Search Results for: Francis Ave

Save the Pine Bush

For Immediate Release: December 10, 2002 For Further Information: Contact Lynne Jackson at 434-1954 or 366-7324 ALBANY, NY: Save the Pine Bush volunteers demonstrated today over the destruction of the Pine Bush for the building of Avila House. Avila House is proposed to be built in the rare Pine Bush ecosystem. The Pine Bush is Save the Pine Bush

Don Reeb Speaks to Save the Pine Bush

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: After a rousing introduction by Carol Waterman, Don Reeb spoke at the February 19 SPB dinner about “Cities and the Environment.” Don, now 80 years young, is a retired University at Albany economics professor, was co-leader of the Stop Crossgates mall campaign, and has been President of the McKownville Improvement Don Reeb Speaks to Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

Around the world, scientists and conservationists are watching the 20,000 species of butterflies more closely than ever-for signs of climate change as well as other habitat disturbance. “Wild flowers with wings,” it turns out, do more than pollinate plants, feed songbirds, and delight the eye. Because of their exacting environmental requirements, some butterflies function as Save the Pine Bush

Furry Pine Bush Residents

Furry Pine Bush Residents Furry Pine Bush Residents The butterfly is not the only resident of the Pine Bush. Little furry animals also reside in the Pine Bush. I had no idea how many different types of moles, voles, mice and other tiny creatures there are-or how important they are to the ecosystem of a Furry Pine Bush Residents

Avila Keeps Advertising

by John Wolcott Have you seen the ads in the newspaper for Avila House? They say, “The reasons for moving to Avila House keep piling up!” Well! The only thing piling up is their hypocrisy. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany is acting disgracefully. It is devastating what had been one of the most beautiful Avila Keeps Advertising

Step up and Advocate for the Styrofoam Ban in Albany County!

Dear Friends & Allies, Please help get your county legislator to say “yes” to the proposed styrofoam ban law. 1. Fill out this online petition even if you’ve completed a paper or online petition before. Go to: Leave a quick comment. These are powerful! 2. CALL your Albany County legislator – the petition will Step up and Advocate for the Styrofoam Ban in Albany County!

Michael McLaughlin, Director of Research for Albany County Executive Dan McCoy Speaks to SPB

By Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Michael McLaughlin, the Director of Research for Albany County Executive Dan McCoy, was the SPB dinner speaker on May 21, filling in for McCoy who was attending the convention of the NYS Democratic Party.  He said he is involved in many of McCoy’s policies. Mr. McLaughlin said the Polystyrene ban signed by Michael McLaughlin, Director of Research for Albany County Executive Dan McCoy Speaks to SPB

Equinox – Earth Day – Every Day

by John Wolcott   Join us in celebrating the approximate original time for Earth Day. Earth Day was proposed in San Francisco in 1969, at a UNESCO Conference by John McConnell, who felt this natural event was appropriate for the occasion. It was also appropriate that Earth Day was first celebrated the next year, 1970 Equinox – Earth Day – Every Day

SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer

SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer We couldn’t resist. . . What can I say? My husband, Daniel W. Van Riper, and I were strolling through a fair in Scotia, New York, when we came upon an exhibit from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). They were handing out applications to adopt bodies of water SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer


Developer to Remove $50,000 Water Lines from the Preserve Developer to Remove $50,000 Water Lines Press Releases Press Conference on Monday, August 10 at 10:00 AM Save the Pine Bush Forces Developer to Remove Water Lines from Pine Bush Preserve Land For Immediate Release: August 7, 1998 For Further Information: Please Contact: Lewis Oliver at 5

Speak Out for Pine Bush Preservation

Needing to be rewarded for denying patrons the right to wear anti-war T-shirts and for building a shopping maul on Karner Blue butterfly habitat, the Pyramid Company sought $600 million in tax incentives from the State of New York. Pyramid was seeking tax breaks and cash from the New York state to expand Crossgates Maul’s Speak Out for Pine Bush Preservation

Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

ALBANY, NY: Save the Pine Bush filed suit in New York State Supreme Court over the Albany City Planning BoardÕs approval of the Roman Catholic Diocese senior housing project in the Pine Bush. The Planning Board violated the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) in approving this project on an essential Karner Blue Butterfly migration Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

Rethink Plans for Disposal Facility

By Hank Pellissier, San Francisco’s garbage dump, the Recology San Francisco Solid Waste Transfer and Recycling Center, does not throw out much trash. The majority of its rubbish gets productively recycled, at the transfer station at 501 Tunnel Avenue or the Pier 96 sorting facility. Recology, an employee-owned company, oversees the complex operation. Head Rethink Plans for Disposal Facility