Search Results for: Dan Van Riper

Save the Pine Bush

  All that sand was left by a glacial lake. The Pine Bush ecosystem sitting on that sand, however, may have been created by Native Americans practicing fire management techniques. At least, that’s what some people believe. One of those people is Dr. Harvey Alexander, professor at the College of St. Rose, who spoke at Save the Pine Bush

Love Of Money The Root Of All…?

Love Of Money The Root Of All…? Love Of Money The Root Of All…? By Daniel Van Riper That’s All? Sheesh. The shoddily built retail travesty known as Crossgates Mall is squawking over paying their fair share of taxes to the town of Guilderland. Recently, the mall doubled in size, an operation which cut into Love Of Money The Root Of All…?

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Crossgates Follies The Government Plays Catch-Up By Daniel Van Riper Yerbury Flip-Flops Guilderland Supervisor Jerry Yerbury, who is up for re-election this November, has publically turned against the ravenous Pyramid Corporation and their plan to double the size of Crossgates Maul. Yerbury was quoted in the Daily Gazette as saying on Willow Street Again

City Strangles Downtown Growth

City Strangles Downtown Growth City Strangles Downtown Growth Yet Council Encourages Suburban Sprawl By Daniel Van Riper As far as Save the Pine Bush can determine, the City of Albany Common Council has not denied a single application by any large corporate entity that has wanted to erect buildings in the Pine Bush for more City Strangles Downtown Growth

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Guilderland Holds Steady History In The Making? By Daniel Van Riper The people have spoken, and the politicians are running to catch up to reality. Nobody with even a shred of self-respect wants to see the evil and rapacious Pyramid Corporation expand Crossgates Mall and possibly eventually plant a mega-casino. The Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Letters The following excellent letter appeared March 21,1999 in the Hearst-owned Times Union under the title, “Improve Downtown and Preserve Pine Bush”:   To the Editor: Why is the Albany Common Council approving Pine Bush development (Drumlin Fields office building) when there are plenty of vacant parcels in downtown and on Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   The Devil In Skaneateles Wealthy Developer Deplores Development By Daniel Van Riper There is an unconfirmed report that the Albany Pine Bush Devil has received approval from the planning board of the picturesque town of Skaneateles in western New York to build a ten million square foot shopping plaza, hotel, parking Willow Street Again

They Don’t Ever Quit-But Neither Do We

They Don’t Ever Quit-But Neither Do We They Don’t Ever Quit But Neither Do We By Daniel Van Riper Not Again, Charlie We’ve been graciously alerted by Alderwoman Carol Wallace that the Albany Common Council Zoning Committee is being treated to a rerun of developer Charlie Touhey’s proposal to build the “Pine East Office Park” They Don’t Ever Quit-But Neither Do We

Earth Day Lasagna-Wasserman Headlines Gathering Of Activists

Earth Day Lasagna-Wasserman Headlines Gathering Of Activists Earth Day Lasagna Wasserman Headlines Gathering Of Activists By Daniel Van Riper Five prominent and hard-working environmental activists addressed the Earth Day special lasagna dinner on April 24th at 1st Presbyterian Church in Albany. Some 80 attendees packed the room and listened intently to each speaker in turn. Earth Day Lasagna-Wasserman Headlines Gathering Of Activists

The Pine Bush in a Zoo?

The Pine Bush in a Zoo? The Pine Bush in a Zoo? by Daniel W. Van Riper, Oct./Nov. 90 The zoo may not be in the Pine Bush, but the Pine Bush might end up in the zoo. At the September Save the Pine Bush lasagna dinner, Rachel Baum, president of the Capital District Zoological The Pine Bush in a Zoo?

SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer

SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer We couldn’t resist. . . What can I say? My husband, Daniel W. Van Riper, and I were strolling through a fair in Scotia, New York, when we came upon an exhibit from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). They were handing out applications to adopt bodies of water SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer

Pyramid is Back! Hoblock Makes A Deal

Pyramid is Back! Hoblock Makes A Deal Pyramid is Back! Hoblock Makes A Deal by Daniel W. Van Riper, July/Aug. 92 Pyramid Corporation, hiding behind an entity called Albany Commons Associates, wants to buy prime Pine Bush from Albany County and build strip malls. The acreage threatened with destruction, located along Washington Ave. Extension, is Pyramid is Back! Hoblock Makes A Deal


Save the Pine Bush Construction Begins Before Court Decides Case Construction Begins Before Court Decides Case by Daniel W. Van Riper, July/Aug. 91 Barry, Bette and LeDuke have begun construction of a 70,000 sq. ft. office building in Albany’s ecologically sensitive Pine Bush while State Supreme Court Justice Daniel H. Prior decides whether or not 7


Common Council Sells Out – Albany Bows To Columbia Estates Common Council Sells Out Albany Bows To Columbia Estates June/July 1995 By Daniel Van Riper In a stunning return to the politics of back-room deals, the City of Albany Common Council by a near-unanimous vote gave the stub of Pitch Pine Road East to the 7

Rao Disaster

Rao Disaster Rao Disaster End Of The Legal Road By Daniel Van Riper Continuing a puzzling and illogical shift in politics by the NY State court system towards environmental cases, the State Court of Appeals denied a motion by Save the Pine Bush to reopen the case of SPB vs. the Guilderland planning board over Rao Disaster

Lasagna Makes You Smarter

Lasagna Makes You Smarter Lasagna Makes You Smarter It’s Nutritious and Fun By Daniel Van Riper The Old Machine Author and political observer Frank Robinson spoke to the November dinner crowd at 1st Presbyterian Church in Albany. He is probably the foremost authority on the old and defunct Albany O’Connell Democratic political machine, an entity Lasagna Makes You Smarter


Save the Pine Bush Common Council Muzzles Hearing Pine Bush Residents Outraged Common Council Muzzles Hearing Pine Bush Residents Outraged by Daniel W. Van Riper, Mar./Apr. 92 Chanting, “We want to speak! We want to speak!” some twenty or so residents from the Pinehurst and Dunes developments in the Pine Bush expressed outrage at an 7

Stop the Dump! SPB Files for Injunction

by Daniel W. Van Riper, Oct./Nov. 90 Friday, October 5, SPB attorney Lewis B. Oliver filed for aninjunction to stop work on the expansion of the Albany CountyLandfill. Arguing in Albany County Court before Judge John G. Conner,Oliver presented a paper trail that convincingly demonstrated thatthe NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Cityof Stop the Dump! SPB Files for Injunction

November SPB Dinner Speakers

Now We’ve Got A Bond Act: Jeff Jones of Environmental Advocates By Daniel Van Riper Jeff Jones, of Environmental Advocates, speaking at the November lasagna dinner at !st Presbyterian Church in Albany, had an interesting story about the origins of the Bond Act, which, of course, is now in effect. Earlier this year, Environmental Advocates November SPB Dinner Speakers

Letter-Writing Made a Difference Your Letters Needed to Help the Karner Blue Butterfly

by Lynne Jackson, Mar./Apr. 92 The Karner Blue has been proposed to be listed as an endangered species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. If the butterfly is listed as an endangered species with a designated critical habitat, any developments proposed within the habitat would need to have a federal permit in order to Letter-Writing Made a Difference Your Letters Needed to Help the Karner Blue Butterfly