Search Results for: Albany St

Editorial: A toast to the Pine Bush

  THE STAKES: It’s a tribute to those dedicated to protecting it from development. In the late 1970s, the Pine Bush, the sprawling pine barrens that extend from the city of Albany to Schenectady County, was considered by some a vast wasteland ripe for development. Its central location appealed to investors, who saw it as a prime Editorial: A toast to the Pine Bush

Size of the Albany County Legislature

Opinion by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: Would a huge reduction in the size of the Albany County Legislature be good for the county, the Pine Bush, and democracy? The Albany County Charter Review Commission (ACCRC) issued a report in January recommending a reduction from 39 to 25 members.  The proposal is touted to improve accountability, increase bi-partisanship, and Size of the Albany County Legislature

Roger Downs: The State of Fracking

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter Conservation Director Roger Downs spoke at the October 16 Save the Pine Bush dinner about where Governor Cuomo may be heading with his fracking policies.  Roger said NYS has been in “fracking limbo” since February with no established deadlines as of now.  He said natural gas prices are Roger Downs: The State of Fracking

Historic Rapp Road Community

by Tom Ellis Beverly Bardequez of the historic Rapp Road Community, who spoke at the January 2012 SPB dinner about how the African-American neighborhood on Rapp Road came to be, was the featured speaker at the May 15, 2013 dinner at which she discussed the latest threats to the community. She thanked SPB “who has Historic Rapp Road Community

Local Food Waste Update

by Sheree Cammer, Troy Compost volunteer Easily compostable organic waste is generated at the rate of an estimated 3/4 pound per person per day in the USA, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Crisis or opportunity? It’s up to us. Inter-Municipal Organics Wate Initiative A resolution approving the City of Troy joining the Inter-Municipal Organics Local Food Waste Update

Proposed Land Bank in Albany County

  I would like to direct everyone’s attention to a campaign to create a land bank for Albany County. “A land bank is a public entity whose purpose is to allow a community to make intentional decisions about the use of its land—from side lot sales to neighbors to rehabbed homes to urban agriculture to Proposed Land Bank in Albany County

Waste-to-Energy Plant for Bethlehem?

by Tim Truscott   On April 25, the Bethlehem Town Board heard a proposal by a Kentucky-based firm called RST Technologies to develop a trash disposal facility in Glenmont on the tract of land along Route 144 between the Normans Kill and the PSEG electric generating facility. This site was formerly a dump for coal Waste-to-Energy Plant for Bethlehem?

Ward Stone is a Hero

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: In late February, the NYS Inspector General released a 40+ page report trashing Ward Stone, accusing him of bullying his subordinates, intimidating his supervisors, misusing state funds, and being some sort of a monster.  The report drew considerable news coverage including a February 28 article in the New York Ward Stone is a Hero

Neil Gifford of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Speaks

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY: Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Conservation Director Neil A. Gifford was the featured speaker at the March 22 SPB dinner.  Reszin Adams introduced him.    Mr. Gifford said he is a conservation scientist by training.  He said the Pine Bush Commission now has 27 staff, is an authority, the preserve contains 3200 acres, including at Neil Gifford of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Speaks

Bonding for Landfill “Restoration”

  ALBANY: The Albany Common Council is considering voting on bonding $2.35 million for the restoration project of the Albany landfill. This “restoration” is the extremely expensive project where the capped-over section of the landfill is being “restored” to Pine Bush ecosystem. Common Council Member Leah Golby has said that the Common Council is poised Bonding for Landfill “Restoration”

Pesticide FOILS in process

by Grace Nichols ALBANY: For Save the Pine Bush, I foiled for the pesticide records from the City of Albany beginning in September. So far the City has only provided some rodenticide records for the city proper. Sadly, only one City site has replaced anti-coagulant rodenticides, a danger to hawks and other predators, with mechanical Pesticide FOILS in process

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Drumlin Fields Its Not Over ’til Its Over (There is still time to call your Council Member!) by Lynne Jackson Dramatic events have happened since our last newsletter, when we made an appeal for Save the Pine Bush supporters to contact their Common Council members and ask them to vote “no” Willow Street Again

Habitat Restoration and Mitigation Project: How it Fits in to the Preserve Goals for Restoration” Neil Gifford Gives Save the Pine Bush Dinner Talk in March, 2011

by Grace Nichols ALBANY, NY – Neil Gifford, Conservation Director at the Albany Pine Bush Preserve, has been working in the Pine Bush since the early 1990s. He describes the mission of the Albany Pine Bush Commission, a body representing the many different governmental interests in the Pine Bush land, as “to preserve the pitch Habitat Restoration and Mitigation Project: How it Fits in to the Preserve Goals for Restoration” Neil Gifford Gives Save the Pine Bush Dinner Talk in March, 2011

Dr. George Robinson Sheds Light on Landfills, their Possibilities and Problems Post-closure.

by Grace Nichols Dr. George Robinson is a professor in the Biodiversity and Conservation Policy graduate program at the University at Albany. He is very knowledgeable about landfills, as much of his work has involved transforming old landfills into positive open spaces which can meet the needs of local wildlife and local communities. Dr. Robinson’s Dr. George Robinson Sheds Light on Landfills, their Possibilities and Problems Post-closure.

Environmentalists Honor Ward Stone

ALBANY: The October Save the Pine Bush dinner at the First Presbyterian Church was the setting for the birthday party in honor of Ward Stone. The party was a great success. The hall was packed full. We all agreed that the environmental community couldn’t get along without Ward. Speakers included Elise Griffin, Elise Kunz, Tom Environmentalists Honor Ward Stone

Draft New York State Solid Waste Management Plan Deadline for Public Comments: August 16, 2010

  Entitled “Beyond Waste: A Sustainable Materials Management Strategy for New York State” the draft plan is now available for review. Everyone who cares about what to do with the garbage should send their comments. Save the Pine Bush’s position is this: 1) We need to move toward a zero-waste policy. Zero waste is achievable, Draft New York State Solid Waste Management Plan Deadline for Public Comments: August 16, 2010

Ward Stone, Environmental Hero, Speaks

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Ward Stone, NYS Wildlife Pathologist and environmental hero, spoke at the May Save the Pine Bush vegetarian/vegan lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. Ward began by describing how he met Rezsin Adams on the very first Earth Day in April, 1970, at the University at Albany. That day, Ward gave Ward Stone, Environmental Hero, Speaks

Speak Out on Pesticides

Albany Common Council held it’s first Ad Hoc Committee Meeting on Pesticides in June. We are making headway in that the City admitted to longstanding violations of its pesticides policy. The committee has dedicated itself to making positive changes. Our voice are very much needed to 1) Advocate for pesticide reductions in the plans for Speak Out on Pesticides

The Great Pesticide Hunt

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Grace Nichols spoke about pesticides at the June Save the Pine Bush vegetarian lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. Pesticides include herbicides, insecticides and rodenticides. Grace explained that unlike other types of pollution which are a by-product of making something, pesticides are designed to kill organisms. Pesticides are a whole The Great Pesticide Hunt

Zero Waste or Waste Authority?

by Tom Ellis, Citizens’ Environmental Coalition Save the Pine Bush and friends won a partial victory in late February when Clough Harbour & Associates (CHA) revised the preliminary draft solid waste management plan it had issued in mid-December on behalf of a “steering committee” appointed by Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings. CHA faced considerable pressure from Zero Waste or Waste Authority?

SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer

SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer We couldn’t resist. . . What can I say? My husband, Daniel W. Van Riper, and I were strolling through a fair in Scotia, New York, when we came upon an exhibit from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). They were handing out applications to adopt bodies of water SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer

Last Chance to Say No to Besicorp!

Last Chance to Say No to Besicorp! Last Chance to Say No! No to what could be the biggest and ugliest industrial complex ever built on the banks of the Hudson River: a papermill and cogeneration plant called Besicorp, to be sited in the City of Rensselaer, next to the historic Fort Crailo neighborhood and Last Chance to Say No to Besicorp!

Rao Disaster

Rao Disaster Rao Disaster End Of The Legal Road By Daniel Van Riper Continuing a puzzling and illogical shift in politics by the NY State court system towards environmental cases, the State Court of Appeals denied a motion by Save the Pine Bush to reopen the case of SPB vs. the Guilderland planning board over Rao Disaster

How Destruction Of The Pine Bush Raises Taxes

How Destruction Of The Pine Bush Raises Taxes How Destruction Of The Pine Bush Raises Taxes …Again and Again and Again It’s an endless cycle. Every office “park” and housing “development” is an extension of the City of Albany’s infrastructure. This means new roads, sewerlines, waterlines, powerlines, new services such as police, fire, ambulance, administrative. How Destruction Of The Pine Bush Raises Taxes


by DINA CAPPIELLO, Staff writer They are the trees that have survived it all — the bouts of disease, the axes of loggers, the lightning storms that uproot a forest like a gardener’s hand pulls weeds. Most would be older than your great-great-great-great grandfather, if he were still alive. But until this Saturday, there was COUNTING FORESTS’ SENIOR CITIZENS

Man charged in bird-killing Albany

by DINA CAPPIELLO, Staff writer A 26-year-old Fulton County man was arrested Monday for allegedly shooting 159 crows in a restricted area of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve, according to state Department of Environmental Conservation officials. Burton Frasier of Mayfield allegedly killed the crows with a shotgun in a part of the Pine Bush north Man charged in bird-killing Albany

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Council Member Richard Conti Declares his Opposition to Drumlin Fields Ms. Rezsin Adams 112 Chestnut Street Albany, NY 12210 Dear Rezsin: Thank you for taking the time to let me know of your opposition to Drumlin Fields, a proposal to re-zone a portion of the Pine Bush for commercial office development. Willow Street Again


Subscribe to "Dinner with Save the Pine Bush" on iTunes! Table of Contents Dan Van Riper from speaks about The Proposed Sewage Treatment Plant in Lincoln Park, May 16, 2019 Anne Pope, Rev Sam Johnson and Stephanie Woodard speak about The Rapp Road Historical Association, January 16, 2019 Ward Stone, Former NYS Wildlife Pathologist and Keith Podcasts

Sprawl Costs Money

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Dr. Gary Kleppel, professor of biology at the University of Albany, outlined the economic and environmental costs of sprawl at Save the Pine Bush’s June veggie lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church in Albany. Dr. Kleppel opened his presentation by challenging conservation groups with the most important mission, “curbing urban Sprawl Costs Money

Dunn Landfill — Stinks Up the School; Parents and Residents Protest

RENSSELAER, NY: Rensselaer residents took a big step toward closing the Dunn (Waste Connections) construction and demolition (C&D) debris landfill in November when they elected Mike Stammel as mayor of their city. Mr. Stammel, also chairman of the Rensselaer County Legislature, has taken an anti-dump stance and works with locals eager to immediately close the Dunn Landfill — Stinks Up the School; Parents and Residents Protest