Lynne Jackson

SHARE — Sheridan Hollow Alliance for Renewable Energy Forms

ALBANY, NY— Leaders of local community organizations, backed up by environmental organizations throughout the state, released a letter on September 19, 2017; calling on Governor Cuomo and the Department of Environment Conservation (DEC) to undertake a full environmental review, including an Environmental Impact Statement on a 16-megawatt gas-fired power plant proposed in Sheridan Hollow, a SHARE — Sheridan Hollow Alliance for Renewable Energy Forms

Thank you, Peter!

Save the Pine Bush wishes to thank the late Peter Henner, Esq. and his estate for his generous contribution to Save the Pine Bush. Peter filed several lawsuits on behalf of Save the Pine Bush, attended many SPB lasagna dinners and was a friend to many of us. He is much missed.   For more Thank you, Peter!

Landfill Committee forming

by Diana Wright Given the plight of the Albany City Landfill and the dismaying information gathered at the 3 forums held by the City last month, PAUSE would like to form a committee to address the landfill dilemma looming over us. We had a preliminary meeting on July 6 to  see what kind of interest Landfill Committee forming

The Future of Solid Waste in Albany

by Lynne Jackson The City of Albany has announced meetings to discuss the future of solid waste in Albany. The landfill in the Pine Bush is finally scheduled to close in 2023. We need to decide what to do with our garbage. When you receive this newsletter, you should still be able to attend one The Future of Solid Waste in Albany

Initial Public Comments Delivered in Albany on March 31st at the Public Hearing on SEQRA

My Name is Roger Downs. I am the Conservation Director for the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter. We are a volunteer led organization of 48,000 members statewide dedicated to protecting NY’s air, water and remaining wild places. We thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony. We will be providing more substantive comments before the May Initial Public Comments Delivered in Albany on March 31st at the Public Hearing on SEQRA

Initial Public Comments Delivered in Albany on March 31st at the Public Hearing on SEQRA

Opinion by Lynne Jackson In 1978, when Save the Pine Bush began suing the City of Albany over proposed developments in the Pine Bush, the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), was not in effect. We could not use SEQRA in court, so, instead our initial lawsuits were over sewers. Fortunately SEQRA took effect soon Initial Public Comments Delivered in Albany on March 31st at the Public Hearing on SEQRA

City Owned Land Up for Grabs

by Lynne Jackson In an unusal twist of fate, Pine Bush land that is currently publicly held is being considered for development by the City of Schenectady. Called the Woodlawn Wetlands and Dunes Area, it is located in the Pine Bush ecosystem in the City of Schenectady, on the border of Albany County and Niskayuna, City Owned Land Up for Grabs

Step up and Advocate for the Styrofoam Ban in Albany County!

Dear Friends & Allies, Please help get your county legislator to say “yes” to the proposed styrofoam ban law. 1. Fill out this online petition even if you’ve completed a paper or online petition before. Go to: Leave a quick comment. These are powerful! 2. CALL your Albany County legislator – the petition will Step up and Advocate for the Styrofoam Ban in Albany County!

Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Releases 2017 Draft Management Plan Update

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission is releasing its Draft Management Plan Update for public review and comment on October 4, 2016. A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 25, 2016 from 7:00-9:00pm, at the Albany Pine Bush Discovery Center, 195 New Karner Road, Albany, NY to gather public comment on this document. People Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Releases 2017 Draft Management Plan Update

Peter Henner

NEW SCOTLAND — A man of principle and passion, Peter Henner worked for causes he believed in with the same logic and commitment he used when playing chess. He tackled his legal work as he tackled mountains on climbs with his wife — with a sense of adventure. “He always told everything straight,” said Nancy Peter Henner

Tour Sustainable Materials Management Facilities

  On August 12, the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center (SU-EFC), in collaboration with the New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling (NYSAR³), is sponsoring a special tour highlighting New York State sustainable materials management (SMM) operations including materials recovery facilities, composting facilities, anaerobic digestion systems, reuse centers, and more! At each facility, Tour Sustainable Materials Management Facilities

Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

by Tim Truscott   There has been plenty of energy pipeline news in the Capital Region of New York during the month of April. Here is some of it: Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline “Suspended” On April 20, Kinder Morgan, the developer for the Northeast Energy Direct (NED) 30-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, announced it was Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

A thorn in the Pine Bush

By TU Editorial Board on December 29, 2015 at 3:30 AM   When the city of Albany in 2009 convinced New York state to let it do one more landfill expansion, it knew the deal: In exchange for a bigger dump, the city would have to fund a substantial restoration of the fragile Pine Bush. A thorn in the Pine Bush

Say ‘No’ to proposed pipeline

  In 1996, the Iroquois Pipeline Co. pleaded guilty to four felony counts and paid multimillion dollar fines for overseeing hundreds of criminal violations of the Clean Water Act during the construction of a 375 milelong gas pipeline across New York state. A decade later, the construction of the Millennium Pipeline resulted in the same Say ‘No’ to proposed pipeline

Hi again, Karner blue

  Albany: More than 20 years of habitat restoration and breeding programs have helped the endangered Karner blue butterfly make a comeback in the Capital Region pine barrens where it was discovered by Russian author Vladimir Nabokov decades ago. “This project has been unbelievably rewarding,” said Neil Gifford, conservation director for the 3,200-acre Albany Pine Hi again, Karner blue



The Unforeseen Consequences of Tobacco

  Most people view cigarettes as a health problem, but they are a huge environmental problem as well. The entire life cycle of a cigarette has an impact on the environment – from growing the tobacco to throwing away the butt. Tobacco Farming -Tobacco cultivation is responsible for a myriad of environmental problems, including land The Unforeseen Consequences of Tobacco

Neil Gifford Brings Good News

by Lynne Jackson   ALBANY: Neil Gifford, conservation director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission, spoke at the Save the Pine Bush Earth Day dinner on April 22. He brought good news. Neil began by describing “young forest management.” Young forests are dominated by shrubs and saplings, and are often found where old farm Neil Gifford Brings Good News

Hey, Everyone! Time to Get on the Bus!

  ALBANY: In August, the Capital District Transportation Authority announced that bus service has begun between downtown Albany and the Pine Bush. Everyone should get on the bus to visit the Discovery Center. The bus only runs on Saturdays. To take the bus from downtown Albany to the Discovery Center on a Saturday, get on Hey, Everyone! Time to Get on the Bus!

John Wolcott Day

Monday, September 22 was declared John Wolcott Day in the City of Albany by Mayor Kathy Sheehan on the occasion of his 82nd birthday. John has contributed greatly to the city through his archeological findings and support of the environment           Published in October/November, 2014 Save the Pine Bush Newsletter

Too Little Burning Done

by Dina Cappiello The Albany Pine Bush Preserve just can’t seem to get a break with the weather. In the last seven years, drought or wet weather has limited managers of the inland pine barrens to burning a total of 288 acres, a fraction of the 200 acres each year they are supposed to set Too Little Burning Done

History Uncovered

Reprinted from Metroland —by Ann Morrow on September 18, 2014 · “The most important thing now is to excavate it,” said John Wolcott, pointing to a map projected on the wall behind him. The longtime historical researcher, archeologist, and cartographer was referring to Fort Nassau, the 1614 fur trading post built by Dutch mariners near History Uncovered

Bomb Train Rally

Thursday, October 21st, 2014 from 11:30 AM to 12:15 PM In front of the DEC builing, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY         Published in October/November, 2014 Save the Pine Bush Newsletter

Pine Bush Gets National Status

By Sarah Roberts/For The Daily Gazette ALBANY — The Albany Pine Bush Preserve, a patchwork of 3,200 acres, has been designated a National Natural Landmark, after National Park Service officials determined it to be “an outstanding example of a globally rare ecosystem.” The preserve will join 596 other natural landmarks as prime examples of biological Pine Bush Gets National Status

Editorial: A toast to the Pine Bush

  THE STAKES: It’s a tribute to those dedicated to protecting it from development. In the late 1970s, the Pine Bush, the sprawling pine barrens that extend from the city of Albany to Schenectady County, was considered by some a vast wasteland ripe for development. Its central location appealed to investors, who saw it as a prime Editorial: A toast to the Pine Bush

Sally’s Recycling Corner: Tires

by Sally Cummings I have a few tires at home. How can I recycle them? You may be able to return surplus tires to either a tire retailer or a local recycling facility that accepts tires. Be sure to confirm that the facility accepts tires for recycling and check for quantity and size limitations. Some Sally’s Recycling Corner: Tires

Local Food Waste Update

by Sheree Cammer, Troy Compost volunteer Easily compostable organic waste is generated at the rate of an estimated 3/4 pound per person per day in the USA, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Crisis or opportunity? It’s up to us. Inter-Municipal Organics Wate Initiative A resolution approving the City of Troy joining the Inter-Municipal Organics Local Food Waste Update

Letter to the Editor

  Dear SPB, I was concerned when I read “How to get guests to recycle” I thought we were supposed to wash washable recyclables before putting them in the recycling bin. Entertaining is limited for me at 87 years plus, but, I recall how exasperating party guests can be, especially when a guest has had Letter to the Editor