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Lyme Disease: A Growing Epidemic

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: Holly Ahern, an Associate Professor of Microbiology at SUNY Adirondack in Queensbury, was the guest speaker at the August 29 SPB dinner. She discussed Lyme Disease: A Growing Epidemic. Ms. Ahern began saying the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the NYS Health Department (DOH) have a definition Lyme Disease: A Growing Epidemic

Coeymens Debates Importing Garbage

by Tom Ellis   In 2005, SPB joined forces with the Citizens Environmental Coalition (CEC) and Selkirk-Ravena-Coeymans Against Pollution (SCRAP)  to successfully block the siting of a large regional landfill by the city of Albany on a 363-acre parcel Albany now owns in the town of Coeymans (ten miles south of Albany).  Now a new struggle is unfolding.  Coeymens Debates Importing Garbage

Run Away Climate:

by Grace Nichols   ALBANY: Steven Leibo, Phd, a Sage Colleges Professor of International History and Politics, as well as an International Affairs Commentator on WAMC Northeast Public Radio, came to speak to us about the Climate Change crisis. Dr. Leibo has been a constant presence on the academic and environmental scene in the Capital Run Away Climate:

Equinox – Earth Day – Every Day

by John Wolcott   Join us in celebrating the approximate original time for Earth Day. Earth Day was proposed in San Francisco in 1969, at a UNESCO Conference by John McConnell, who felt this natural event was appropriate for the occasion. It was also appropriate that Earth Day was first celebrated the next year, 1970 Equinox – Earth Day – Every Day

No Frack-ing Way

ALBANY, NY -At the April 20 dinner, speakers from four different organizations addressed a cause that united them: keeping hydrofracking out of New York State. Roger Downs represented the Sierra Club, a membership grass roots organization. He said that he has never seen a movement attract so many people. For example, at a rally last No Frack-ing Way

What’s afoot at the Preserve?!

By Grace Nichols November 2010 was notable in that folks in the community kept contacting us about the Albany Pine Bush Preserve. First it was the neighbors over on Lincoln Ave, wondering why the “forever wild” patch next door was being clearcut, as a new road was being put in connecting Lincoln Ave and Fox What’s afoot at the Preserve?!

Plant linked to Lyme risk

By BRIAN NEARING Staff Writer 2010 ALBANY — Honeysuckle smells sweet and its red berries make a colorful splash in the fall, but this flowering shrub may be a magnet for deer with ticks that spread Lyme disease. A recent academic study found that areas around dense thickets of honeysuckle are 10 times more likely Plant linked to Lyme risk

We Want Ward in Our Backyard!

by Tom Ellis As many readers know, Ward Stone, NYS DEC wildlife pathologist since 1969, has had numerous conflicts over the years with DEC higher-ups, most concerning Ward’s determination to learn the facts about how pollutants impact wildlife, and then reporting what he has learned. The latest of these battles is now in progress. This We Want Ward in Our Backyard!

DEC’s Dump Hearing December 3, 2008

ALBANY: The NYS Deparment of Environmental Conservation held the one and only hearing on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed landfill expansion of the City of Albany’s Rapp Road landfill in the Pine Bush on December 3, 2008. The room was nearly packed, with over 300 people attending. Of course, making sure DEC’s Dump Hearing December 3, 2008


Prayer Prayer Breakfast May 11, 2004 On Tuesday, May 11 at 7:00 AM, people gathered to listen to Rev. Sam Trumbore of the First Unitarian Universalist Church read a prayer outside the Empire State Plaza Convention Center. View photos of the protest. This is his prayer: Protest Prayer Before a Bush/Pataki Prayer Breakfast Blessed God Prayer

Earth Day Update

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY, NY: The First Presbyterian Church was the location of the April Save the Pine Bush vegetarian dinner which featured representatives of five environmental groups telling us about the state of the environment. Bobbi Chase, of the Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CEC), gave us an update about toxics. The state superfund Earth Day Update


by Sandy Sheridan Birk The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) approved the final version of the Karner Blue Butterfly Recovery Plan in August. Part I of the Plan describes the butterfly’s life cycle and ecosystem, as well as the threats to its survival*. Part II delves into the plan of action needed to reach Guilderlandt

Opinion – Saving butterflies

Opinion – Saving butterflies Opinion – Saving butterflies The following editorial is reprinted with permission from the Concord New Hampshire Monitor. This editorial appeared on the Opinion page on September 1, 1989. This editorial is about a tiny plot of land near Concord New Hampshire, where a few Karner Blues make their home. It may Opinion – Saving butterflies

Spadefoot Toads and Hognose Snakes – Neil Gifford Has Great Pictures

Spadefoot Toads and Hognose Snakes – Neil Gifford Has Great Pictures   Spadefoot Toads and Hognose Snakes Neil Gifford Has Great Pictures by Lynne Jackson At Save the Pine Bush’s October dinner at the First Presbyterian Church in Albany, Neil Gifford, Preserve Ecologist of the Albany Pine Bush Management Commission, gave an excellent presentation with Spadefoot Toads and Hognose Snakes – Neil Gifford Has Great Pictures


History Mauled Again – City Did Dirty Deal Selling Historic Site History Mauled Again City Did Dirty Deal Selling Historic Site Feb./Mar. 95 by Lynne Jackson I have been reading this book, The Fifth Discipline in which the author, Peter M. Senge, says that it is often the structure of the situation that makes people 7


Save the Pine Bush Construction Begins Before Court Decides Case Construction Begins Before Court Decides Case by Daniel W. Van Riper, July/Aug. 91 Barry, Bette and LeDuke have begun construction of a 70,000 sq. ft. office building in Albany’s ecologically sensitive Pine Bush while State Supreme Court Justice Daniel H. Prior decides whether or not 7


Developer to Remove $50,000 Water Lines from the Preserve Developer to Remove $50,000 Water Lines Press Releases Press Conference on Monday, August 10 at 10:00 AM Save the Pine Bush Forces Developer to Remove Water Lines from Pine Bush Preserve Land For Immediate Release: August 7, 1998 For Further Information: Please Contact: Lewis Oliver at 5

Space Saver

by Gary S. Kleppel The state Department of Environmental Conservation recently released the 2001 draft Open Space Conservation Plan for public comment, a near-final step toward its adoption. Hailed by environmentalists, business leaders and academics as a benchmark in environmental policy, the plan demonstrates that conservation can serve both economy and ecology. There is but Space Saver

Common Council Approves an Office Complex at 365 Washington Avenue Extension

Common Council Approves an Office Complex at 365 Washington Avenue Extension Common Council Approves an Office Complex at 365 Washington Avenue Extension Council Member Carol Wallace Makes Eloquent Plea for the Pine Bush Preservation Albany, NY – The Common Council approved a re-zoning for office buildings at 365 Washington Extension by a vote of 10 Common Council Approves an Office Complex at 365 Washington Avenue Extension

Overview of Climate Crisis and NY Renews

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY Mark Schaeffer of and Conor Bambrick of Environmental Advocates (EA) spoke at the September 21 SPB dinner about the climate crises and the need for a political climate change. Mark led off saying pre-industrial age atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations were 280 part per million (ppm) and today are Overview of Climate Crisis and NY Renews

The Way We Were

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: Don Rittner was the guest speaker at the June 20 SPB dinner.  Don was introduced by John Wolcott who said Don took Albany by storm in 1973 with his archaeological research of the Isaac Truax Tavern on the King’s Highway that George Washington stopped in six times.  He said Don The Way We Were


Save the Pine Bush Joins with Residents of the Dunes to Win Big Charlie Touhey Cannot Build His Office Buildings Save the Pine Bush Joins with Residents of the Dunes to Win Big Charlie Touhey Cannot Build His Office Buildings by Lynne Jackson August 5, 1996 will go down as a day of victory for 9

Jerry Jennings Blinked

by Tom Ellis   First-term Albany Common Council member Frank Commisso, Jr., has figured out how Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings operates and is determined to make substantive changes.  A member of the common council’s finance committee, he led a revolt over two proposed bonding ordinances – one for $7 million to expand the city’s Rapp Road landfill yet Jerry Jennings Blinked

Save the Pine Bush

by Steve Downs   ALBANY: On September 15, 2009, Save the Pine Bush will argue before the Court of Appeals that it was entitled to standing in the case of the proposed Mariott Hotel case. In 1991 the Court of Appeals decided in the Society of Plastics v. Suffolk County, that the test for standing Save the Pine Bush

Sally’s Recycling Corner

Compiled by Sally Commings   Recycle After you’ve cut back and reused till the cows came home, the next step is one of our favorites here at Earth911: recycling. The act of recycling has become second nature for a lot of us over the years and even if you do it every day, there is Sally’s Recycling Corner


COLONIE: In the spring of 1997, developers proposed to build the Golden Bear Golf Dome on 19 acres of Pine Bush in the Town of Colonie. Save the Pine Bush volunteers attended all of the public hearings about the project, read and commented on the environmental impact statements, and made known to the Planning Board 9

Take the Bus and Leave the Car at Home

Albany: At the October Save the Pine Bush dinner, Gregory Rosenthal spoke about the Car-Free Lifestyle Guide to the Capital Region. Last summer, Gregory Rosenthal, author, singer, song-writer and pianist, self-published a book on why we should ride the bus. He began by speaking about his history. He grew up in Niskayuna, is 23 years Take the Bus and Leave the Car at Home

Geothermal Power is Possible in the City

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY— “The future is bright,” said John Ciovacco, President of Aztech Geothermal, at the November 15 SPB dinner. He spoke about “Geothermal Heat Pump Systems as One solution to Climate Change.” Aztech was founded in 2007, the first installations were in 2009, and 350 installations have now been completed. Mr. Ciovacco Geothermal Power is Possible in the City


Save the Pine Bush Common Council Muzzles Hearing Pine Bush Residents Outraged Common Council Muzzles Hearing Pine Bush Residents Outraged by Daniel W. Van Riper, Mar./Apr. 92 Chanting, “We want to speak! We want to speak!” some twenty or so residents from the Pinehurst and Dunes developments in the Pine Bush expressed outrage at an 7

Save the Pine Bush

April 17, 2001 Supervisor Runion, Members of the Council, Ladies & Gentlemen: Thank you for letting me speak tonight My name is Candace Lider and I live near the Dicaprio Farm. First, I want to thank the Town of Guilderland for their foresight in purchasing this beautiful property for the enjoyment of the residents of Save the Pine Bush

Yes, the King’s Royal Yorkers are Coming!

Yes, the King’s Royal Yorkers are Coming! Stanford Home Hearing Information Hearing Notes January 23 Hearing Canadians are Coming! Archeological Information Photos – Outdoor Photos – Indoor Bonding Editorial Preservation   Donate Contact   Yes, the King’s Royal Yorkers are Coming! Well, one man is representing the Captain Richard Duncan Company. Background: In the 1777 Yes, the King’s Royal Yorkers are Coming!

City Can’t Decide!

by Sally Cummings Recycling Paper Environmental Savings For every ton of paper recycled, we ….. Save 463 gallons of oil. Save 7,000 gallons of water. Make 60 pounds less of air pollution. Save 3 cubic yards of landfill space Save 4,100 kilowatt hours of neergy Save 17 trees Reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds City Can’t Decide!

Save the Pine Bush

A pair of right wing propagandists are using misinformation about the Pine Bush and the Karner Blue Butterfly to attack grass-roots preservation efforts across America, and are calling for overturning the Federal Endangered Species Act. Hailed as the new bible of radical anti-environmentalism, Noah’s Choice, The Future Of Endangered Species, is the product of rightist Save the Pine Bush

Home From Nowhere – Book Review

Home From Nowhere – Book Review Home From Nowhere Book Review by Lynne Jackson As a child growing up in the suburbs in the sixties, I really wanted sidewalks. I could not understand why there were no sidewalks. I envied the children who walked to school, and were even allowed to walk home at lunch. Home From Nowhere – Book Review