Rapp Road Landfill

Rethink Plans for Disposal Facility

Congratulations to Tom Ellis for his excellent letter-to-the-editor which appeared in Thursday’s Times Union (12/30/10) concerning the SWMP plan, the proposed solid waste authority and the possibility of an incinerator being constrducted in the area. The letter is shown below. In addition to the points Tom made in his letter, it should be mentioned that Rethink Plans for Disposal Facility

Second lawsuit filed over Guilderland Planning Board’s approval of Pyramid project

Published on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 – 17:34 in the Altamont Enterprise Lynne Jackson of Save the Pine Bush speaks at a press conference announcing a Nov. 20 court decision to halt Pyramid’s plans to build a Costco and 222 residential units near Crossgates Mall in Guilderland.  GUILDERLAND — A week after a judge in Albany Second lawsuit filed over Guilderland Planning Board’s approval of Pyramid project

Stop the Dump! SPB Files for Injunction

by Daniel W. Van Riper, Oct./Nov. 90 Friday, October 5, SPB attorney Lewis B. Oliver filed for aninjunction to stop work on the expansion of the Albany CountyLandfill. Arguing in Albany County Court before Judge John G. Conner,Oliver presented a paper trail that convincingly demonstrated thatthe NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Cityof Stop the Dump! SPB Files for Injunction

Save the Pine Bush Zoom Meeting – Wednesday, May 15 2024, at 6:30 p.m.

Neil Gifford Conservation Director for the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Restoring Pine Bush Ecosystem Healththrough Management Neil will speak about how managing native scrub oak trees can restore the health of the Pine Bush ecosystem. Neil will discuss the Commission’s research on habitat restoration that includes such techniques as mechanical, chemical and prescribed fire Save the Pine Bush Zoom Meeting – Wednesday, May 15 2024, at 6:30 p.m.

COVID-19 and Dunn Landfill

by Tom Ellis RENSSELAER, NY: The Covid-19 pandemic highlights a major problem with government in the USA, NYS, and locally.  Executive agencies employ vastly more people than legislatures despite the complaint that legislatures are bloated. Elected executives (presidents, governors, county executives) appoint commissioners and other top staff, often subject to approval by a legislative body, COVID-19 and Dunn Landfill

Sally’s Recycling Corner

By Sally Cummings Sally has researched how many things that are thrown into the trash, that end up in the landfill, can actually be sold and recycled into useful products. Here’s 10 quick tips for reusing coffee grounds, March/April, 2012 Sally’s Recycling Corner –Where Can I Find a Trustworthy E-cycler? July/August, 2011 Sally’s Recycling Corner Sally’s Recycling Corner

Battling Hazardous Waste Incineration

By Tom Ellis COHOES: Lights Out Norlite, NATURE Lab, Saratoga Sites Against Norlite Emissions, and the Hudson Mohawk Environmental Action Network held a virtual Hazardous Waste School on December 16 at which four hazardous waste experts discussed various aspects of the issue. The program concerned the Norlite hazardous waste incinerator in Cohoes. Bruce Buckheit worked Battling Hazardous Waste Incineration

Zeroing Out Waste Conference

You are invited to the first statewide Zeroing Out Waste Conference Saturday, November 15, 2008, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM Westminster Presbyterian Church, Use entrance at 85 Chestnut St., Albany , NY 12210 Speakers Include: Neil Seldman, Institute of Local Self Reliance Professor Paul Connett, International Waste Management Researcher Majora Carter, Environmental Justice Leader, Founder Zeroing Out Waste Conference

Proposed Crossgates Development

by Lynne Jackson GUILDERLAND, NY: Rapp Road Development, a corporate entity of Pyramid/Crossgates, is proposing to build on about 46 acres of land. Originally, the proposal was to build 222 apartments on 20 acres of land adjacent to the Pine Bush preserve. After the Town Planning Board appointed themselves the lead agency, the project was Proposed Crossgates Development

Proposals in the Pine Bush

by Lynne Jackson GUILDERLAND, NY: Last August, Save the Pine Bush wrote comments on the Draft Scope for the Pyramid Crossgates proposal to build 222 apartments on land in the Pine Bush ecosystem that was designated as partial protection. At the time, the Draft Scope included two other parcels along Western Avenue, but, no announcements Proposals in the Pine Bush

Regulate Toxins

by Tom Ellis In the wake of the George Floyd murder, much has been said and written about how policing and public safety require major overhauls in the United States. The same applies to how the New York state government regulates environmental toxins. Human health and the environment are being poisoned with the support of Regulate Toxins

Virtual Exhibit

What is the Pine Bush? The Pine Bush is the only sizable inland pine barrens sand dunes in the United States, and is recognized world&endash;wide as a unique pine barrens ecosystem. It contains over 300 species of vertebrate animals, over 1,500 species of plants, and over 10,000 species of insects and other invertebrate animals. Many Virtual Exhibit

List of Speakers

Every month, Save the Pine Bush volunteers make a vegetarian/vegan lasagna dinner with salad, garlic bread and delicious deserts. Everyone is invited to attend! After dinner, we have a speaker. Here is a partial list of the speakers who have visited Save the Pine Bush over the years. Our Favorite Butterfly, the Karner Blue David List of Speakers

Save the Pine Bush Court Cases

Save the Pine Bush has been in almost litigation to preserve the Pine Bush since February 6, 1978. The seven cases we have litigated in courts since 1997 can be found on NY Supreme Court’s Web Civ by searching “Save the Pine Bush”. Court YearFiled Index Number CaseStatus Plaintiff FirstPlaintiff Firm Defendant FirstDefendant Firm Justice Save the Pine Bush Court Cases

Fighting the Crossgates Expansion

Dear All, The proposed apartment complex on Rapp Road in Guilderland is back.  Pyramid sold the 19 acre parcel to a local developer.  This new developer has proposed some modifications to the project.  The new name for the project is Apex at Crossgates. The area where the proposed apartment complex is to be built is Fighting the Crossgates Expansion


Subscribe to “Dinner with Save the Pine Bush” on iTunes! Table of Contents Dan Van Riper from albanyweblog.com speaks about The Proposed Sewage Treatment Plant in Lincoln Park, May 16, 2019 Anne Pope, Rev Sam Johnson and Stephanie Woodard speak about The Rapp Road Historical Association, January 16, 2019 Ward Stone, Former NYS Wildlife Pathologist and Keith Podcasts

Newsletters Articles Ordered by Subject

Search Newsletter Archives: What is Full Protection, Partial Protection and who is the Pine Bush? – By Lynne Jackson – June / July 2022 Newsletter A Tribute To Lew Oliver, our wonderful lawyer The Pine Bush’s Most Famous Resident – The Karner Blue Butterfly Save the Pine Bush Victories and Fights The Thruway Authority Comes Newsletters Articles Ordered by Subject