Search Results for: lupine

Lupine Photo

  Lupine in bloom near Blueberry Hill after controlled burns, May 2015       Published in June/July 2015 Save the Pine Bush Newsletter

Another Missing Letter

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: The Final Environmental Impact Statement submitted by the developer for the proposed Residence Inn is so inadequate, it is appalling. The Albany Common Council must reject this document as incomplete. In analyzing this document, it is difficult to choose which area of inadequacy to attack first. Disappearing Letters First, the FEIS Another Missing Letter

SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2010s

2020s 🦋 2010s 🦋 2000s 🦋 1990s Search Newsletter Archives: 2019 🦋 2018 🦋 2017 🦋 2016 🦋 2015 🦋 2014 🦋 2013 🦋 2012 🦋 2011 🦋 2010 2019 Newsletter 🦋 December/January 2019-20 Newsletter Download printable PDF version Listen to the Podcasts Merton Simpson — Fighting Environmental Racial Injustice, December/January 2019 Air Pollution in SPB Newsletters Listed by Date – 2010s

The Pine Bush & the Pandemic – April 2021 Save the Pine Bush Lecture by Long time Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (APBPC) Conservation Director Neil Gifford

By Tom Ellis, June/July 2021 Save the Pine Bush Newsletter ON THE INTERNET: Long time Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (APBPC) Conservation Director Neil Gifford began his April 17, 2021 SPB meeting comments saying, “Thirty years of managing the world’s best scrub oak pitch pine barrens has taught us a lot.” His topic was “The The Pine Bush & the Pandemic – April 2021 Save the Pine Bush Lecture by Long time Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (APBPC) Conservation Director Neil Gifford

Returning to flight Efforts of New England biologists help usher in rebirth of the endangered Karner blue butterfly

CONCORD, N.H. – Two biologists crawled through a field thick with blueberry, black chokeberry, and scrub oak, searching for butterfly eggs the size of pinheads. Suddenly, one of them, Steve Fuller, thrust a hand into the air. “Found one!” he shouted. As his colleague, Heidi Holman, ran to his side, Fuller opened his hand to Returning to flight Efforts of New England biologists help usher in rebirth of the endangered Karner blue butterfly

Neil Gifford Brings Good News

by Lynne Jackson   ALBANY: Neil Gifford, conservation director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission, spoke at the Save the Pine Bush Earth Day dinner on April 22. He brought good news. Neil began by describing “young forest management.” Young forests are dominated by shrubs and saplings, and are often found where old farm Neil Gifford Brings Good News

Returning to flight

CONCORD, N.H. – Two biologists crawled through a field thick with blueberry, black chokeberry, and scrub oak, searching for butterfly eggs the size of pinheads. Suddenly, one of them, Steve Fuller, thrust a hand into the air. “Found one!” he shouted. As his colleague, Heidi Holman, ran to his side, Fuller opened his hand to Returning to flight

NYS Climate Action Council

Dear Common Councilmembers: Thank you for again hearing our concerns about the need for good ecological and scientific review of the Pine Bush Mitigation/Restoration plan. There are many problems with the plan. Save the Pine Bush has presented many concerns to this body regarding the ecological impacts and financial waste involved in this mitigation plan. NYS Climate Action Council

Save the Pine Bush

In celebration of the centenary of Vladimir Nabokov’s birth, Kurt Johnson and Steve Coats wrote Nabokov’s Blues, about Nabokov’s passion for butterflies and scientific investigations into blue butterflies. Our own Karner Blue butterfly has its own chapter called “Dancing with Fire” in the book. Here is a brief excerpt which describes Nabokov’s feelings for the Save the Pine Bush

The Rome Sand Plains

The Rome Sand Plains The Rome Sand Plains by Lynne Jackson Earlier this month, my husband and I had the pleasure of being given a personal tour of the Rome Sand Plains, a geological and biological sister to our Pine Bush. Located southeast of Rome, New York, the Sand Plains are similar to our Pine The Rome Sand Plains

Holiday Party

DecemberÕs Save the Pine Bush Holiday party was a fun time for all. Lawrence Lessner, magician extrodinaire, gave a superb magic show, pulling silver dollars from pockets, hiding eggs in most unlikely places, and predicting which invisible cards the audience will choose. He persuaded members of the audience to join him on stage and participate Holiday Party

Save the Pine Bush

It’s a tale that could end up on a milk carton. Tender youngsters are snatched from their cradles and carried off to underground lairs, never to be seen again. “The one thing we know is that the Karner Blue Butterfly eggs are disappearing,” said Dr. Peter Spoor, speaking at the SPB lasagna dinner on May Save the Pine Bush

The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers

The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers   The Deer Crisis No Easy Answers By Daniel Van Riper The Pine Bush ecosystem is in great danger from many enemies, particularly greedy developers and ignorant politicians. Invasive plant species, pesticides, runoff from the dump and highways, fire suppression and general abuse by humans have all hurt The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers

Furry Pine Bush Residents

Furry Pine Bush Residents Furry Pine Bush Residents The butterfly is not the only resident of the Pine Bush. Little furry animals also reside in the Pine Bush. I had no idea how many different types of moles, voles, mice and other tiny creatures there are-or how important they are to the ecosystem of a Furry Pine Bush Residents

Save the Pine Bush

Karner Blue Butterfly eggs are being cut open and eaten, and still no culprit has been found. The ants, however, have not been ruled out as suspects. Dr. Peter Spoor gave an update on his investigations into the lifestyle and habits of the friendly butterfly at the Sept. 26 dinner at the Unitarian Church. Stunning Save the Pine Bush

Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

Maps available: A new graphic Pine Bush trail map is now available. The new map was produced using a Global Positioning System to record trail locations. The brochure includes a mural depicting many of the typical plants and animals, interpretive information and a summary of the Preserve’s public use rules and regulations. The Preserve guide Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

SPB Files Most Unpopular Suit Yet – Sues the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission

SPB Files Most Unpopular Suit Yet – Sues the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission  SPB Files Most Unpopular Suit Yet Sues the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission by Lynne Jackson In October, Save the Pine Bush filed its most controversial and unpopular suit yet against the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission to over-turn its fire SPB Files Most Unpopular Suit Yet – Sues the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission

Show Down Over Roundup

Show Down Over Roundup Show Down Over Roundup by John Wolcott Invading black locust trees are crowding out and over shadowing native Pine Bush plants including the blue lupine which is essential to the survival of the Karner Blue. Black locust trees, along with bulldozer happy developers, are one of the many threats to the Show Down Over Roundup

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Draft Environmental Impact Statement DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT for Avila House Independent Senior Campus Lead Agency:   City of Albany Planning Board 21 Lodge Street, Albany, New York 12207 Contact: Nicholas Dilello (518) 434-2532 ext. 28   Project Sponsor:   First Colun1bia, LLC 26 Century Hill Drive Latham, New York 12110-2128, (518) 213-1000   Report Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Save the Pine Bush

Resting on a leaf, click on photo to see larger picture. So much controversy over such a tiny butterfly-the Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis. A beautiful pale blue, this tiny creature only lives in its adult form for one to two weeks. Named by Vladimir Nabokov (probably better known for his writing than his lepidoptery), Save the Pine Bush

Garage Sale Sucess!

A snow-covered field near Crossgates Mall may become a battleground over the effect of building in the Pine Bush and on that ecologically fragile area’s bellwether symbol, the Karner blue butterfly. Environmentalists are trying to fend off the nation’s largest independent hotel developer, which wants about four acres west of the mall’s movie theaters for Garage Sale Sucess!

How Well is the Pine Bush Doing?

How Well is the Pine Bush Doing?   How Well is the Pine Bush Doing? by Rezsin Adams How well is the Pine Bush doing? One measure is looking at how well the rare species are doing. The answer is not too well, according to a report issued by the Department of Environmental Conservation on How Well is the Pine Bush Doing?

Looking Forward

by Karina Franke As you know, last year, I started a campaign to get the Karner Blue named State Butterfly. The highlight of the project was being honored at your November 2007 Dinner and speaking to you about my project. That was such a special evening for my family and my teacher, and we’re so Looking Forward

How fares the Karner Blue?

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Neil Gifford, Conservation Director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission shared hopeful news with Save the Pine Bush at the October veggie/vegan lasagna dinner. The Karner Blue butterfly feeds on wild blue lupine. There are two broods a year, the first brood comes out in late May/early June, and the How fares the Karner Blue?

Save the Pine Bush

Dear Save the Pine Bush: I know the Karner Blue feeds on wild lupine, can any of your biologists or naturalists tell me if it feeds on domestic lupine? Has domestic lupine ever been planted as an experiment to see what would happen? Faithful Reader Dear Faithful Reader: As far as I know, the Karner Save the Pine Bush

How fares the Karner Blue?

by Lynne Jackson The first part of this series was printed in the February/March, 2005 newsletter and is a summary of a presentation given by Neil Gifford at the October, 2004 SPB lasagna dinner. The Karner Blue Butterfly Federal Recovery Plan has three priorities. In New York State, scientists are focussing on priority one, which How fares the Karner Blue?

A Comfy White Quilt for Karner Blues

DEVI ATHIAPPAN Associated Press WILTON — Whiling away months of unforgiving cold beneath a deep quilt of snow might not seem like the best way to start life. But the snow is cozy for the eggs of endangered Karner blue butterflies. The small, white dots overwinter on stems or the ground, usually exposed to dry, A Comfy White Quilt for Karner Blues