are out on the trails, a new mountain bike education patrol is being created, new … Notes from the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Newsletter
In Flurry of Motion, Lessons Take Wing
by ANNE MILLER Staff writer On a wing and a cheer, more than 50 monarch butterflies left their birthplace at the Farnsworth Middle School Friday afternoon for their ancestral winter grounds in northern Mexico. More than 50 students gathered in the school’s courtyard, where the butterflies were raised, and launched the orange and black beauties … In Flurry of Motion, Lessons Take Wing
Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve
Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve by Lynne Jackson The Albany Pine Bush Management Commission purchased 34 acres of land on September 24, 1996. Included in this purchase a key parcel that … Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve