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Preserve Not Feeling the Burn

by Mike Fricano Handling fire can be dangerous, something the Albany Pine Bush PreserveCommission knows only too well. In April 1999, a controlled burn at the pine barren that straddles Albany, Guilderland and Colonie blazed out of control, scorching 75 acres and shutting down the New York Thruway for several hours because of smoke. No Preserve Not Feeling the Burn

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter

16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter Sept/Oct 16 No. 132 • 33 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12210 • email • phone 518-462-0891 • web • Circ. 600 Vegetarian/Vegan Dinner Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Climate Crisis and Practical Solutions Conor Bambrick Air & Energy Director, Environmental Advocates of NY will speak about NY Renews and 16-09 Sept-Oct Newsletter


Troops Out Now Anti-War March in New York City, March 18. 2006 Troops Out Now Anti-War March in New York City, March 18. 2006 Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4 That Peace Puppy Again! US/UN Hands Off Iran! A drummer Drummer Xylophone Player Musician Educators to Stop the War An 4

Save the Pine Bush

by Tim Truscott   ALBANY: We enjoyed two presentations after the July 15 Save the Pine Bush dinner. The first presentation was by Jeff Heath of Stearns & Wheler Consulting Engineers, which is headquartered in Cazenovia, NY. Jeff’s presentation was on the Delaware County Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) composting facility, located near Walton, NY. Delaware Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

Vote Primary Day – Tuesday, September 15, Noon to 9:00 pm   ALBANY: Six candidates for Albany City-wide races came to speak at the August Save the Pine Bush dinner. Four city-wide seats are up this year (as well as the entire Common Council). Running for Mayor – Corey Ellis; for treasurer – Kathy Sheehan; Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

Summarized by Grace Nichols ALBANY: At the May Save the Pine Bush lasgana dinner at the First Presbyterian Church, NY State Wildlife Pathologist Ward Stone gave a talk summarizing our recent discoveries of pesticide use in the Pine Bush by both the City of Albany at the Rapp Road Landfill and Pine Bush Police and Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

by John Wolcott The next piece in the puzzle of “Where is Trader’s Hill?” is an amazing very old parchment map in the Albany City Engineer’s collection. It is the only map known to show Margriets Bergh, and was drawn in January 1773 by Jeremiah Van Rensselaer from a survey done by himself in 1772. Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

  BETHLEHEM: What is the future of garbage in the ANSWERS community? Come to a Solid Waste Management Plan Steering Committee to find out! The SWMP (pronounced “swamp” — isn’t that a wonderful acronym?) has met three times now. At the last meeting, held in the Bethlehem Town Hall, the City’s consultant, Clough Harbor, presented Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

The Army Corps of Engineers extended the comment period on their review of the wetlands that will be destroyed if the proposed landfill in the Pine Bush is constructed. Bert wrote an excellent letter outlining many of the problems of expanding the landfill. The deadline for comments was March 5 and the letter was sent Save the Pine Bush

Looking For Trader’s Hill A Sand Hill Lost and Forgotten in a Sea of Sand Hills

Considering the major economic engine of early and later frontier North America; Trader’s Hill is anything but a unique name. Trader’s Hills, Bays, Coves, Points, Inlets, Islands, etc. abound here and there and all around. Usually referring to the fur trade. Doubtless too, by now; there is a Trader’s Hill line of East Asian made Looking For Trader’s Hill A Sand Hill Lost and Forgotten in a Sea of Sand Hills

Returning to flight Efforts of New England biologists help usher in rebirth of the endangered Karner blue butterfly

ALBANY: Melissa Stone, PhD student in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program at the University of Albany, spoke at the September Save the Pine Bush vegetarian dinner at the First Presbyterian church about lyme disease. Lyme disease is an old disease, first identified in the early 1900’s. In 1975, it was recognized in the United Returning to flight Efforts of New England biologists help usher in rebirth of the endangered Karner blue butterfly

DEC’s Dump Hearing December 3, 2008

ALBANY: Mark you calendars, Wednesday, December 3 at 7:00 PM at the Polish Community Center, DEC will conduct a public hearing on the City of Albany’s proposal to expand the landfill into the Pine Bush (see other announcement on page 4). For two decades, DEC and the City have been promising not to expand the DEC’s Dump Hearing December 3, 2008

Earth Week Celebration

ALBANY: Speakers from Citizens’ Environment Coalition, Environmental Advocates, NYPIRG and Sierra Club came to visit the April Save the Pine Bush vegetarian/vegan lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church to celebrate Earth Week. A lot is going on in the environment, and the speakers gave Save the Pine Bush an update on issues they are Earth Week Celebration

City Can’t Decide!

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: The City of Albany is taking two contradictory positions on the proposed hotel in the Pine Bush. Council Stonewalls Developer: The Honorable Daniel Herring (Ward 13) held a Common Council Planning and Development committee meeting on October 9 to discuss the SDEIS (Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement) written and submitted by City Can’t Decide!

Sally’s Recycling Corner

by Sally Cummings Sally has researched how many things that are thrown into the trash, that end up in the landfill, can actually be sold and recycled into useful products. Here is one such example: Approximately 11 million tons of waste asphalt roofing shingles are generated in the U.S. per year. Re-roofing jobs account for Sally’s Recycling Corner

The Pine Bush Makes the Grade Sierra Club Included the Pine Bush in America’s Wild Legacy 52 Places: A Sierra Club Report

The Pine Bush has been identified by the Sierra Club as one of the fifty-two most exceptional places in the United States that must be preserved. The report says the following: All across America, communities are working to protect our public lands from threats like oil and gas drilling, unchecked development, irresponsible recreation, logging, and The Pine Bush Makes the Grade Sierra Club Included the Pine Bush in America’s Wild Legacy 52 Places: A Sierra Club Report

The Dump Expansion is for Who?

By BRIAN NEARING, Staff Writer ALBANY – The city of Albany is among the state’s dozen worst polluters for its plans to expand the Rapp Road dump into the Pine Bush, according to a statewide environmental group’s annual listing released Tuesday. Citizens’ Environmental Coalition also cited the General Electric Co. for alleged foot-dragging over the The Dump Expansion is for Who?

News from Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission

Members of the public are invited to provide written comments towards the process of reviewing and/or amending the 2002 Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Albany Pine Bush Preserve. Comments can address all aspects of the Commission’s work including land protection, habitat or natural resource management, public education and recreation. Comments are News from Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission

Monarch Butterfly Conservation Crisis

Monarch Butterfly Conservation Crisis Monarch Butterfly Conservation Crisis On September 12, 2000, The New York Times published an urgent warning by noted Monarch butterfly expert Dr. Lincoln P. Brower, and other scientists and conservationists, describing a crisis situation at the Monarch butterfly’s overwintering grounds in central Mexico (The New York Times, Science Times, p. 1). Monarch Butterfly Conservation Crisis

Petition Filed With State Dec Seeks Ruling On 1994 Protection Agreement For Karner Blue In Clifton Park

CLIFTON PARK: A petition for a Declaratory Ruling under the State Administrative Procedure Act was submitted in January to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation by the environmental preservation group, Save the Pine Bush together with 22 Capital Region residents asking the DEC to rule on a 1994 habitat protection agreement meant to save the Petition Filed With State Dec Seeks Ruling On 1994 Protection Agreement For Karner Blue In Clifton Park

Save the Pine Bush Barred from Court

by William Engleman SCHENECTADY: Save the Pine Bush is considering an appeal of a recent State Supreme Court ruling dismissing a lawsuit brought against the Town of Clifton Park Planning Board and DCG Development Co. Save the Pine Bush and 11 citizen-petitioners sued the Town of Clifton Park Planning Board over site plan approvals for Save the Pine Bush Barred from Court


War On Crossgates – The Community Fights Back War On Crossgates The Community Fights Back By Daniel Van Riper The evil and rapacious Pyramid Corporation, through a combination of trickery and deception, has geared up for an unprecedented Crossgates Maul expansion plan designed to suck the life and livelihood out of the citizens of the 9

Taking Lyme Fight to the Field

Cases of Lyme disease might be reduced by switching the focus from people and vaccinating the animals that carry it, a new study suggests. Writing in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers described an experiment in which they caught white-footed mice in a wooded area of roughly 3,000 acres in Connecticut, vaccinated Taking Lyme Fight to the Field

Blues Connection

by John Wolcott Click on map to see larger image Now: you can see it at a glance. The top topo map displayed here, is of the Karner Dune Field, the Type Locality of the Karner Blue Butterfy, in the Pine Bush, as it was way before Rte. 155 appeared. A unified field, fully connected Blues Connection

Shawn Morris Speaks to Save the Pine Bush

ALBANY: Shawn Morris, candidate for Common Council President spoke at the July Save the Pine Bush dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. Four candidates are running in the Democratic Primary for Common Council President; all were invited to speak, but only Shawn Morris attended the dinner. Shawn began by describing the Common Council President’s roll Shawn Morris Speaks to Save the Pine Bush

Touhey’s Obsession And Other News

Touhey’s Obsession And Other News Touhey’s Obsession And Other News By Daniel Van Riper 300 Washington Ave. Extension! Again! Charlie Touhey is having legislation introduced into the City of Albany Common Council, probably to be sponsored by 15th Ward Alderman Nick Collucio, to rezone that piece of land next to the Dunes development. Charlie seems Touhey’s Obsession And Other News

Updates on the trash problems in Rensselaer

by Chris Kielb and Tom Ellis Rensselaer and East Greenbush residents and their allies (Rensselaer Environmental Coalition, REC) continue to organize to block the proposed Bio HiTech municipal solid waste processing facility on the former BASF industrial site, south of Columbia Turnpike. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) sent now-departed Rensselaer Mayor Moody a Updates on the trash problems in Rensselaer

Ward Stone Speaks about the Most Important Environmental Problems of Our Time

Over $25,000 in grants support public education and outreach and Federal and private funding allows dramatic increase in habitat restoration. Contractors removed invasive black locust trees from 25 acres and 21 acres were planted with native grasses and wildflowers including wild blue lupine. The project was assisted by the Commission’s new John Deere tractor and Ward Stone Speaks about the Most Important Environmental Problems of Our Time