Search Results for: 57 Karner Rd

Albany Pine Bush Commission, RE: 2772 & 2792 Curry Rd. – Eden Renewables proposed Solar Farm

September 3, 2019 Mr. Joseph LaCivita, Chair (by e-mail only)Director of Planning & Economic DevelopmentTown of Colonie Public Operations Center347 Old Niskayuna RoadLatham, NY 12110 RE: 2772 & 2792 Curry Rd. – Eden Renewables proposed Solar Farm Dear Director LaCivita, Thank you for requesting Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (APBPC) review and comment on the Albany Pine Bush Commission, RE: 2772 & 2792 Curry Rd. – Eden Renewables proposed Solar Farm

24 New Karner Road Senior Living Facility – Speak out on July 13th

Dear All, In two weeks, the Town of Guilderland will hold an in-person hearing on Pine Bush Senior Living PUD-24 New Karner Road on Tuesday July 13. The Town Board meeting begins at 7 PM This project was approved in 2015, but, it appears that the developer never broke ground. See the Altamont Enterprise article: 24 New Karner Road Senior Living Facility – Speak out on July 13th

10 New Karner Road Subdivison

This evening 1/12, the Concept Plan Review for a 2 Lot Minor Subdivision – 10 New Karner Road in the Pine Bush will be under consideration by the Town Planning Board. See the agenda here. You may also provide comment during the meeting by dialing (929) 205-6099, and entering Meeting ID: 870 8196 7894 and 10 New Karner Road Subdivison

Driving Backwards – Transportation Committee Shuns The Future

Driving Backwards – Transportation Committee Shuns The Future Driving Backwards Transportation Committee Shuns The Future By Daniel Van Riper Don’t expect to take a take a train to Saratoga anytime soon. Regional traffic planners appear to have little political will to provide taxpayers and citizens of the Capital District with alternatives to driving cars, such Driving Backwards – Transportation Committee Shuns The Future

Ward Stone and the West Nile Virus

Ward Stone and the West Nile Virus Ward Stone and the West Nile Virus Albany, NY &emdash; Ward Stone, State Wildlife Pathologist, spoke at the August SPB lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. He began by describing the virus’ one-year journey from Westchester to the Capital District. In July, 1999, crows seemed to be Ward Stone and the West Nile Virus

Man charged in bird-killing Albany

DINA CAPPIELLO Staff writer State Route 155 — a k a New Karner Road — may not be as aptly named as you might think. The four-mile-long thoroughfare — which cuts through the heart of the 2,700-plus-acre Pine Bush Preserve — disrupts the movement of Karner blue butterflies crossing the road to mate with others, Man charged in bird-killing Albany

Karner Blue Butterfly

Karner Blue Butterfly The Karner Blue Butterfly Lycaeides Melissa Samuelis A Karner Blue Butterfly rests on a blueberry leaf, photograph by Doug Morse Back to Karner Blue Butterfly Article Page Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner Pine Bush Hike Current Newsletter About Save the Pine Bush Virtual Photo Exhibit  Action Alerts Volunteer Nights Articles in Date Order Links Karner Blue Butterfly

SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer

SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer We couldn’t resist. . . What can I say? My husband, Daniel W. Van Riper, and I were strolling through a fair in Scotia, New York, when we came upon an exhibit from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). They were handing out applications to adopt bodies of water SPB Awarded Stewardship of Aquifer

Second lawsuit filed over Guilderland Planning Board’s approval of Pyramid project

Published on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 – 17:34 in the Altamont Enterprise Lynne Jackson of Save the Pine Bush speaks at a press conference announcing a Nov. 20 court decision to halt Pyramid’s plans to build a Costco and 222 residential units near Crossgates Mall in Guilderland.  GUILDERLAND — A week after a judge in Albany Second lawsuit filed over Guilderland Planning Board’s approval of Pyramid project

Letter-Writing Made a Difference Your Letters Needed to Help the Karner Blue Butterfly

by Lynne Jackson, Mar./Apr. 92 The Karner Blue has been proposed to be listed as an endangered species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. If the butterfly is listed as an endangered species with a designated critical habitat, any developments proposed within the habitat would need to have a federal permit in order to Letter-Writing Made a Difference Your Letters Needed to Help the Karner Blue Butterfly

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert! Action Alerts! Call Your Albany City Common Council Member To oppose re-zoning of 365 Washington Avenue Extension (If you do not live in Albany, then choose someone to call). Call before March 20, 2000 Call Your Albany County Legislator To call for the County to request that part of Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!


AUDUBON’S ENDANGERED SPECIES WORKSHOP and Save the Pine Bush Audubon’s Endangered Species Workshop Five Rivers Environmental Education Center Delmar, New York Saturday, November 22, 1997 AGENDA 9:30 a.m. Registration & Refreshments 9:45 a.m.   Welcome and Overview David Gibson, Capital Region Audubon 10:00 a.m. The Endangered Species Act History & Current Status in Congress Kathleen 92

Garbage in the Pine Bush

Garbage in the Pine Bush Garbage in the Pine Bush If you had to pick the ideal place to put a landfill, would you choose sand dunes over an aquifer on the site of the breeding ground of an endangered species? I don’t think you would, but the that’s where the City of Albany choose&shyp;the Garbage in the Pine Bush

John Wolcott, historian, preservationist, activist, and fierce advocate for the Pine Bush, dies at 90

ALBANY, NY: It is with great sadness that Save the Pine Bush learned of the passing of John Wolcott of Albany, NY, Thursday afternoon, August 17.  John was a founding member of  Save the Pine Bush in 1978.  He was a plaintiff on every lawsuit filed by Save the Pine Bush. Born September 22, 1932, John passed away John Wolcott, historian, preservationist, activist, and fierce advocate for the Pine Bush, dies at 90

4298 Albany Street, Town of Colonie

Dear All, Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 8, the Town of Colonie Planning Board will have a sketch plan review for an 8,000 sq foot warehouse on the 4.8 acre vacant lot behind Yonder Farms in the Albany Pine Bush — 4298 Albany Street.  The Planning Board meets at 6:00 PM at the Town of Colonie Memorial 4298 Albany Street, Town of Colonie


Here are some helpful tools to help you research development and land use changes in Albany Pine Bush. Properties on the Planning Board Agendas See our Planning Board Agenda Tracker. Search a Property You can search a property here, however it must be in a very specific format to match the tax record, like this Research

Curry Road Solar Guilderland (Borrego Solar) Proposed on 48-acres of Full Protection Lands

As much as we love solar, the Borrego Solar Project in Guilderland is NOT okay. Note: This proposal has been pulled. We are continuing to monitor future development proposals for this property. They will be submitting their site plan review to the Planning Board on Wednesday, September 8 2021.  This project is in a full Curry Road Solar Guilderland (Borrego Solar) Proposed on 48-acres of Full Protection Lands

Pine Bush Proposed Projects

Pine Bush Proposed Projects html, body, #map-canvas { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } .lidarBase { filter: brightness(140%) contrast(100%) !important; } .baseLayer, .dblsatBase, .grayscale, .multiplyOverlay, .mapwarp { mix-blend-mode: multiply !important; } .dblsatBase { filter: saturate(150%) contrast(110%) brightness(130%); } .grayscale { filter: grayscale(100%); } .invert { filter: invert(100%) grayscale(100%) contrast(200%) brightness(150%); opacity: 1.0; } .shadow Pine Bush Proposed Projects

Guilderland and Pyramid look for second suit, filed by Save the Pine Bush, to be dismissed 

Guilderland and Pyramid look for second suit, filed by Save the Pine Bush, to be dismissed  Monday, August 2, 2021 – 19:13 Enterprise file photo — Michael Koff The not-for-profit group Save The Pine Bush, in November 2020, celebrated when Westmere residents won a lawsuit (which was recently overturned) that stopped construction of two Pyramid projects. Guilderland and Pyramid look for second suit, filed by Save the Pine Bush, to be dismissed 


Devil Eats Developer – Massive Coverup Alleged Devil Eats Developer Massive Coverup Alleged By Daniel Van Riper The endangered Albany Pine Bush Devil, making it’s first reported appearance since last April Fools, has attacked and eaten developer Charlie Touhey, thus dramatically ending his stubborn and irrational plans to destroy Pine Bush acreage at 300 Washington 9

Nabokov’s Blues

Nabokov’s Blues Save the Pine Bush Sues City of Albany and Department of Environmental Conservation Over Illegal Landfill in the Pine Bush ALBANY, NY: Save the Pine Bush filed suit against the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the City of Albany over the permit approval for the City of Albany P-4 landfill Nabokov’s Blues

Letters to Save the Pine Bush

Letters to Save the Pine Bush   Letters to Save the Pine Bush Here is a sampling of letters written to Save the Pine Bush and some responses written by Lynne Jackson: From: (Richard Georgeson) To: To Lynne Jackson:   Lynne – In your history of Save the Pine Bush section of your Letters to Save the Pine Bush

The Rome Sand Plains

The Rome Sand Plains The Rome Sand Plains by Lynne Jackson Earlier this month, my husband and I had the pleasure of being given a personal tour of the Rome Sand Plains, a geological and biological sister to our Pine Bush. Located southeast of Rome, New York, the Sand Plains are similar to our Pine The Rome Sand Plains

The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers

The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers   The Deer Crisis No Easy Answers By Daniel Van Riper The Pine Bush ecosystem is in great danger from many enemies, particularly greedy developers and ignorant politicians. Invasive plant species, pesticides, runoff from the dump and highways, fire suppression and general abuse by humans have all hurt The Deer Crisis – No Easy Answers

Furry Pine Bush Residents

Furry Pine Bush Residents Furry Pine Bush Residents The butterfly is not the only resident of the Pine Bush. Little furry animals also reside in the Pine Bush. I had no idea how many different types of moles, voles, mice and other tiny creatures there are-or how important they are to the ecosystem of a Furry Pine Bush Residents

Michael Breslin Speaks

Michael Breslin Speaks   Michael Breslin Speaks by Ehren Evans Albany County Executive Breslin spoke at August’s lasagna dinner. It was an exciting opportunity for members of Save the Pine Bush to learn more about county government and the county executive. Mr. Breslin said his stint as county executive is the best job he ever Michael Breslin Speaks

Candidates Night at SPB

Candidates Night at SPB Candidates Night at SPB Three Candidates for Common Council President Tell Us About Themselves by Lynne Jackson All three candidates for Common Council President spoke at our August dinner to an attentive audience. Rezsin Adams introduced the candidates in alphabetical order. Gregory Burch spoke first. A lifelong resident of Albany, Burch Candidates Night at SPB

Neil Breslin Calls For Preservation

Neil Breslin Calls For Preservation Breslin Calls For Preservation Hoblock "Powerless" To Stop Walmart By Daniel Van Riper In the hottest local race of the election season, Neal Breslin, Democratic candidate for State Senate, which includes the Pine Bush and much of the Capital District, squared off with Republican incumbent Michael Hoblock at the Sept. Neil Breslin Calls For Preservation

Willie Janeway Comes to Visit

Willie Janeway Comes to Visit Willie Janeway Comes to Visit Albany, NY – At Save the Pine Bush’s November dinner, Willie Janeway, former executive Director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission and current executive director of the Hudson River Greenway, spoke about his observations about the Pine Bush. Protecting the Karner Blues has put Willie Janeway Comes to Visit


Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Begins an Updated Plan for Pine Bush Preservation Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Begins an Updated Plan for Pine Bush Preservation Colonie, NY &emdash; The Town of Colonie Community Center was the site of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission’s Scoping Session Hearing on the Commission’s updated plan for Pine 9

SPB Files Most Unpopular Suit Yet – Sues the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission

SPB Files Most Unpopular Suit Yet – Sues the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission  SPB Files Most Unpopular Suit Yet Sues the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission by Lynne Jackson In October, Save the Pine Bush filed its most controversial and unpopular suit yet against the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission to over-turn its fire SPB Files Most Unpopular Suit Yet – Sues the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission

Show Down Over Roundup

Show Down Over Roundup Show Down Over Roundup by John Wolcott Invading black locust trees are crowding out and over shadowing native Pine Bush plants including the blue lupine which is essential to the survival of the Karner Blue. Black locust trees, along with bulldozer happy developers, are one of the many threats to the Show Down Over Roundup

Teacher Wins Toyota Tapestry Grant

Teacher Wins Toyota Tapestry Grant Teacher Wins Toyota Tapestry Grant To carry out a classroom project to restore the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly, Seventh Grade science teacher, Alan Fiero, was awarded a $7600 Toyota Tapestry Grant. One of only 40 grants given in the country, the grant is from a pool of $400,000 used to Teacher Wins Toyota Tapestry Grant


FORCE Fights Pyramid – Guilderland Citizens Organize   FORCE Fights Pyramid Guilderland Citizens Organize By Daniel Van Riper Citizens and taxpayers of Guilderland, courageously opposed to the rape and ruination of their town by the vicious and sleazy Pyramid Corporation, have chosen a name for themselves and gotten down to the task of organizing. Friends 9

Residents Organize!

Residents Organize! Residents Organize! Citizens and taxpayers of Guilderland are forming a resistance which as of this writing has no name yet. Their first organizational meeting is taking place on Aug. 18th at Guilderland Elementary School. For information on how YOU can lend your skills to beating Pyramid at their own game, contact the following Residents Organize!