
Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers Needed! Volunteers Needed! Save the Pine Bush is looking for people with a few hours to spare, who love the Pine Bush, and who want to share their skills, creativity and enthusiasm! Currently available volunteer positions at Save the Pine Bush: Volunteer, volunteer coordinator: Organize SPB’s volunteers! Call volunteers to find people willing to Volunteers Needed!

How Destruction Of The Pine Bush Raises Taxes

How Destruction Of The Pine Bush Raises Taxes How Destruction Of The Pine Bush Raises Taxes …Again and Again and Again It’s an endless cycle. Every office “park” and housing “development” is an extension of the City of Albany’s infrastructure. This means new roads, sewerlines, waterlines, powerlines, new services such as police, fire, ambulance, administrative. How Destruction Of The Pine Bush Raises Taxes


End of the march End of the march

Building called threat to butterflies

by: DENNIS YUSKO Staff writer CLIFTON PARK — A 142,000-square-foot facility proposed by DCG Development along Wood Road would further undermine the area’s endangered Karner blue butterfly habitats, town residents and area environmentalists told the Planning Board. DCG wants to build a warehouse or a light industrial space on 37 acres its owns between the Building called threat to butterflies

Tiny threat looms large this spring

As ticks latch onto kids — not to mention their parents and pets — in big numbers this year, at least one middle school has decided there’s a little too much nature out there. But the bloodsucking creatures haven’t otherwise put too big a damper on spring field trips, despite a marked rise in their Tiny threat looms large this spring

Petition: Shield Karner blue habitat

  ALBANY — The state Department of Environmental Conservation should enforce a 1994 agreement with a landowner to protect endangered Karner blue butterflies in Clifton Park, Capital Region environmentalists said Thursday. In a petition filed with the state agency Monday, the Albany-based Save The Pine Bush and 22 area residents asked DEC general counsel James Petition: Shield Karner blue habitat


by DINA CAPPIELLO, Staff writer A building that Pine Bush protectors once protested for being constructed in the rare pine barren became part of the preserve on Friday, when the state announced it traded a piece of the Harriman State Office Campus for the State Employees Federal Credit Union on New Karner Road. The deal LAND SWAP ADDS TO PINE BUSH


by DINA CAPPIELLO, Staff writer A $400,000 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced on Monday will place Patroon Creek under 24-hour scientific surveillance, supplying researchers, residents and students with essential information about the stream’s health. This data “will help identify pollutants that may pose a hazard to our citizens,” said Mayor Jerry Jennings. EPA GRANT TARGETS CONDITIONS IN PATROON CREEK


People keep coming People keep coming


Bulldozed Bulldozed


Cane in snowbank blocking crosswalk

Common Council Approves an Office Complex at 365 Washington Avenue Extension

Common Council Approves an Office Complex at 365 Washington Avenue Extension Common Council Approves an Office Complex at 365 Washington Avenue Extension Council Member Carol Wallace Makes Eloquent Plea for the Pine Bush Preservation Albany, NY – The Common Council approved a re-zoning for office buildings at 365 Washington Extension by a vote of 10 Common Council Approves an Office Complex at 365 Washington Avenue Extension

Current Plumes

Current Plumes Curent Views Showing Plumes of Existing Power Plant Home View from Island Creek Park View from the Corning Tower in the Empire State Plaza

View from Fort Crailo

View from Fort Crailo Simulation of Besicorp Project View from Fort Crailo Home Current view from Riverside Avenue, Fort Crailo, Rensselaer Current view from Riverside Avenue, Fort Crailo, Rensselaer Proposed facility Riverside Avenue, Fort Crailo, Rennselaer Proposed facility Riverside Avenue, Fort Crailo, Rensselaer Proposed facility with plumes Riverside Avenue, Fort Crailo, Rensselaer Proposed facility with View from Fort Crailo



Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Council Member Richard Conti Declares his Opposition to Drumlin Fields Ms. Rezsin Adams 112 Chestnut Street Albany, NY 12210 Dear Rezsin: Thank you for taking the time to let me know of your opposition to Drumlin Fields, a proposal to re-zone a portion of the Pine Bush for commercial office development. Willow Street Again


IMG_0292.JPG News men from RUSSIA!!!


The March The March Cops on horses


George Bush George Bush fiddles while New Orleans drown

Save the Pine Bush

A Karner Blue Butterfly rests on a blue lupine plant, photograph by Doug Morse Back to Karner Blue Butterfly Article Page


Business women for choice Business women for choice

Save the Pine Bush

The DiCaprio Farm parcel, and the two parcels to the west, the Lupe Parcel and the Proposed Lone Pine 7, are part of what the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission calls "Area 33". This section is about 300 acres, and is the largest roadless section of the Pine Bush ecosystem that is privately owned, and Save the Pine Bush


Second view of uncleared city sidewalk

Overview of Climate Crisis and NY Renews

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY Mark Schaeffer of 350.org and Conor Bambrick of Environmental Advocates (EA) spoke at the September 21 SPB dinner about the climate crises and the need for a political climate change. Mark led off saying pre-industrial age atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations were 280 part per million (ppm) and today are Overview of Climate Crisis and NY Renews


Cool Bike Cool Bike


The Cops’ Harleys all in a line The Cops’ Harleys all in a line


No mandatory pregnancy No mandatory pregnancy




IMG_2698.JPG We are welcomed at the PATH station


Save the Pine Bush Joins with Residents of the Dunes to Win Big Charlie Touhey Cannot Build His Office Buildings Save the Pine Bush Joins with Residents of the Dunes to Win Big Charlie Touhey Cannot Build His Office Buildings by Lynne Jackson August 5, 1996 will go down as a day of victory for 9

Neil Gifford Presents A Pine Bush Update

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: At times speaking poetically, Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (commission) Conservation Director Neil Gifford spoke at length about the Karner Blue Butterfly (KBB) at the March 21 SPB dinner. He began with a friendly joke that “It’s Lynne and Rezsin’s fault I am here tonight,” a reference to the commission Neil Gifford Presents A Pine Bush Update


We Won’t Go! We Won’t Go! The Truth on Military Recruiters and the Draft


Walking to our spot Walking to our spot


NYC Quakers NYC Quakers


Teamsters Teamsters


3840 3840

Sprawl Costs Money

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Dr. Gary Kleppel, professor of biology at the University of Albany, outlined the economic and environmental costs of sprawl at Save the Pine Bush’s June veggie lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church in Albany. Dr. Kleppel opened his presentation by challenging conservation groups with the most important mission, “curbing urban Sprawl Costs Money

Save the Pine Bush

by Steve Downs   ALBANY: On September 15, 2009, Save the Pine Bush will argue before the Court of Appeals that it was entitled to standing in the case of the proposed Mariott Hotel case. In 1991 the Court of Appeals decided in the Society of Plastics v. Suffolk County, that the test for standing Save the Pine Bush


COLONIE: In the spring of 1997, developers proposed to build the Golden Bear Golf Dome on 19 acres of Pine Bush in the Town of Colonie. Save the Pine Bush volunteers attended all of the public hearings about the project, read and commented on the environmental impact statements, and made known to the Planning Board 9




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