Lynne Jackson

The Dump Expansion is for Who?

ALBANY: In its pursuit of the proposed landfill expansion, the City of Albany is working on the Environmental review process required under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. The initial part of this process is preparation of scoping document to determine what topics should be included in this review. A public meeting was held at The Dump Expansion is for Who?


Want to grow your own native Pine Bush species? The Glacial Lake Albany Native Plant Restoration Project now encourages the planting of native species in places that, before development, were Pine Bush. These native plants grow well in the sandy soil. And, by using native plants, residents can avoid planting non-native species. These non-native, or 9

Save the Pine Bush

A program of controlled burning in the ecologically precarious Pine Bush went off without a hitch this fall, and managers of the preserve are aiming to do more. "We hope they will get bigger," said Stephanie Gebauer, director of the Albany Pine Bush Research and Management. A total of 44 acres of the 1700 acre Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

"Man has disrupted the natural order in the Pine Bush with roads, developments and suppression of fires," said Stephanie Gebauer at the December Save the Pine Bush dinner. Ms. Gebauer, the first director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Research and Management of the Eastern New York Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, went on to Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

  All that sand was left by a glacial lake. The Pine Bush ecosystem sitting on that sand, however, may have been created by Native Americans practicing fire management techniques. At least, that’s what some people believe. One of those people is Dr. Harvey Alexander, professor at the College of St. Rose, who spoke at Save the Pine Bush

What to do with the Garbage

ALBANY: The City of Albany has a serious problem: where to throw the garbage. If the City follows the law, and does the right thing, they will not be able to expand the current landfill in the Pine Bush. City officials all seem to want to do the right thing, except when it comes to What to do with the Garbage

Before “Development”

Before "Development" The Pine Bush at sunset Photo by Doug Morse, donated to Save the Pine Bush Previous Next Back to Exhibit Index Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner Pine Bush Hike Current Newsletter About Save the Pine Bush Virtual Photo Exhibit  Action Alerts Volunteer Nights Articles in Date Order Links Articles by Subject  Save the Pine Bush Before “Development”

Pine Bush in the Mist

Pine Bush in the Mist Pine Bush in the Mist Photo by Doug Morse Previous Next Back to Exhibit Index Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner Pine Bush Hike Current Newsletter About Save the Pine Bush Virtual Photo Exhibit  Action Alerts Volunteer Nights Articles in Date Order Links Articles by Subject  Save the Pine Bush Home Email Save Pine Bush in the Mist

After “Development”

After "Development" After Photo by Doug Morse Previous Next Back to Exhibit Index Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner Pine Bush Hike Current Newsletter About Save the Pine Bush Virtual Photo Exhibit  Action Alerts Volunteer Nights Articles in Date Order Links Articles by Subject  Save the Pine Bush Home Email Save the Pine Bush Page written and maintained After “Development”

SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road

SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road by Lynne Jackson Last summer, Judge Thomas Keegan handed down a win for Save the Pine Bush overturning a vote by the Common Council to make the "Loop Road" or Columbia Circle Drive a public road. The problem is, the Common SPB Needs Your Help to Fight Road

Karner Blue Butterfly

Karner Blue Butterfly The Karner Blue Butterfly Lycaeides Melissa Samuelis A Karner Blue Butterfly rests on a blueberry leaf, photograph by Doug Morse Back to Karner Blue Butterfly Article Page Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner Pine Bush Hike Current Newsletter About Save the Pine Bush Virtual Photo Exhibit  Action Alerts Volunteer Nights Articles in Date Order Links Karner Blue Butterfly


We are off! Up  Next–> We are off! The five of us gather in my living room at 11:30 at night on Wednesday, January 19. From the left, Lucy, Lynne (me), Sandra, Kathy, and Anne.

Save the Pine Bush

Download a PDF of this letter Richard Nicholson, Planner City of Albany, Dept. of Economic Development & Neighborhood Planning 21 Lodge Street Albany, NY 12207 Re: Supplemental ~Draft-Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) Tharaidson Development Company Proposed Residence Inn project City of Albany, Albany County Dear Mr. Nicholson: Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) staff reviewed the SDEIS Save the Pine Bush


No one died No one died


The March The March Bush Lied Rumfailed




IMG_5126.JPG Drummers


Rain on the streets Rain on the streets



Action Guide to Citizens

Among the steps people may wish to consider taking are: 1. File lawsuits against the city for reduced property values. Contact your own lawyer or Save the Pine Bush lawyer Peter Henner at 768-8232 or 2. Speak about dump issues at meetings of the Common Council of the City of Albany.  The Common Council Action Guide to Citizens



A Plan for Planning

by Richard Clark We in Albany County don’t know what to do about the disposal of solid waste.  Mayor Gerald Jennings would rather not expand the Rapp Road landfill on land dedicated to the Pine Bush Preserve Commission, but he desperately needs the money and the jobs that landfill generates.  He argues that time is A Plan for Planning


Interesting Architecture Interesting Architecture

Hydroelectric Development in Labrador and Quebec and its impact on New York

  Jim Learning traveled thousands of miles to speak to Save the Pine Bush about how the environmental damage caused by hydroelectric plants. We New Yorkers and New Englanders need to say no to these environmentally damaging hydroelectric power generators. Listen to Jim Learning and Annie Wilson of the NY Environmental Law and Justice Project Hydroelectric Development in Labrador and Quebec and its impact on New York

We Have the Power

by Sheree Craigue Surprising to many, trash from the NYS Government offices goes to the City of Albany’s Rapp Road landfill. This gives the Rapp Road landfill a “special” legal status, unique among all of NY State’s landfills. This “special” status has been the cause of several Save the Pine Bush lawsuits being lost in We Have the Power


New York City – September 11, 2006 New York City – September 11, 2006 Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4 That war started such a long time ago! Entrance to China Town The Brooklyn Bridge The Brooklyn Bridge Cool buildings South Street Seaport South Street Seaport South Street Seaport South 4

Save the Pine Bush

In the bitter cold, about a dozen people came out to protest the bulldozing of the Avila House site. Though Save the Pine Bush had lost all of its appeals in the courts, we know that we are legally, morally and ethically right. No more construction should be made in the Pine Bush.   Avila Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

For Immediate Release: December 10, 2002 For Further Information: Contact Lynne Jackson at 434-1954 or 366-7324 ALBANY, NY: Save the Pine Bush volunteers demonstrated today over the destruction of the Pine Bush for the building of Avila House. Avila House is proposed to be built in the rare Pine Bush ecosystem. The Pine Bush is Save the Pine Bush


New York City – September 11, 2006 New York City – September 11, 2006 Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4 We Walk When the Left says PEACE they mean SURRENDER Some people still blame President Clinton Please Help Us World Trade Center Site World Trade Center Site World Trade Center 4

Letter to the Editor

Dear Lynne, Your article “No magic bullet: Solving the Garbage Problem” in the May June of Save the Pine Bush newsletter, is very perceptive. In particular, your sentence, “Customers did not demand the throwaway bottle; it was done to allow the bottling companies to consolidate and grow bigger” is absolutely on target as is your Letter to the Editor

News from our SCRAP Friends

The Appellate Court hearing on the SCRAP (Selkirk, Coeymans, Ravena Against Pollution) members’ case against the City of Albany will be held on September 5, 2007 at 1pm on the fifth floor of the Justice Building at the Empire State Plaza (for directions, email Jim Travers at It is the plaintiffs’ contention that the News from our SCRAP Friends


NYS Captial Region Delegation NYS Captial Region Delegation

City of Albany Attempts to Sneak Legislation Past the Public Removing Land from the Pine Bush Preserve

ALBANY: The City of Albany tried to sneak in legislation at the last minute that would radically change the protection of the Pine Bush Preserve. The Albany Common Council, in vote of 11-4, asked the NYS Legislature to pass a home rule bill to alienate 12.5 acres of protected Pine Bush Preserve in order for City of Albany Attempts to Sneak Legislation Past the Public Removing Land from the Pine Bush Preserve

Dunn Landfill

RENSSELAER, NY: Until mid-March, when the coronavirus slowed organizing efforts, the Rensselaer Environmental Coalition (REC) continued making steady progress towards its goal of closing the Dunn construction and demolition debris landfill in Rensselaer. This 99-acre operation is located right next to the Rensselaer public school campus, and between Rensselaer and East Greenbush neighborhoods. In response Dunn Landfill


NYS Captial Region Delegation NYS Captial Region Delegation


by Emily Corcione I recently drove past the SEFCU building off of Route 155, and immediately thought the Pine Bush was under attack by developers once again. Ostensibly, the felled trees and bare sand, which have so often preceded the disappearance of precious pine barrens land, seemed like one more residential or business invasion of Clear-cutting


We are getting closer to our spot We are getting closer to our spot

Love Of Money The Root Of All…?

Love Of Money The Root Of All…? Love Of Money The Root Of All…? By Daniel Van Riper That’s All? Sheesh. The shoddily built retail travesty known as Crossgates Mall is squawking over paying their fair share of taxes to the town of Guilderland. Recently, the mall doubled in size, an operation which cut into Love Of Money The Root Of All…?