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Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert! Coyotes in the Moonlight Response to the Commission’s Final Implementation Guidelines by Lynne Jackson "It was a cold night in January, snow on the ground, full moon, not a creature moving a muscle," began Jerry Mueller, at the January Lasagna Dinner. He had to get out of the house Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

New Light on an Old Road – Part II

New Light on an Old Road – Part II New Light on an Old Road – Part II (Continued from March/April 1998 Newsletter) by John Wolcott The new information revealed by this almost destroyed map, about old trails and roads in the Pine Bush is utterly amazing and startling. I had already known that part New Light on an Old Road – Part II

Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve

Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve   Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve By John Wolcott A Little Background When I first started mulling over the notion of a Pine Bush Preserve in 1971, it was with the thought Pushing and Pulling West: Pending Extensions of the Boundaries of the Pine Bush Preserve

New Light on an Old Road

New Light on an Old Road New Light on an Old Road by John Wolcott Save the Pine Bush board member John Wolcott has discovered evidence of a forgotten foot path through the Pine Bush that in the 1600’s and 1700’s ran parallel to the main Albany-Schenectady Road, the Maquas Padt. Here is Part 1 New Light on an Old Road

Air Pollution in Albany’s South End

ALBANY, NY: On November 6, I attended a combined NYS DEC and NYS DOH community meeting about a study they did concerning the health of Albany South End residents. About fifty attended at the Albany Housing Authority office on South Pearl Street. The just-completed study looked at hospitalization rates of South End residents compared to Air Pollution in Albany’s South End

Save the Pine Bush

Proposed Hotel in the Pine Bush     Hotel Update: Oral Arguements in the NY Court of Appeals Tuesday, September 15 at 2:00 The Court of Appeals is next door to Albany City Hall. This is an extremely significant case, and could, if we win change who has standing in SEQRA cases. Click here to Save the Pine Bush

Merton Simpson — Fighting Environmental Racial Injustice

ALBANY, NY: Albany County Legislator Merton Simpson spoke about “Fighting Environmental Racial Injustice” at the October 16, 2019 SPB dinner. He began saying, “I see one of my environmental heroes–Ward Stone–here.” [Ward is the legendary and now retired wildlife pathologist (1969-2010) of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.] Merton said, “We live in perilous times, Merton Simpson — Fighting Environmental Racial Injustice

Environmental Injustice at Ezra Prentice Apartments and Community Health Study

by Dominick Calsolaro   The Ezra Prentice Homes, an Albany Housing Authority project consisting of 179 units, is located in Albany’s South End, at the southern end of South Pearl Street (Route 32). The area where Ezra Prentice is situated is a designated environmental justice community. The residents of Ezra Prentice, Old South Pearl Street, Environmental Injustice at Ezra Prentice Apartments and Community Health Study

Extinction Rebellion Capital Region

ALBANY, NY: Christian Grigoraskos of the Extinction Rebellion Capital Region spoke at the February 19th SPB dinner on the topic of Climate Change: Heading for Extinction (And What to Do About It). Before he began, Lynne Jackson provided an update on the various proposals Crossgates has pending in the Town of Guilderland. Lynne said the Extinction Rebellion Capital Region

In Flurry of Motion, Lessons Take Wing

by ANNE MILLER Staff writer On a wing and a cheer, more than 50 monarch butterflies left their birthplace at the Farnsworth Middle School Friday afternoon for their ancestral winter grounds in northern Mexico. More than 50 students gathered in the school’s courtyard, where the butterflies were raised, and launched the orange and black beauties In Flurry of Motion, Lessons Take Wing

Waste Reduction and Recycling: Neil Seldman, PhD

Waste Reduction and Recycling: Neil Seldman, PhD. Director of Waste to Wealth Initiative at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (Washington, DC). Public Presentation and Workshop on Recycling and Waste Management in the Capitol Region Albany Public Library, Washington Avenue Branch: 161 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210 Presentation:  How the Capital District can Transition from Landfills Waste Reduction and Recycling: Neil Seldman, PhD

September Biogas Talk

by Tim Truscott   On Friday, February 5, Save the Pine Bush hosted a presentation by Peninsula Compost Group’s representative, Ken Sauter. Within the past few months Peninsula opened a new food and yard waste composting facility in Wilmington, Delaware with a capacity of 500 tons per day. The Wilmington Organic Recycling Center (WORC), located September Biogas Talk

Write to the Town of Guilderland Planning Board

Name of the project: Rapp Road Residential/Western Avenue Mixed Use Redevelopment Projects Email comments to: Kenneth Kovalchik, Town Planner, The Town of Guilderland Planning Board should reject the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed development by Pyramid (Crossgates) to build massive apartment complexes, office space and expansive retail on Rapp Road, the Write to the Town of Guilderland Planning Board

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Our Friends Visit FORCE Is Here To Stay By Daniel Van Riper Carl Letson and Donald Csaposs of Guilderland, two of the principle organizers of Friends Organized to Resist Crossgates Expansion (FORCE) spoke to the January Save the Pine Bush vegetarian lasagna dinner at 1st Presbyterian Church in Albany, and neither Willow Street Again


FORCE Fights Pyramid – Guilderland Citizens Organize   FORCE Fights Pyramid Guilderland Citizens Organize By Daniel Van Riper Citizens and taxpayers of Guilderland, courageously opposed to the rape and ruination of their town by the vicious and sleazy Pyramid Corporation, have chosen a name for themselves and gotten down to the task of organizing. Friends 9

Murdered By Pyramid: It Could Happen Here

Murdered By Pyramid: It Could Happen Here Murdered By Pyramid It Could Happen Here By Daniel Van Riper Public officials and neighborhood activists are holding the notorious Pyramid Corporation responsible for the traffic death of a young mother outside Buffalo, NY. Pyramid operates the Walden Galleria Mall in the Buffalo suburb of Cheektowaga, and is Murdered By Pyramid: It Could Happen Here

Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve

Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve by Lynne Jackson The Albany Pine Bush Management Commission purchased 34 acres of land on September 24, 1996. Included in this purchase a key parcel that Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve

Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland?

Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland? Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland? Guest Article By Jamie and Mary Malcolm While Save the Pine Bush (SPB) is hard at work preserving any remaining Pine Bush in the Town of Guilderland, a series of projects including a new YMCA facility, are threatening to take protected land from Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland?


Albany Common Council Votes Against Pine Bush Approves Charlie Touhey’s Office Complex  Second Time within 6 Weeks – Albany Common Council Votes Against Pine Bush Approves Charlie Touhey’s Office Complex by Lynne Jackson The Common Council, against the wishes of its constituents, residents, and Save the Pine Bush, approved the re-zoning of 12 acres of 9


Albany Common Council Denies Dunes Residents Chance to be Heard Albany Common Council Denies Dunes Residents Chance to be Heard by Lynne Jackson July 1, 1996, Albany City Hall, was the place where the Common Council refused to listen to 25 or so angry Dunes residents who wanted the opportunity to speak. Charlie Touhey wants 9


09-24-05 09-24-05 Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  |  Page 5 Progressive Democrats of America – Virginia Ribbons of Resistance Stop the War in Iraq The Catholic Worker South Mississippi United for Peace Camp Casey Louisville People gather for the rally Wake up America Satellite Dish The Washington Monument Children 4

Unhealthy Choice

Thanks to anthrax, our new national hobgoblin, the federal Centers for Disease Control have been in the news a lot these days. Yet a report released by the CDC late in 2001 on a very different public health menaceÑurban sprawlÑhas gone largely unnoticed. According to the striking findings of the report, ÒCreating a Healthy Environment: Unhealthy Choice

Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

Upscale Tammybrook, a newish Cresskill, NJ., neighborhood, offers a pleasing glimpse of modern suburban living: imposing million-dollar homes, designer landscaping, sweeping vistas across northern New Jersey. What it fails to offer resident John McCann is a sidewalk to anywhere. So instead of hoofing it, the Cresskill councilman drives the 1.1 miles to the post office. Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

UAlbany Plan Adds to Spraw

The word that springs to mind for the University at Albany’s greasy plan to level 25 acres of classic pine bush on campus in order to build its own version of suburban sprawl isn’t printable. So I’ll settle for a distant second choice: pandering. “We’re told garden apartments are what today’s students want,” said a UAlbany Plan Adds to Spraw

Save the Pine Bush

Resting on a leaf, click on photo to see larger picture. So much controversy over such a tiny butterfly-the Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis. A beautiful pale blue, this tiny creature only lives in its adult form for one to two weeks. Named by Vladimir Nabokov (probably better known for his writing than his lepidoptery), Save the Pine Bush

Garage Sale Sucess!

A snow-covered field near Crossgates Mall may become a battleground over the effect of building in the Pine Bush and on that ecologically fragile area’s bellwether symbol, the Karner blue butterfly. Environmentalists are trying to fend off the nation’s largest independent hotel developer, which wants about four acres west of the mall’s movie theaters for Garage Sale Sucess!


Washington – 01-27-07 Washington – 01-27-07 Home  | Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  |  Page 5  |  Page 6  |  Page 7  |  Page 8  |  Page 9 Drummers Drummers Drummers set the beat Drummers set the beat We are walking toward the start of the march Hey, Congress: 4

Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush has a new web site address, Our original website is no longer available on the web, and no forwarding link is available. Wizvax Communications, a local internet service provider, went out of business in February leaving Save the Pine Bush without a way to tell web users how to find Save the Pine Bush

Black Bear Encounter in the Pine Bush

Black Bear Encounter in the Pine Bush   Black Bear Encounter in the Pine Bush by Alan Gilda It had always been a dream of mine; an encounter with a wild bear–approached with some trepidation I’ll admit. Many opportunities had existed. Trips to the Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone, and Adirondack Mountains had yielded tantalizing clues of Black Bear Encounter in the Pine Bush