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Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn

Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn by Lynne Jackson Since last spring, Save the Pine Bush volunteers have been attending hearings, reading long EIS’s (Environmental Impact Statements), and speaking out against the proposed Golden Bear Family Golf Indoor and Outdoor Driving Range. This Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn

Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission is mandated by law to revise its Management Plan every five years. The last revision to the Management Plan were the Implementation Guidelines, adopted by the Commission in 1996. The Commission will hold a public hearing on its Draft Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Albany Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

ALBANY, NY: Save the Pine Bush filed suit in New York State Supreme Court over the Albany City Planning BoardÕs approval of the Roman Catholic Diocese senior housing project in the Pine Bush. The Planning Board violated the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) in approving this project on an essential Karner Blue Butterfly migration Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006

STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ALBANY                   SUPREME COURT _________________________________________________ In the Matter of the Application of                                                SAVE THE PINE BUSH, INC., REZSIN ADAMS, SANDRA CAMP, SHARON CASTERLIN, LUCY CLARK, LYNNE JACKSON, MARTHA MASTERS JOHN WOLCOTT, PETER VAN NOSTRAND and RUSSELL ZIEMBA,                                                                               Case No. 1 VERIFIED PETITION                                     Verified Petition, Januar 17, 2006

Memorandum of Law, January 17, 2006

STATE OF NEW YORK   COUNTY OF ALBANY                   SUPREME COURT _________________________________________________ In the Matter of the Application of                                                SAVE THE PINE BUSH, INC., REZSIN ADAMS, SANDRA CAMP, SHARON CASTERLIN, LUCY CLARK, LYNNE JACKSON, MARTHA MASTERS JOHN WOLCOTT, PETER VAN NOSTRAND and RUSSELL ZIEMBA,                                                                               Case No. 1                                                             Petitioners, Memorandum of Law, January 17, 2006

Letter to Albany County District Attorney and Others Regarding Illegal Bulldozing

May 9, 2006 The Honorable Denise Sheehan Commissioner of Environmental Conservation New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233 The Honorable Elliot Spitzer New York Attorney General The Capitol Albany, NY 12224-0341 The Honorable David Soares Albany County District Attorney County Courthouse Room 218 Albany, NY 12207 The Honorable Gerald Letter to Albany County District Attorney and Others Regarding Illegal Bulldozing


AUDUBON’S ENDANGERED SPECIES WORKSHOP and Save the Pine Bush Audubon’s Endangered Species Workshop Five Rivers Environmental Education Center Delmar, New York Saturday, November 22, 1997 AGENDA 9:30 a.m. Registration & Refreshments 9:45 a.m.   Welcome and Overview David Gibson, Capital Region Audubon 10:00 a.m. The Endangered Species Act History & Current Status in Congress Kathleen 92

Save the Pine Bush

TOWN OF GUILDERLAND PLANNING BOARD DRAFT SCOPE RECOMMENDATION  MARCH _____, 2002 FOR PUBLIC COMMENT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT APPLICATION OF WOODFIELD SUBDIVISION Name of Project:                 Woodfield Subdivision Project Location:                 Lydius Street                                            Town of Guilderland                                            Albany County, New York SEQRA Classification:         Type I Action Lead Agency:                       Town of Guilderland Planning Board                                             Town Hall Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert! Action Alerts! December, 1998/January 1999 Albany Residents – Call/Write To Your Alderman to Oppose the Drumlin Fields Office Complex Capital District Residents – Call/Write to Local Elected Officials Please call/write to Oppose these Guilderland and Albany Developments ACTION ALERT!! Write or Call Your State Legislators Today Ask for Money Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2000s

2020s 🦋 2010s 🦋 2000s 🦋 1990s Search Newsletter Archives: 2009 🦋 2008 🦋 2007 🦋 2006 🦋 2005 🦋 2004 🦋 2003 🦋 2002 🦋 2001 🦋 2000 2009 October/November 2009 – Download printable PDF version Bringing Back Sustainable Karner Blue Populations, October/November, 2009 September Biogas Talk, October/November, 2009 Buckmoth Monitoring, October/November, 2009 Neither SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2000s

The Pine Bush & the Pandemic – April 2021 Save the Pine Bush Lecture by Long time Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (APBPC) Conservation Director Neil Gifford

By Tom Ellis, June/July 2021 Save the Pine Bush Newsletter ON THE INTERNET: Long time Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (APBPC) Conservation Director Neil Gifford began his April 17, 2021 SPB meeting comments saying, “Thirty years of managing the world’s best scrub oak pitch pine barrens has taught us a lot.” His topic was “The The Pine Bush & the Pandemic – April 2021 Save the Pine Bush Lecture by Long time Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (APBPC) Conservation Director Neil Gifford

Letters to Save the Pine Bush

Letters to Save the Pine Bush   Letters to Save the Pine Bush Here is a sampling of letters written to Save the Pine Bush and some responses written by Lynne Jackson: From: (Richard Georgeson) To: To Lynne Jackson:   Lynne – In your history of Save the Pine Bush section of your Letters to Save the Pine Bush

The Rome Sand Plains

The Rome Sand Plains The Rome Sand Plains by Lynne Jackson Earlier this month, my husband and I had the pleasure of being given a personal tour of the Rome Sand Plains, a geological and biological sister to our Pine Bush. Located southeast of Rome, New York, the Sand Plains are similar to our Pine The Rome Sand Plains

Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: At the March 16 SPB dinner, Albany County Executive Dan McCoy spoke about Environmental Accomplishments and the Agenda for the Future.   Mr. McCoy began with, “There is so much we’ve done” and “You’re organization — Save the Pine Bush — has been the rock of our community.”  Mr. Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush Raises Money

Save the Pine Bush Raises Money Save the Pine Bush Raises Money If you asked me what my least favorite activity is, I would say "fund-raising". Its no fun. But, we have discovered that our work to preserve the Pine Bush costs money. And because a lot of people believe as we do, we have Save the Pine Bush Raises Money

Furry Pine Bush Residents

Furry Pine Bush Residents Furry Pine Bush Residents The butterfly is not the only resident of the Pine Bush. Little furry animals also reside in the Pine Bush. I had no idea how many different types of moles, voles, mice and other tiny creatures there are-or how important they are to the ecosystem of a Furry Pine Bush Residents

Guilderland CandidatesNight At SPB

Guilderland CandidatesNight At SPB Guilderland Candidates Night At SPB by Lynne Jackson Candidates for Town Supervisor and Town Board members spoke at the October Save the Pine Bush dinner. Attending were Bill Aylward, Democratic candidate for Town Supervisor; David Bosworth and Cheryl Reul, Democratic candidates for Town Board; and Paul Caputo, Independence Party candidate for Guilderland CandidatesNight At SPB

Save the Pine Bush

Proposed Hotel in the Pine Bush     Hotel Update: Oral Arguements in the NY Court of Appeals Tuesday, September 15 at 2:00 The Court of Appeals is next door to Albany City Hall. This is an extremely significant case, and could, if we win change who has standing in SEQRA cases. Click here to Save the Pine Bush


Protest the RNC Protest the Republican National Convention On Sunday, August 29, I went with 275 other Capital District residents to the United for Peace and Justice protest of the Republican National Convention. These are the photos that I took. The protest was peaceful. What were we protesting? We were protesting George W. Bush’s war 4

Anti-War Protest, September 24, 2005

Anti-War Protest, September 24, 2005 Anti-War Protest, September 24, 2005 With two companions, Kathy and Alice, I went to Washington for the historic anti-war march on Saturday, September 24, 2005. Oraganizers of the protest believe over 300,000 people decended on Washington, DC to express our opposition to the Iraq war and our solidarity with the Anti-War Protest, September 24, 2005


Women’s Lives 04-25-04 Women’s Lives 04-25-04 On Sunday, April 25, I had the privilege of going to Washington, DC, with hundreds of other people, to March for Women’s Lives. These photos represent my experiences at this march, attended by more than One Million people. Lynne Jackson Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  4

SHARE Opposes the Microgrid Fossil Fuel Plant in Sheridan Hollow

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: A panel that included Albany County legislator Merton Simpson spoke in opposition to the proposed Sheridan Hollow Microgrid Fossil Fuel Plant at the October 18 Save the Pine Bush dinner. About 45 attended. Also speaking were engineer Keith Schue and environmental health advocate, Rita Ogburn-McCall. Sandy Steubing moderated the discussion. SHARE Opposes the Microgrid Fossil Fuel Plant in Sheridan Hollow

How fares the Karner Blue?

by Lynne Jackson The first part of this series was printed in the February/March, 2005 newsletter and is a summary of a presentation given by Neil Gifford at the October, 2004 SPB lasagna dinner. The Karner Blue Butterfly Federal Recovery Plan has three priorities. In New York State, scientists are focussing on priority one, which How fares the Karner Blue?


Washington Protest, January 18, 3003 Washington Protest, January 18, 3003 by Lynne Jackson Four buses and one van left Albany, New York just after midnight on Saturday morning, January 18, to attend the anti-war protest in Washington, D.C. It was bitter cold out, in the single didits, when we left Albany. These are the photographs 23

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter Sept/Oct 16 No. 132 • 33 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12210 • email • phone 518-462-0891 • web • Circ. 600 Vegetarian/Vegan Dinner Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Climate Crisis and Practical Solutions Conor Bambrick Air & Energy Director, Environmental Advocates of NY will speak about NY Renews and 16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter

Crossgates is a Bad Neighbor

by Lynne Jackson OK, Crossgates has been in the news a lot recently. Actually, they made it into the international news. Save the Pine Bush has received emails from out raged people as far away as Sydney Australia, and California. People are mad. To recap: On Monday evening, March 3, Stephen Downs and his son Crossgates is a Bad Neighbor

The Patroon Creek and the Pine Bush

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY, NY: Dr. George Robinson shared his adventures studying and speculations about the mysterious Patroon Creek, Albany’s only remaining above-ground creek at the November SPB lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. The Patroon Creek begins in Lake Rensselaer, which is in the Pine Bush. The creek is fed by water filtered The Patroon Creek and the Pine Bush

The Pine Bush and Bombs

It is estimated that a war in Iraq would cost at least $100 billion. War in Iraq would cause tremendous human suffering, as well as take resources away from programs at home, such as buying land for preservation. A peaceful solution to the problems in Iraq is in everyone’s interest. “Beware the leader who bangs The Pine Bush and Bombs

SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road

SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road by Lynne Jackson Last summer, Judge Thomas Keegan handed down a win for Save the Pine Bush overturning a vote by the Common Council to make the "Loop Road" or Columbia Circle Drive a public road. The problem is, the Common SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road