Search Results for: State Road

Rapp Road Costco and Town of Guilderland State Appellate HearingLivestream

Dear All, Please note: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 – 1:00pm Rapp Road Costco and Town of Guilderland State Appellate HearingLivestream: Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25, the oral argument for the case of Hart v Town of Guilderland, will be heard.  This is the case involving the proposed Costco, apartments and office building in the Pine Bush along Rapp Road Costco and Town of Guilderland State Appellate HearingLivestream

Rapp Road Historical Association’s Walking Tour – Saturday, October 5 at 11:00

Meet at: 53 Rapp Road Albany, NY 12203 – Open Space – Seating is limited, lawn chairs are welcomed For More Information: Join Association for a walk-through history to learn about one of the first African American settlements in Albany. The Rapp Road Historic District in Albany, New York is unique nationally and in Rapp Road Historical Association’s Walking Tour – Saturday, October 5 at 11:00

Ward Stone was employed by the state but he worked for the people, animals, and environment

Published in the Altamont Enterprise, 3/2/23 To the Editor: I greatly appreciate your full-page commentary in the Feb. 16 issue about Ward Stone [“From the editor: A scientist who strove to make a healthier Earth”]. I knew Ward for 40 years. Ward was a rare public servant: competent, articulate, hardworking, fearless. He insisted he had Ward Stone was employed by the state but he worked for the people, animals, and environment

24 New Karner Road Senior Living Facility – Speak out on July 13th

Dear All, In two weeks, the Town of Guilderland will hold an in-person hearing on Pine Bush Senior Living PUD-24 New Karner Road on Tuesday July 13. The Town Board meeting begins at 7 PM This project was approved in 2015, but, it appears that the developer never broke ground. See the Altamont Enterprise article: 24 New Karner Road Senior Living Facility – Speak out on July 13th

Proclamation Calling on Congress to Fund Urgently Needed Services in Albany County and Throughout the United States by Reducing Military Spending

ALBANY — Tucked in among suburban sprawl at the border of Albany, Colonie and Guilderland, 3,000 acres of pine barrens are becoming a kind of avian rest stop for an increasing number of birds that need a very special kind of landscape — one that’s disappearing elsewhere in New York. The Albany Pine Bush Preserve is Proclamation Calling on Congress to Fund Urgently Needed Services in Albany County and Throughout the United States by Reducing Military Spending

New Light on an Old Road – Part II

New Light on an Old Road – Part II New Light on an Old Road – Part II (Continued from March/April 1998 Newsletter) by John Wolcott The new information revealed by this almost destroyed map, about old trails and roads in the Pine Bush is utterly amazing and startling. I had already known that part New Light on an Old Road – Part II

New Light on an Old Road

New Light on an Old Road New Light on an Old Road by John Wolcott Save the Pine Bush board member John Wolcott has discovered evidence of a forgotten foot path through the Pine Bush that in the 1600’s and 1700’s ran parallel to the main Albany-Schenectady Road, the Maquas Padt. Here is Part 1 New Light on an Old Road

Pyramid Submits the Draft Environmental Impact Statement

GUILDERLAND, NY: On Christmas Eve, Pyramid Crossgates submitted the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for their project, “Rapp Road Residential /Western Avenue Mixed Use Redevelopment Projects.” When first brought before the Town of Guilderland Planning Board in late 2018, the project consisted of building 222-unit apartment complex on Rapp Road. The project has morphed into Pyramid Submits the Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Draft Environmental Impact Statement DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT for Avila House Independent Senior Campus Lead Agency:   City of Albany Planning Board 21 Lodge Street, Albany, New York 12207 Contact: Nicholas Dilello (518) 434-2532 ext. 28   Project Sponsor:   First Colun1bia, LLC 26 Century Hill Drive Latham, New York 12110-2128, (518) 213-1000   Report Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Petition Filed With State Dec Seeks Ruling On 1994 Protection Agreement For Karner Blue In Clifton Park

CLIFTON PARK: A petition for a Declaratory Ruling under the State Administrative Procedure Act was submitted in January to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation by the environmental preservation group, Save the Pine Bush together with 22 Capital Region residents asking the DEC to rule on a 1994 habitat protection agreement meant to save the Petition Filed With State Dec Seeks Ruling On 1994 Protection Agreement For Karner Blue In Clifton Park

State Recognizes The Promised Land

by Lynn Rothenberg GUIDLERLAND: A piece of local African-American history has received state recognition. While residents have long called the neighborhood the Promised Land, the state will now recognize it as the Rapp Road District. The designation by the state Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation is due to one woman’s efforts. The district State Recognizes The Promised Land

SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road

SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road by Lynne Jackson Last summer, Judge Thomas Keegan handed down a win for Save the Pine Bush overturning a vote by the Common Council to make the "Loop Road" or Columbia Circle Drive a public road. The problem is, the Common SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road

The Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-RailThe Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-RailThe Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-Rail

By Oily Bakken and Rude Crude In recent months, the media has carried stories about huge quantities of crude oil being brought into the Port of Albany from the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota by CP Rail, where it is stored and transloaded onto barges or tanker ships to be moved on to distant The Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-RailThe Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-RailThe Crude Oil Threat to New York State: The Capital Region as the Focus of Oil-by-Rail

Historic Rapp Road Community

by Tom Ellis Beverly Bardequez of the historic Rapp Road Community, who spoke at the January 2012 SPB dinner about how the African-American neighborhood on Rapp Road came to be, was the featured speaker at the May 15, 2013 dinner at which she discussed the latest threats to the community. She thanked SPB “who has Historic Rapp Road Community

Draft New York State Solid Waste Management Plan Deadline for Public Comments: August 16, 2010

  Entitled “Beyond Waste: A Sustainable Materials Management Strategy for New York State” the draft plan is now available for review. Everyone who cares about what to do with the garbage should send their comments. Save the Pine Bush’s position is this: 1) We need to move toward a zero-waste policy. Zero waste is achievable, Draft New York State Solid Waste Management Plan Deadline for Public Comments: August 16, 2010

New York State Historic Archaeological Site Inventory Form

New York State Historic Archaeological Site Inventory Form Stanford Home Hearing Information Hearing Notes January 23 Hearing Canadians are Coming! Archeological Information Photos – Outdoor Photos – Indoor Bonding Editorial Preservation   Donate Contact   New York State Historic Archaeological Site Inventory Form NYS OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION & HISTORIC PRESERVATION (518) 237-8643 For Office New York State Historic Archaeological Site Inventory Form

Roads in the Pine Bush – John Poorman Speaks about the CDTC

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: John Poorman, Executive Director of the Capital District Regional Planning Commission spoke at the July SPB vegetarian/vegan lasagna dinner. Mr. Poorman began by describing what the Capital District Regional Planning Commission (CDTC) is. The CDTC is the designated “Metropolitan Planning Organization” (MPO) for four counties, Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schenectady. Under Roads in the Pine Bush – John Poorman Speaks about the CDTC

DEC and State Parks Release State Open Space Conservation Plan for Public Comment Public Comments Accepted Through December 17; Public Hearings to be Held Statewide

  Press Release from DEC and State Park on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens and Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (State Parks) Commissioner Rose Harvey today released the 2014 State Open Space Conservation Plan for public comment. The plan guides State Environmental Protection Fund investments in DEC and State Parks Release State Open Space Conservation Plan for Public Comment Public Comments Accepted Through December 17; Public Hearings to be Held Statewide

Roads are Killing the Pine Bush

Can any study be good for the Pine Bush that cannot even spell “Pine Bush” correctly? The Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC) has released draft two of “Pinebush [sic] Transportation Study Update”. At first glance, this study is not as bad as previous transportation studies, but there is still enough in here to cause worry Roads are Killing the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush Comments on the Rapp Road Residential/Western Avenue Mixed used DEIS

Christopher M. Walker, Legal Intern for the The Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic wrote comments for the proposed project. Here is an excerpt from his comments sent to the Guilderland Planning Board. You can view the complete comments and the appendicies online at: The Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic submits the following comments on behalf of Save the Pine Bush Comments on the Rapp Road Residential/Western Avenue Mixed used DEIS

Lupe Housing Proposal

Seventy- five houses are proposed for this site, the last parcel of the largest roadless area in the Pine bush. Three parcels make up the western section of the largest roadless area, the DeCaprio Farm site, the site of the proposed Lone Pine 7 housing development, and this 100 acre site. Located south of East Lupe Housing Proposal

Save the Pine Bush

TOWN OF GUILDERLAND PLANNING BOARD DRAFT SCOPE RECOMMENDATION  MARCH _____, 2002 FOR PUBLIC COMMENT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT APPLICATION OF WOODFIELD SUBDIVISION Name of Project:                 Woodfield Subdivision Project Location:                 Lydius Street                                            Town of Guilderland                                            Albany County, New York SEQRA Classification:         Type I Action Lead Agency:                       Town of Guilderland Planning Board                                             Town Hall Save the Pine Bush

Pine Bush Proposed Projects

Pine Bush Proposed Projects html, body, #map-canvas { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } .lidarBase { filter: brightness(140%) contrast(100%) !important; } .baseLayer, .dblsatBase, .grayscale, .multiplyOverlay, .mapwarp { mix-blend-mode: multiply !important; } .dblsatBase { filter: saturate(150%) contrast(110%) brightness(130%); } .grayscale { filter: grayscale(100%); } .invert { filter: invert(100%) grayscale(100%) contrast(200%) brightness(150%); opacity: 1.0; } .shadow Pine Bush Proposed Projects

Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve

by Steve Rider On its website it states that the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission “assure(s) the protection, restoration and management of the natural and cultural resources of the Albany Pine Bush.” However, in reality preservation of cultural resources is given little priority compared to the ecological goals. Original, unspoiled remnants of four historic roads Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve

Walk, Hike, and Bike the Pine Bush

Walk, Hike, and Bike the Pine Bush Walk, Hike, and Bike the Pine Bush The Pine Bush is a beautiful place to walk. The soft, rolling sand dunes are a walker’s dream. You can take a bus to the Pine Bush from downtown Albany. The Pine Bush is the perfect spot for outdoor activities. Save Walk, Hike, and Bike the Pine Bush

Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve

Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve   Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve By John Wolcott A Little Background When I first started mulling over the notion of a Pine Bush Preserve in 1971, it was with the thought Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter Sept/Oct 16 No. 132 • 33 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12210 • email • phone 518-462-0891 • web • Circ. 600 Vegetarian/Vegan Dinner Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Climate Crisis and Practical Solutions Conor Bambrick Air & Energy Director, Environmental Advocates of NY will speak about NY Renews and 16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter

Blues Connection

by John Wolcott Click on map to see larger image Now: you can see it at a glance. The top topo map displayed here, is of the Karner Dune Field, the Type Locality of the Karner Blue Butterfy, in the Pine Bush, as it was way before Rte. 155 appeared. A unified field, fully connected Blues Connection

Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve

by Steve Rider On its website it states that the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission “assure(s) the protection, restoration and management of the natural and cultural resources of the Albany Pine Bush.” However, in reality preservation of cultural resources is given little priority compared to the ecological goals. Original, unspoiled remnants of four historic roads Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve

Sally’s Recycling Corner: Tires

by Sally Cummings I have a few tires at home. How can I recycle them? You may be able to return surplus tires to either a tire retailer or a local recycling facility that accepts tires. Be sure to confirm that the facility accepts tires for recycling and check for quantity and size limitations. Some Sally’s Recycling Corner: Tires

Books for Butterflies

Wednesday, February 13 at 7:30 PM, Town Hall in Guilderland on Route 20. Seventy- five houses are proposed for this site, the last parcel of the largest roadless area in the Pine bush. Three parcels make up the western section of the largest roadless area, the DeCaprio Farm site, the site of the proposed Lone Books for Butterflies